Tuesday, January 26, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on http://NoLiesRadio.org, to be archived here a few hours later… Today’s guest: Scholar-activist-author Kirkpatrick Sale, 9/11 skeptic, leading neo-luddite philosopher and America’s best-known secessionist; co-founder, the Middlebury Institute for the study of separatism, secession, and self-determination. Are we witnessing the collapse of the US empire? Is the USA going broke fighting wars halfway around the world, and falling apart at home? Would we be better off as a loose confederation of independent states, as the founders apparently intended? Kirpatrick Sale says secessionists are on the right side of history. Find out…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Scientist A.K. Dewdney, “ex-Beatle,” cell phone techie, and prominent American Islamic leader walk into a radio show
Truth Jihad Radio, Sat. 1/23/10, 5-7 pm Central, http://www.americanfreedomradio.com (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: I will be joined by the channeled spirit of an assassinated member of the Beatles, along with prominent scientist and Muslims for 9/11 Truth co-founder A.K. Dewdney and former cell phone techie Susan Clarke, who will comment on:David Ray Griffin, Rowland Morgan rebut 9/11 cell phone misinfo. We may be joined by Andy Kornkven, who has a different take on the 9/11 cell phone controversy. Second hour: Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi of the House of Wisdom Mosque in Dearborn, Michigan, author, “Expanding…
FULL ARTICLEDouglas Rushkoff on Fair and Balanced Tuesday, 1/19
Tuesday, June 30th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on http://NoLiesRadio.org: NYU professor Douglas Rushkoff, author of the new Life, Inc.., as well as Coercion: Why We Listen to What “They” Say (which I applied to 9/11 truth here, eliciting the compliment “terrific stuff” from Professor Rushkoff, whose take on 9/11 seems to have gone back and forth a bit…) Whatever his current views may be, Douglas Rushkoff has written more good, popular books than any other American professor I’ve yet heard of. His new Life, Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation is a provocative critique of the corporatocracy…
FULL ARTICLEElias Davidsson, Mike Casner & Frank Tolopko on Truth Jihad Radio today!
Truth Jihad Radio today, Sat. 1/16/10, 5-7 pm Central, http://www.americanfreedomradio.com (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Elias Davidsson, a leading European 9/11 truth researcher-activist, is the author of the critically important article “No Evidence that Muslims Hijacked Planes on 9/11.” We will discuss the non-case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the false-confession five. His posted biography begins: Elias Davidsson was born in Palestine in 1941. His parents were born in Germany but had to emigrate to Palestine due to the Nazi persecution of Jews. Elias lived his first years Baq’aa, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Jews, Christians…
FULL ARTICLETuesday on F&B: Math and Science Polymath & 9/11 Truth Researcher A.K. Dewdney
Tuesday 1/12/10 on Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern), http://www.noliesradio.org to be archived a few hours later here: Scientist, polymath and 9/11 researcher/activist A.K. Dewdney. Note: We were unable to broadcast a live interview, so instead we are replaying an earlier interview with A.K. Dewdney. Meanwhile, David Ray Griffin writes: FYI, I have just submitted a major paper to Global Research entitled “Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners: A Response to Questions Evoked by My Fifth Estate Interview,” which points out the crucial importance of Kee’s 2003 papers on cell phone calls…
FULL ARTICLECrotch-bomber skeptic Jerry Mazza, freeway blogger Mark Graham on Truth Jihad Radio today!
Truth Jihad Radio today, Sat. 1/9/10, 5-7 pm Central, http://www.americanfreedomradio.com (to be archived here.) First hour: Davis, CA 9/11 truth activist and freeway blogger Mark Graham — watch these guys confront the California Highway Patrol! http://www.freewayblogging.com. (I’ll be speaking in Sacramento and hopefully Davis late March/early April — one event is scheduled for 7 pm, Friday April 2nd, Colonial Heights Library Community Room, 4799 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95820. Anybody in the Bay Area who wants to set up a talk, please email me at kbarrettATmerrDOTcom and stay tuned to Sacramento Valley 9/11 Truth!) Second hour: Jerry Mazza, poet &…
FULL ARTICLEBarry Shainbaum, photographer, radio host, and motivational speaker, on Fair and Balanced Tuesday
Tuesday, January 5th, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced, http://www.noliesradio.org, archived a few hours later here : Writer-photographer-broadcaster Barry Shainbaum. Why won’t the media — with a few noble exceptions — go anywhere near 9/11 truth? Let’s ask one of the noble exceptions, Barry Shainbaum! Barry Shainbaum, broadcaster, motivational speaker, photographer, and much more – hosts Canada’s most listened to spiritual talk show, “Perspectives” (listen via http://www.barryshainbaum.com/ ). He has invited me, David Ray Griffin, and others on his show to discuss 9/11, and is a member of Media for 9/11…
FULL ARTICLERolf Lindgren discusses KSM witch trial on F&B
Tuesday, December 22nd, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced, http://www.noliesradio.org, archived a few hours later here: Rolf Lindgren, lead author, KSM Conspiracy Charges Analyzed and Debunked.
FULL ARTICLEBruce Levine, Alison Weir on Truth Jihad Radio
Saturday, December 19th on Truth Jihad Radio, 5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio.com to be archived here in a few days… First hour: Bruce Levine, Ph.D clinical psychologist, author Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic: How to Find Morale, Energy, and Community in a World Gone Crazy; and Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy. Check out his excellent new article, Are Americans Too Broken for the Truth to Set Us Free? Second hour: Alison Weir, If Americans Knew, setting the record straight on the Palestinian-Zionist conflict. Several of Alison Weir’s articles have been included in…
FULL ARTICLETarpley: “Obama declares war on Pakistan”
Tuesday, December 15th, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced, http://www.noliesradio.org, to be archived a few hours later here: Webster Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror, two Obama exposes, Surviving the Cataclysm, and other books. Webster Tarpley is one of the most important geopolitical analysts of our time. His brand-new article “Obama Declares War on Pakistan” rips the veil off the covert Anglo-American war against Pakistan. I am posting the entire article below, since it is brand-new and I can’t find it posted elsewhere yet.OBAMA DECLARES WAR ON PAKISTAN By Webster G.…