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Randy Short Offers a Different View of Kanye; Joachim Hagopian on “Devil’s Playground: The West’s Nuclear False Flag”

Listen HERE Rev. Dr. Randy Short offers a different view of the Kanye West controversy. Dr. Short has known Ye for many years. He thinks Ye’s statements about Jews have been overly harsh, poorly thought out, and even ungrateful. (Yes, Jews do dominate the entertainment business, and they helped Ye become a billionaire, so why is he biting the hand that feeds him?) Halfway through the hour we’re joined by Joachim Hagopian, author of DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND UKRAINE IS CRIME CABAL’S LAST STAND RESORTING TO FALSE FLAG TO BLAME PUTIN FOR NUKES: “Lately much of the mainstream media focus is emphasizing how…


Bro. Demetric Muhammad on “Ye Meets Jewish Power”

Listen HERE Author and journalist Bro. Demetric Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses the new Final Call article “Kanye West Meets Jewish Power.” It begins: “Black entertainer Ye (formerly Kanye West) has now joined the elite ranks of some of our most powerful and prestigious Black freedom fighters, such as Martin Luther King, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Malcolm X, Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and even our late great freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. For they–like Kanye–were all labeled ‘anti-Semites’ by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.”


LIVE RADIO! Bro. Demetric Muhammad on “Ye Meets Jewish Power”; Randy Short Offers a Different View of Kanye; Joachim Hagopian on “Devil’s Playground: The West’s Nuclear False Flag”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Author and journalist Bro. Demetric Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses the new Final Call article “Kanye West Meets Jewish Power.” It begins: “Black entertainer Ye (formerly Kanye West) has now joined the elite ranks of some of our most powerful and prestigious Black freedom fighters, such as Martin Luther King, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Malcolm X, Bishop Desmond Tutu, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and even our late great freedom fighter Nelson Mandela. For they–like Kanye–were all labeled ‘anti-Semites’ by the Anti-Defamation League of…


Anthony Hall on Grassroots Revolt Against Justin Trudeau’s Dystopia

Listen at my Substack Professor Emeritus Anthony Hall (University of Lethbridge) returns to discuss the ongoing grassroots revolt against Canadian fuhrer, I mean, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. We’ll discuss “what’s going on in Canada that led to the installation of a new Premier of Alberta, Danielle Smith, who replaced Jason Kenney who resigned. Smith promises to institute an Alberta Sovereignty Act. The great distance between Danielle and Trudeau can be signified by this comment from the new premier who intends to insert medical choice into the Alberta Human Rights Act.” We’ll also discuss the rise of the Alberta Independence Party;…


Mystic Greg Leveille on “Going Beyond Chaos”

Listen at my Substack Greg Leveille of the Spiritual Secrets Substack just published “Going Beyond Chaos while floating in a River of Loving Consciousness.” In it he asks some good questions: “Are you making a positive difference in the world, or are you contributing to the confusion and the contentiousness of the current round of worldwide chaos?   Can you let go, or at least ignore the left-side and right-side arguments, or have you taken a firm stand supporting one side or the other? “Do you think of yourself as part of the government narrative, the alternative narrative, or the spiritual narrative?   Are…


LIVE RADIO! Mystic Greg Leveille on “Going Beyond Chaos”; Anthony Hall on Grassroots Revolt Against Justin Trudeau’s Dystopia

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Greg Leveille of the Spiritual Secrets Substack just published “Going Beyond Chaos while floating in a River of Loving Consciousness.” In it he asks some good questions: “Are you making a positive difference in the world, or are you contributing to the confusion and the contentiousness of the current round of worldwide chaos?   Can you let go, or at least ignore the left-side and right-side arguments, or have you taken a firm stand supporting one side or the other? “Do you think of yourself as part of the government…


Helen Buyniski on “Persian Girls Gone Wild…in the Service of Western Imperialism”

Listen HERE Helen Buyniski a.k.a. “Helen of Destroy” (catch her occasionally on False Flag Weekly News) discusses her article “Another day, another color revolution in Iran: “The architects of US foreign policy have officially run out of ideas in their quest to overthrow the Iranian government. Rather than holding off on another regime change attempt until they can cobble together a new plan of action, however, they’ve decided to insult the intelligence of the Iranian people by reheating 2009’s leftovers and trying to pass them off as a genuine revolution. Fool me once – 1953’s CIA-sponsored overthrow of democratically-elected Prime…


El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan on “Free Aafia” Demonstrations Oct. 23

Listen HERE Human rights activist El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan of discusses the “Free Aafia” demonstrations he’s helping organize, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23, near where Aafia Siddiqui is being held at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. As I wrote in the posting for last month’s interview with Gordon Duff: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11 perp neocons not because of anything she did, but purely to…


Claire Khaw Says Non-Muslims Should Follow the Qur’an’s Rules (Some of Them, Anyway)

But in that case why not just convert to Islam? Listen HERE Claire Khaw advocates “Secular Koranism”—the idea that the Qur’an should become the basis of secular legal systems. Its rules, she says, should apply to everyone, not just Muslims. That’s not as crazy an idea as it sounds. Claire has some provocative and persuasive insights into the underlying causes of Western decadence and how the Qur’an’s guidance could help fix things. Listen to this interview and you’ll discover that Claire and I agree that patriarchy is basically a good thing, not a bad thing. (For more heretical talk on…


El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan on “Free Aafia” Demonstrations Oct. 23; Helen Buyniski on “Persian Girls Gone Wild…in the Service of Western Imperialism”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Human rights activist El-Hajj Mauri’ Salakhan of discusses the “Free Aafia” demonstrations he’s helping organize, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 23, near where Aafia Siddiqui is being held at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. As I wrote in the posting for last month’s interview with Gordon Duff: Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was the victim of what Ramsey Clark called “the worst case of individual injustice I have ever witnessed.” A brilliant neuroscientist (MIT-Brandeis) and leading Islamic activist, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was crucified by the 9/11…

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