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Nick Kollerstrom on 7/7, Jerry Mazza on Ft. Hood shooting on Fair and Balanced Tues. 11/17

Nick Kollerstrom, author of Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7 was my guest on Truth Jihad Radio two weeks ago when a freak localized internet outage knocked the show off the air.Nick will return Tuesday 11/17 on Fair and Balanced to finish what he was saying before he was so rudely interrupted: 9-9:30 a.m. Pacific (noon-12:30 pm Eastern), . Here is my introduction to Terror on the Tube. During the second half of the show (12:30-1 pm Eastern), Jerry Mazza will discuss his new Infowars article on the Ft. Hood shooting “U.S. Dying to Prosecute Hasan.”…


Splitting-the-Sky, Geraldine Perry on Truth Jihad Radio 11/14/09

Saturday 11/14, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio, on AmericanFreedomRadio:First hour: Civil resistance icon Splitting-the-Sky, who was arrested last spring while trying to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes including those of the 9/11 false flag attack, setting the stage for a trial in which the tables will be turned and Bush put on trial. Splitting-the-Sky is also known for his research on the 9/11 money trail.Second hour: Geraldine Perry, alternative health expert and author The Two Faces of Money, on the Federal Reserve Conspiracy, the false flag flu, and much more!


Gilad Atzmon on Fair and Balanced

Tuesday 11/10, on Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, 9-10 am Pacific (noon-1pm Eastern) on NoLiesRadio (to be archived a few hours later here): Gilad Atzmon, Israeli-born UK resident, jazz saxophonist, author of the hilarious and disturbing novel A Guide to the Perplexed, and controversial anti-Zionist op-ed writer. Ironically, it is anti-Zionists like Gilad Atzmon who are upholding the great Jewish ethical tradition, which blends acerbic skepticism with intense moral engagement. Gilad Atzmon’s internet op-eds are infinitely better than the kind that gets printed on dead trees. He is a genuinely original voice. I’m looking forward to our conversation on…


Jew vs. Muslim Debate, 7/7 Inside Job on Truth Jihad Radio!

Ken Biegeleisen and I agree on two very important things: We are here to serve God, and 9/11 was an inside job. We disagree on the question of which religion is the genuinely universal monotheism. Ken says it’s Judaism; I say it’s Islam. Don’t expect us to solve this one in an hour, but it should be interesting anyway! (Christian listeners, agnostics, Buddhists, etc. — feel free to weigh in through the call-in number 512-879-3805.) Second hour: Controversial U.K truth-seeker Nick Kollerstrom, author of Terror on the Tube: Behind the Veil of 7/7. Contributing to the conversation will be Progressive…


William Blum, Philip Weiss on “Fair and Balanced” Today

Tuesday 10/27, Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, 9-10 am Pacific (noon-1pm Eastern) on NoLiesRadio: First half-hour: William Blum, author, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II and Rogue State, 3d Edition: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower. Second half: Philip Weiss, former NY Times journalist, taboo-busting anti-Zionist, author “Do Jews Dominate in American Media? And So What If We Do?“ Two more intellectually first-rate, highly-accomplished tellers of hard truths — the perfect follow-up to Saturday’s show with John Cobb and Richard Falk! This show will be archived a few hours after broadcast here.


John Cobb, Richard Falk on Halloween Truth Jihad Radio special

Terrify trick-or-treaters by listening to these voices of horrifying truth while you hand out candy!Saturday 10/31, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio, on AmericanFreedomRadio:First hour: John Cobb, leading Protestant theologian, co-editor of 9/11 and American Empire v.2: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Speak Out.Second hour: Richard Falk, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University, U.N. Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, expert on the Goldstone Report, and 9/11 truth-seeker. Read yesterday’s Press TV story: “Falk: Goldstone Report Puts Israel on Trial.” To be archived a few days after broadcast here.


My radio schedule Saturday 10/24 through Tuesday 11/3

Past shows archived here and here.General information on my shows here. Saturday 10/24, 5-7 pm Central, Truth Jihad Radio, on AmericanFreedomRadio:First hour: Muhammed Abdullah, Marine-corps vet truther raided by DHS in apparent reprisal for his activism.Second hour: 9/11 truth supporter Professor Anthony Hall, Globalization Studies, University of Lethbridge, discussing Bush-league war criminals and more. Monday 10/26, 1:20 – 2 pm Central: Guesting on The Maxon Show, KTKK “K-Talk” Radio, Salt Lake City, to be archived here. Tuesday 10/27, 9-10 am Pacific, Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett, on NoLiesRadio:Dr. Ian Douglas, Coordinator, International Initiative to Prosecute US Genocide in Iraq.Friday…


William Pepper, Joshua Blakeney: Arrest Bush, Cheney & other war criminals!

Tuesday, October 20th, 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on “Fair and Balanced,” (archived a few hours later here):William Pepper will open the show with an update on prospects for war crimes prosecutions…then Joshua Blakeney, who is following Bush to Saskatoon to organize and participate in protests, will join us live to report on the welcome Canadians have prepared for the former War-Criminal-in-Chief. (Last time we did this, during Bush’s visit to Calgary last spring, my show broke the story of Splitting-the-Sky’s getting himself arrested while trying to arrest Bush!) William Pepper, a friend of…


Webster Tarpley, Jonathan Elinoff coming up this week!

Webster Tarpley, author 9/11 Synthetic Terror, two prophetic books on Obama, Surviving the Cataclysm, and other critically important works just returned from Iceland, where he helped convince some key Icelanders to tell the New World Order bankers to stuff their debt-paper where the sun don’t shine…Webster will be my guest on both shows:Tuesday, October 13th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on Fair and Balanced…andSaturday, October 17th, 5-6 pm Central, on Truth Jihad Radio. Then on the second hour Saturday (6-7 pm Central) on Truth Jihad Radio I’ll be joined by Jonathan Elinoff of, who just broke…


Jeff Gates, Ellen Brown on Truth Jihad Radio tomorrow!

Saturday, October 10th, 5-7 pm Central, AmericanFreedomRadio… First hour: Jeff Gates, author, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War. A former Senate Finance Committee counsel, Jeff Gates exposes the Jewish-Zionist-centered ashkenazi mob at the top of the global organized crime pyramid, both in the US (think Meyer Lansky and Larry Silverstein) and in Russia (six of the big seven organized crime bosses a.k.a. “the oligarchs” are Russian-Israeli dual citizens)…a mob that seems to have taken over U.S. foreign policy, and (in my opinion) appears to have been a key force behind the 9/11 false-flag attack. See…

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