Listen HERE First half-hour: Maisoon Rice, a British-Palestinian-Pakistani blogger and activist, is no fan of Zionism or imperialism. She contacted me after last week’s devastating and tragic earthquake to suggest that it might not have been entirely natural. As one of tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly Newsstories puts it: “Turkey denounces ‘psychological war’ as Western consulates close—days later, huge earthquake hits.” Along with the possible HAARPquake, we’ll also discuss tomorrow’s 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Israel’s Haifa port project and the Belt and Road initiative, the new ultra-extremist Israeli government’s acceleration of the Palestinian genocide, and more. Maisoon writes: “They…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Zafar Bangash on Iran Revolution Anniversary
Listen HERE Zafar Bangash of Crescent International, the English-speaking world’s leading Muslim current events magazine, discusses tomorrow’s 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution—the topic of his new article “Islamic Iran Resists Western Threats, Sabotage And Aggression.” It’s published, along with my article “Why Hasn’t Iran’s Revolution and Governance Model Spread?“, in this month’s Crescent.
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Maisoon Rice Questions Turkey-Syria “HAARPquake” ; Linh Dinh on “A Distant Episode”; Zafar Bangash on Iran Revolution Anniversary
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half-hour: Maisoon Rice, a British-Palestinian-Pakistani blogger and activist, is no fan of Zionism or imperialism. She contacted me after last week’s devastating and tragic earthquake to suggest that it might not have been entirely natural. As one of tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News stories puts it: “Turkey denounces ‘psychological war’ as Western consulates close—days later, huge earthquake hits.” Along with the possible HAARPquake, we’ll also discuss tomorrow’s 44th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Israel’s Haifa port project and the Belt and Road initiative, the new ultra-extremist Israeli government’s…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Bahlawanian on “Desire to Live” (Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh, Armenia)
Listen HERE Peter Bahlawanian is the producer of director/writer/editor Mariam Avetisyan’s The Desire to Live. The winner of 136 awards from 72 Film Festivals worldwide, the film is “a visually stunning record of the 2020 war’s impact on the indigenous people of Artsakh” depicting “the uncertainty and challenges of a crippled or nonexistent livelihood in a region wracked by war.” For background, Peter Bahlawanian recommends the article “Genocide is About to Unfold in Artsakh and the West Has Secured a Front-Row Seat.” It begins: “Azerbaijani special forces and military personnel—masquerading as ‘environmentalists’—have blocked the only road connecting Artsakh to Armenia. They have effectively severed…
FULL ARTICLEMoti Nissani’s “Eight Billion Cheers for Direct Democracy”
Listen HERE Moti Nissani, Professor Emeritus (Biology), Wayne State University, discusses his new free online book Eight Billion Cheers for Direct Democracy: Direct Democracy is Humanity’s Last Best and Only Hope. Nissani argues that today’s most pressing problems—prospective nuclear war, runaway technology, and eco-catastrophe—could be solved by creating and expanding real democracy (as opposed to US/Western oligarchy) borrowing ideas from ancient Athens and modern Switzerland, Iceland, and Berlin (the Philharmonic, not the Bundestag). His sad conclusion: “It is heart-breaking then, to know that in real democracy is the salvation of the world, and yet to suspect that real democracy is a…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Moti Nissani’s “Eight Billion Cheers for Direct Democracy”; Peter Bahlawanian on “Desire to Live” (Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh, Armenia)
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Moti Nissani, Professor Emeritus (Biology), Wayne State University, discusses his new free online book Eight Billion Cheers for Direct Democracy: Direct Democracy is Humanity’s Last Best and Only Hope. Nissani argues that today’s most pressing problems—prospective nuclear war, runaway technology, and eco-catastrophe—could be solved by creating and expanding real democracy (as opposed to US/Western oligarchy) borrowing ideas from ancient Athens and modern Switzerland, Iceland, and Berlin (the Philharmonic, not the Bundestag). His sad conclusion: “It is heart-breaking then, to know that in real democracy is the salvation of…
FULL ARTICLEPhilip Kraske on “The War in Ukraine Will End with a Bang — Soon”
Listen HERE Video link Did the neocons instigate the Ukraine war with the intention of creating a pretext for a nuclear first strike on Russia? Philip Kraske says yes! Read his article “The War in Ukraine Will End with a Bang — Soon.” Then listen to me push back against some of his claims…and decide for yourself. Philip Kraske is the author six books including A Legacy of Chains (inspired by the true story of US prisoners left behind in Vietnam) and 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bonsai Trees. (Listen to his earlier Truth Jihad Radio interviews.)
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Peter McCullough on Vax & Mortality; Peter Myers on WEF, WHO, & Global Health Tyranny
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Peter McCullough, MD has spent much of the past three years defying unprecedented censorship while publicizing evidence-based COVID treatment protocols and questioning key aspects of the official response to the pandemic. On December 7, citing increasing reports of injuries and deaths from mRNA vaccines, Dr. McCullough, speaking at a US Senate roundtable, called for them to be withdrawn from the market. Regular Truth Jihad Radio listeners know there is strong evidence that the vaccines are causing injuries and deaths. The question is, how many? Precisely how dangerous are…
FULL ARTICLEMathew Crawford Responds to Ron Unz on Vax & Mortality
Listen HERE Mathew Crawford appeared on Truth Jihad Radio last February and estimated that the COVID vaccines had killed over 200,000 Americans. Tonight he responds to Ron Unz, who appeared on last week’s show discussing his survey of mortality data across the mRNA vaccinated countries. According to that data, the COVID vaccines do not seem to have killed statistically significant numbers of people. Unz points out that the introduction and use of the vaccines does not appear to correlate to increases in cardiac/stroke mortality or working-age mortality. See: “Vaxxing Deaths or COVID Deaths?” and “Obesity and the End of the…
FULL ARTICLERichard Cook Addresses American Nationalists
Listen HERE Retired USG analyst and celebrated Challenger disaster whistleblower Richard Cook discusses his new article “An Urgent Plea to American Nationalists: The US Must Stop Being the Divisive Nation by Cleaning Up Our Own Mess First.” Cook: “It’s the Neocons who have a vice grip on US foreign policy, which today revolves around the US proxy war in Ukraine against Russia. Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, who launched a reign of terror against Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population, has outlawed all political parties but his own, banned a free press, and is eradicating the Christian religion. Zelensky is a puppet of the…