Mon. 3/4/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 First hour: Gordon Duff may be the most prolific independent journalist out there. (“Out there” is right… some of his stuff is pretty wild.) His latest epistles concern anti-Semitism, Chuck Hagel, and Lord knows what else. Antigravity, UFOs, and peace in the Middle East, anyone? Second hour: Gordon stays for the first segment; then at 4:20 Dr. Bob Reuschlein comes on with a different view of Climate Change (the topic covered during the second hour of Friday’s show).
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Jim Fetzer on JFK, Sandy Hook, and other black ops; David Evans questions climate change
Fri. 3/1/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 1st hour: Gordon Duff couldn’t make it, so Jim Fetzer (also of Veterans Today) filled in with a discussion of black ops in general and JFK and Sandy Hook in particular. 2nd hour: David Evans is behind the 12-minute video Climate Change in 12 Minutes – The Skeptic’s Case. With an electrical engineering Ph.D. from Stanford, Dr. Evans is no fool. So is his skepticism about climate change orthodoxy warranted? Or is David Ray Griffin correct in scoffing at it? (David’s forthcoming book will deal with climate change,…
FULL ARTICLEIs the USA a “fascist beast”?
Wed. 2/27/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: British scholar Rodney Shakespeare writes: “The USA is a fascist beast. Yes, the country which likes to lecture everybody about liberty, democracy and human rights has become viciously totalitarian. “Every sane person knows this is true about the USA at home. The government spies on everyone; people are beaten up; in the airports people are sexually humiliated to get them used to being controlled; the mainstream television channels spew lies; thousands of drones will soon be in the skies (and who would be so foolish as to claim…
FULL ARTICLEJerry Mazza’s tribute to justice-seeking 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani
Tuesday, Feb 26th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani was rebuffed by the Supreme Court last week Guest: Jerry Mazza, author of the new article Supreme Court justice is blind to Ellen Mariani petition. Jerry Mazza is a freelance writer, life-long resident of New York City. An EBook version of his book of poems “State Of Shock,” on 9/11 and its after effects is now available at and He has written hundreds of articles on politics and government as Associate Editor of…
FULL ARTICLETony Rooke to discuss BBC 9/11 court case LIVE, shortly after the hearing!
Mon. 2/25/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) The BBC reported WTC-7’s demise…20 minutes early! Obviously the 9/11 criminals fed the story to the BBC a bit early…BBC’s cover-up on their behalf ever since is a capital crime against humanity First hour: Tony Rooke discusses this morning’s court hearing charging the BBC with 9/11 lies and propaganda. (Details below). Second hour: Tom Tvedtan, MD may have compelling evidence that miniature nuclear weapons were used in the WTC demolitions: An off-the-charts rate of “nuclear-only” cancers among those exposed to WTC dust. * * * Ian Henshall writes: Saturday…
FULL ARTICLECLG founder Dr. Michael Rectenwald, libertarian reggae icon Jerry Stevens
Fri. 2/22/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour: Dr. Michael Rectenwald teaches the history and philosophy of science, among other topics, at New York University. The founder of Citizens for Legitimate Government, America’s best on-line news-agglomeration service, Dr. Rectenwald is also an author of short fiction. His new book is called The Thief and Other Stories. We’ll discuss the various conspiracies unmasked by CLG, including 9/11 and Sandy Hook, as well as issues raised by his fiction. Second hour: Jerry Stevens is founder, lead singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer of five successful Root 1 albums. The latest…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones: “Smells like Jewish revolutionary spirit!”
Wed. 2/20/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) 335 × 225 – First hour: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars magazine, is one of America’s most interesting dissident intellectuals. Driven out of Notre Dame University for opposing abortion (!) Dr. Jones has since developed a fascinating historical analysis of the ongoing struggle between Christianity and what he calls “the Jewish revolutionary spirit.” In his view, Israel’s habit of taking over Palestinian TV stations and broadcasting pornography is just the latest example of Jewish tribal power’s use of vice – sexual deviation, usury, and various forms of organized crime – to…
FULL ARTICLEWayne Madsen: 9/11 author Philip Marshall “suicided” by black ops team
Tuesday, Feb 19th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Former National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen of Wayne Madsen writes: February 15-17, 2013 — Sacramento, CA — Philip Marshall: A black ops hit made to appear as a suicide Philip Marshall, the retired United Airlines pilot, 9/11 analysis author, and one-time Iran-contra era associate of CIA/DEA informant Barry Seal, did not shoot his two teen-age children and himself. That is the conclusion of everyone who knew Marshall after he moved to the Sierra Nevadas community of Murphys…
FULL ARTICLEPoker Face is not an Israeli band, they’re an AMERICAN band
Mon. 2/18/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) First hour guest: Paul Topete of Poker Face, the hardest-rocking anti-NWO band out there. Just like Chuck Hagel in the Senate only more so, Poker Face faces permanent hysterical opposition from Zionist weasels who dominate the music industry as well as the government – and who care nothing for America and everything for Israel. They’ve had more than a dozen concerts canceled, lost a huge record contract, got reviled in the media…and just keep right on singing “I’d rather die than be your slave.” Question for Paul: Is media “hero”…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Hart bashes holocaust denial, John Hanke says “all mainstream history is a fraud”
Fri. 2/15/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) I’m back from Iran, and Truth Jihad Radio is returning..with a vengeance! First hour: Middle East expert Alan Hart kicked a hornet’s nest with his “WANTED – A psychiatric diagnosis of Nazi holocaust denial” and other recent articles on the same subject. Alan is ticked off about the angry anti-Jewish comments – some of them clearly offensive – that litter his posts at Veterans Today. I see his point…but I don’t agree with him that holocaust revisionists need a psychiatric diagnosis. It’s the people (on all sides) who call names…