James Tracy, the Florida professor who isn’t afraid to talk about false-flag terror, is the focus of the biggest academic witch-hunt since I was hounded by a pack of Republican state legislators back in 2006. He will discuss questions about Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, and much more. During the second half of the show Jim Fetzer joins us. Tracy and Fetzer are co-authors of the article Top Ten Reasons Sandy Hook Was an Elaborate Hoax. Listen live – 5 to 7 pm Central on Revolution Radio:http://www.freedomslips.com/ Note: The call-in line wasn’t working this week – let’s hope it’s up…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Mark Siljander: A Gandhi for our time?
Broadcast Saturday, Feb. 22nd 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Former right-wing American congressman Mark Siljander (R-MI) is following in the footsteps of Gandhi. Siljander, who prefers the term “follower of Jesus” to “Christian,” has been reaching out with extraordinary success to establish friendly relations with the Muslim world on the basis…
FULL ARTICLERolf Lindgren names the best and worst US presidents
Broadcast Monday, Feb. 17th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Special Presidents Day show! Rolf Lindgren is a Libertarian activist and amateur James Madison scholar with a good background in US history. He discusses the ups and downs of the presidency, laments the worsening shredding of the Constitution by Bush and Obama,…
FULL ARTICLELive call-ins this evening with Gordon Duff!
Truth Jihad Radio goes live on Revolution Radio! Fridays beginning 2/14 – 6 to 8 pm Eastern (3 to 5 pm Pacific):http://www.freedomslips.com/ Listen via the Studio B “play” button.Call-in: 310.421.4053 Skype-in: freedomscreen2 Many listeners have told me they miss call-ins to my radio shows. So I’m going back to live radio with call-ins, starting this evening with Veterans Today editor Gordon Duff! He has new articles out about Israeli doubletalk and nuke fantasies, and is always happy to talk about anything: 9/11, UFO secrets, political corruption and assassinations, even geoengineering and weather control (hey, I want to lodge a complaint…
FULL ARTICLEOle Dammegard exposes JFK serial killers!
Broadcast Tues, Feb. 17th and Wed. Feb. 18th 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Tabinski as “Oswald” in Mexico City In this special two-part interview, author and researcher Ole Dammegard gives us the dirty details on who did what in Dealy Plaza on November 22nd, 1963. Ole’s account differs slightly from Jim…
FULL ARTICLEHarvey Wasserman on Fukushima; Jim Fetzer debates Sandy Hook & more!
Broadcast Tues., Feb. 11th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. First half-hour: Harvey Wasserman is a well-known author, journalist, election theft expert, and one of the most prominent figures in the anti-nuclear movement. He joins Truth Jihad Radio to discuss the catastrophic Fukushima disaster and cover-up, the subject of his excellent article,…
FULL ARTICLEShane Trejo: Let’s turn off the NSA – here’s how!
Broadcast Mon., Feb. 10th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Shane Trejo of OffNow.org says let’s turn off the NSA – by nullifying it at the state and local levels! The OffNow coalition is introducing legislation all over the country to deny material support to the NSA, depriving it of the water,…
FULL ARTICLEAndré Vltchek: West manufactures “opposition” movements!
Broadcast Sat., Feb. 8th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Vltchek with co-author Chomsky “Are popularly elected administrations all over the world becoming irrelevant; as the Western regime creates and then supports thuggish ‘opposition movements’ designed to destabilize any state that stands in the way of its desire to fully control the…
FULL ARTICLEDid Seattle truther Robin Hordon wake up Pete Carroll?
Broadcast Wed., Feb. 5th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. When the Seattle Seahawks play, you’re likely to see Robin Hordon in front of the stadium with his highly visible 9/11 truth signs and free DVDs. Robin is Seattle’s most active civil informationing guy – and has had his signs seen by…
FULL ARTICLEHenry Makow: “NWO is throwback to totalitarian Judaism”
Broadcast Tues., Feb. 4th, 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org, archived here. Note: TruthJihad.com subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Henry Makow says the statist, collectivist, totalitarian ideologies and control-freak leaders of the New World Order have roots in “totalitarian Judaism.” But don’t start calling Henry an anti-Semite – he’s from a Jewish background himself, cites Israel Shahak‘s work in support of…