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FFWN: YouTube’s War on Free Speech

Broadcast live Friday 11 to noon Eastern on then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN bust down YouTube’s jailhouse walls! Happy Eid! (But Did Psychopathic Saudis Gaslight the Muslim World with OBVIOUS Lie About Seeing the Moon?) 2) Caught Between the Moon, Iran and Saudi Arabia: Muslims Divided Over Ramadan’s End 3) Bezos & Sanchez hang in Florida amid reports Saudi prince wants leak prober ‘dead’ 4) Trump sold nuclear tech to Saudis in secret after Khashoggi killing Fake Patriotism: D-Day & 9/11 “Public Myths” (Zelikow) 5) D-Day And The Myth Of A U.S. Victory (2 slides)…


FFWN: America’s highest-ranking military officer wary of anti-Iran false flag—and likes Alan Sabrosky

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern on — or watch live on Kevin’s YouTube channel PSAs 1) Help FFWN expose hidden history! 2) THE LOBBY live streamed Sunday June 2nd War on Palestine 3) It’s Quds Day—Worldwide Rallies for Palestinian Resistance 4) Quds Day 2019: resistance will triumph 5) Canadian doctor: Israeli soldiers shot me in both legs as I was treating injured protesters in Gaza 6) Jordan’s King tells Kushner Palestinians must have a state 7) Debating “Deal of the Century”: Kevin Barrett vs. Geoffrey Alderman 8) “False Flag of the Century”: Ex-CIA Philip Giraldi on “Israel’s…


FFWN: Israel’s 9/11 gift keeps on giving (with guest commentator Adam Green)

PSA 1) FFWN needs your help 9/11 2) Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks 3) 9/11 Hush Money Fixer Feinberg Will Handle Roundup Payoffs 4) Iranian official taunts Trump with 9/11 jab—says US like Towers ready to miraculously implode War on Iran 5) Rocket in Baghdad: Mossad Psychic Friends Network Strikes Again 6) The Trump Administration Panicked Over Nothing 7) WikiLeaks Cable From 2009 About Houthis and Iran 8) Iran Allegedly Transfers S-300 to Persian Gulf Amid Tensions With US 9) US president tweets World War 3 – George Galloway 10) On…


FFWN: Expose False Flags, Stop War on Iran! 

Broadcast live 11 to noon Eastern on — later archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose False Flags, Stop War on Iran! 2) “The Lobby”–Come See What They Don’t Want You to See–Live Stream Sun June 2nd  War on Iran 3) After initial denial, UAE confirms ships ‘sabotaged’ off its coast 4) First assessment blames Iran for (false flag) Middle East ship explosions, official says plans to deploy 120,000 troops in Middle East to counter Iran – report 5) Detailed footage shows extent of damage to tanker ships in Persian Gulf (VIDEO) 6) Iran suggests oil attacks orchestrated to…


FFWN: Vinnie Eastwood reports on the growing global gulag—and evidence the Christchurch attack was state-sponsored

Broadcast live at the exceptional time of Thursday May 9th, 7 – 8 pm Eastern — watch it live HERE PSA 1) Resist the police state, support FFWN! War on Conspiracy Theories 2) Conspiracy theorist claims police have visited him five times after Christchurch terror attack 3) Now it can be told! “NZ conspiracy theorist who must not be named is…Vinnie Eastwood!” 4) Vinnie Isn’t the Only NZ Dissident Getting Police Visits 5) Guardian on “Why we are addicted to conspiracy theories” War on Freedom 6) We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in America! Trump reacts to Facebook ban 7) Facebook…


This week in Zionist censorship: NYT, Jeremy Corbyn, Roger Waters, Alain Soral, David Icke, Louis Farrakan, Alex Jones…who’s next?

Broadcast live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern – watch HERE or HERE PSAs 1) Support FFWN while it’s still legal! 2) Venezuela Eyewitness Reports–Live Stream Sat May 4th 3) Westminster Abbey nuclear weapons thanksgiving service TODAY! Pray for V for Vendetta to show up! Failed Coup in Caracas 4) Venezuela – Another Failed Coup Attempt – What’s Next? 5) As Guaido admits he needs more military support, Trump warns of worse to come in Venezuela 6) The Spontaneous “Military Coup” in Caracas was Meant to Fail? Fake Muslim Plot Against Fake Nazi Rally 7) Suspect accused of Southern California terror…


Sri Lanka/Notre Dame/Al-Aqsa: Gasoline on clash-of-civilizations fire?

Broadcast live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern (15:00 to 16:00 GMT) PSAs 1) Help FFWN unchain minds! 2) James Perloff on “War and Deception”: Live Video-Streamed Presentation Saturday, April 27, 2019 Sri Lanka Terror 3) Over 200 killed, hundreds injured in series of blasts at Sri Lankan hotels & churches 4) Sri Lankan government blocks social media and imposes curfew following deadly blasts 5) ‘Why was warning ignored?’ Sri Lankan minister tweets intel letter from 10 days before bombings 6) Muslims flee, Christians grieve in Sri Lankan town torn by violence 7) Trump claims Sri Lanka bombings “killed…


FFWN: Trump vs. Ilhan Omar on 9/11; Notre Dame blaze benefits Macron & NWO

Broadcasts live Fridays 11 to noon Eastern at, then archived above PSAs 1) Help FFWN beat the “conspiracy filters” 2) False Flags that started our wars–live stream April 27th Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11 3) Trump tweets incendiary “lynch Ilhan Omar for 9/11” video 4) MSM incites political violence too: “Enforce Overton Window by punching people you disagree with!” 5) Donald Trump, Not Ilhan Omar, Accused American Jews of Dual Loyalty 6) Ilhan Omar Is Right: Some People Did Something on 9/11 7) FARRAKHAN GROUP INVOKES 9/11 CONSPIRACY THEORIES TO DEFEND OMAR 8)…


FFWN: 9/11 truth still sneaking into mainstream discourse

Get on FFWN’s email list so if they ban us we can tell you where to go (and we can all tell THEM “where to go”)—email to PSA  1) Fight social media thought control—support FFWN! This Week in 9/11 Truth 2) 9/11 Truth Supporter ex-Senator Mike Gravel running for President 3) New FBI agents brainwashed with 9/11 OCT 4) Ilhan Omar questions 9/11: “Some people” (neocons?) “did something” (explosive demolition not hijackings?) 5) NEW YORK POST SLAMMED FOR RIPPING ILHAN OMAR WITH 9/11 COVER PHOTO: ‘YOU ARE PURE TRASH’ 6) Rep. Ilhan Omar cites Islam holy text in response…


FFWN: Censorship battle keeps heating up!

PSA   1) Beat censorship—support FFWN 2) And join our email list so you’ll know where to watch us: email or go to Censorship Outrages 3) YouTube does not allow the questioning of inconsistencies in the official New Zealand attack narrative or of any potential false flag 4) YouTube edits video descriptions to oppose the assertions made by the video’s author. 5) 60 Minutes: “The Worst Part of Losing Your Child in a Mass Shooting Is People Calling It a False Flag”  (5:57 – 6:56) 6) Alex Jones Claims ‘Psychosis’ Made Him Believe Sandy Hook Was a Hoax 7) Academic Corruption,…

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