By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor I have long suspected that Ron Unz, my favorite conservative intellectual, was a closet 9/11 truther. Now Ron has confirmed my suspicions. His new article “American Pravda: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories” is a barn-burner of a coming-out. Listen to Ron Unz discuss “Holocaust Denial” and the JFK assassination on my radio show. Alongside his own article Ron Unz has just published Laurent Guyénot’s “9/11 Was an Israeli Job.” Since almost all the other intellos committed mass suicide by drinking Charlie Hebdo kool aid in 2015, Dr. Guyénot has emerged as arguably the most important French intellectual…
FULL ARTICLECategory: articles
Arab Dictatorships Collapsing? Al-Sisi, Bin Salman lashing out…and losing legitimacy
The two worst terrorist-supporting dictatorships in the Arab world—the al-Sisi regime in Egypt and the Bin Salman regime in Riyad—have simultaneously shot themselves in the foot. Within a few days, both regimes madly lashed out at human rights activists, revealing the psychological instability of the two dictators and the tenuousness of their hold on power, while further undermining their own legitimacy. On Monday the Saudis, led by the unstable egomaniac Bin Salman, committed one of the most outrageous public relations blunders in history by tweeting a threat to launch a 9/11 style attack against Canada. What did Canada do to…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers solves the Malaysian Airlines MH370 Mystery—Official Report Hints at the Truth
By Kevin Barrett The recent “final but not really final” Official Report on the still-mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 expresses bafflement…puzzlement…befuddlement…and offers a double-strength dose of non-closure to the survivors. But it does offer a hint: The plane was disappeared by “unlawful interference.” The phrase “unlawful interference” would not be used to describe pilot suicide. Nor would it likely be employed to mean garden-variety terrorism. Instead, it is obviously a euphemism for some kind of interference with the flight conducted externally: possibly an accidental shootdown during a US-led war games exercise, but far more likely, a deliberate remote-hijacking.…
FULL ARTICLEExposed! How Britain’s anti-Semitism scaremongers operate
Martha Stout, a leading expert on psychopaths, says that the single most characteristic sign of the psychopath is the way they “play the victim card” while victimizing others. Case in point: Israel, the Psychopathic Nation: a bunch of invaders, looters, and genocide perpetrators who claim that THEY are the eternal victims. Another case in point: wheelchair-bound ultra-Zionist lawyer Mark Lewis, who works overtime to put Palestinian kids in wheelchairs too, by doing everything he can to support the genocidal Zionist entity that is shooting them down by the scores with exploding bullets designed to kill or inflict permanent disabilities. Lewis is…
FULL ARTICLENYT bias and hypocrisy on display in Turkey election “analysis”
By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Usually Zio-America’s newspaper of record hides its biases more effectively. Last week on False Flag Weekly News our story #35 was headlined: “NYT (CIA/Mossad/Mockingbird?) pushing extreme anti-Erdogan propaganda.” That NYT pre-election article ludicrously suggested that Erdogan was likely to lose to Kemalist opposition candidate Muharrem Ince. (In fact, the polls clearly projected a strong Ergodan victory.) It was a shameless and undisguised puff piece for Ince, and a hit piece on Erdogan. Today, in the wake of Erdogan’s predictable victory, the NYT should be apologizing for its delusional projection of a likely Ince win. Instead,…
FULL ARTICLETrump issues permanent pre-emptive self pardon
(Dissociated Press) In a long-anticipated move, Donald Trump announced today that he has permanently and pre-emptively pardoned himself for all crimes he has committed, is in the process of committing, is currently planning, or may commit in the future. Speaking at an impromptu press conference at Russian Mafiya headquarters on the top floor of Trump Tower, Trump added that he is extending the pardon to excuse himself not only for felonies, misdemeanors, traffic citations, and parking tickets, but also sexual indiscretions, mistakes, blunders, catastrophes, nuclear holocausts, and anything else that he might conceivably do wrong. He added that the pardon…
FULL ARTICLEACTION ALERT! Austria’s top Jewish group tries to censor Black Panther leader
Please write to support academic freedom and free speech! The global academic community is getting less and less free—and the freedom-crushing culprits are usually Zionists. I was driven from the American academy by neocon Zionists covering for the traitors who murdered almost 3,000 people on 9/11/2001. Since then, a long list of professors including Norman Finkelstein, Anthony Hall, Stephen Salaita, Joy Karega, and countless others have been hounded by the same global special interest group. It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even organize a speaking event on campus unless the speaker has a history of kissing up to…
FULL ARTICLEUnderstanding Jewish Power
Philip Giraldi spoke on the “Zionism” panel I moderated at the Deep Truth Conference last weekend. Click HERE to watch all the panels—you can get the ticket by donating any amount. In the past, Philip Giraldi like most other “respectable” voices tried to avoid using the J-word. But as it has become increasingly clear that the pathology behind Zionism has Jewish roots, more and more people are waking up and speaking out. The best book ever on the Jewish question, the book that woke me up, is Laurent Guyénot’s From Yahweh to Zion. My interview with Laurent Guyénot, posted below,…
FULL ARTICLEDid Israel Kill the Kennedys?
Laurent Guyénot, a Ph.D. historian and engineer, is the author of From Yahweh to Zion, the best book ever written on the so-called “Jewish question.” As he explains in the video below, Dr. Guyénot discovered the JQ through the study of the two biggest “deep events” in U.S. history: 9/11 and the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers (which must be seen as two prongs of a single operation). The article below, published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Robert Kennedy assassination, synthesizes his findings. –Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? by Laurent Guyénot,…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 truth leaders’ letter to Iran
Dear Iran: Please appeal—then annihilate the Official Conspiracy Theory in court! On Monday, April 30, Judge George B. Daniels of the Southern District Court of New York ordered Iran to pay more than $6 billion to 9/11 victims. Thus far Iran has refused to acknowledge the court proceeding on the grounds that the whole world knows it is transparently ridiculous political propaganda with no legal or factual basis. But what if Iran chose to defend itself by presenting proof—in court—that the whole Official Conspiracy Theory is false? That is the suggestion of (originally) fifteen (now 81 and counting) prominent critics…