Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at This week’s guest commentator: John Shuck PSA 1) Help FFWN expose psychopaths in power “Domestic Terrorists” 2) Two men arrested in assault on Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick 3) New Report Warns of Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism Biden v. Putin: Who’s the Soulless Killer? 4) Biden says Putin is “a killer” who “doesn’t have a soul”— apparently black-eyed space lizards “understand each other” UPDATE: RUSSIA RECALLS AMBASSADOR FROM US 5) Steve Bannon Asks What Happened to Biden’s Face? David Icke Suspects Reptilian Replacement…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
9/11 Physics Debate: Were the three World Trade Center buildings demolished with nuclear devices?
VIDEO VERSION In this, the eighth annual 9/11 Physics Debate sponsored by, François Roby, associate professor in physics at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and German nuclear physicist Heinz Pommer join American engineer Joseph Olson, PE to advance the 9/11 nuclear demolition hypothesis. Since all three agree that the official NIST position (“minor kerosene-kindled office fires demolished the buildings”) is absurd, and that the best and only explanation is nuclear demolition, it isn’t much of a debate. As in all previous debates, it was once again impossible to find any qualified experts to defend the…
FULL ARTICLEGideon Polya on new book Deadly Deception Exposed
Listen HERE Holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his review of The most dangerous book ever published: deadly deception exposed. Gideon, one of the seven authors who contributed essays to the book, emailed me: “I agree with the common theme of all the authors that the endlessly greedy, thieving, lying and racist neoliberal Establishment will seek to exploit any situation, including the Covid-19 Pandemic for private advantage …” But he doesn’t see eye to eye with the contributors who downplay or even deny the reality of COVID-19.
FULL ARTICLEUS War Criminals Genociding Iraq Whine About Iran
The US is guilty of genocide in Iraq. But they’re trying to distract the world by whining and lying about Iran. Press TV: Iran has denied any involvement in the recent attacks against the US-occupied military bases in Iraq, but at the same time denounced the American airstrikes against Iraqi forces as a violation of international law.
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones and Matthew Ehret on “Nazi Healthcare: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb”
Listen HERE Matt Ehret just published “Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb.” E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars joins the discussion. Matt Ehret writes: “The western population concentrated in the Trans Atlantic nations is facing a demographic time bomb the likes of which has never been seen in history called by some ‘the babyboomer demographic time bomb’…” COVID-19, which conveniently targets older folks, may not be deadly enough to solve the problem…so bring on the Nazi doctors!
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! E. Michael Jones and Matt Ehret on “Nazi Healthcare: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb”; Gideon Polya on new book Deadly Deception Exposed
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Matt Ehret just published “Nazi Healthcare Revived Across the Five Eyes: A Eugenic Solution for the Baby Boomer Demographic Time Bomb.” E. Michael Jones of Culture Wars joins the discussion. Matt writes: “The western population concentrated in the Trans Atlantic nations is facing a demographic time bomb the likes of which has never been seen in history called by some ‘the babyboomer demographic time bomb’…” COVID-19, which conveniently targets older folks, may not be deadly enough to solve the problem…so bring on the Nazi doctors! Second hour:…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “We Are All Palestinians Now”
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at This week’s guest commentator J. Michael Springmann PSA 1) Help FFWN solve our “reality crisis” by fighting censorship! “Insurrection” 2) Greenwald: As the Insurrection Narrative Crumbles, Democrats Cling to it More Desperately Than Ever 3) NYT: Cellphone Data Tie Proud Boys Member With Trump White House Before Capitol Riot 4) National Guard commander charges Pentagon delayed sending troops to Capitol Jan. 6 5) Federal investigators are looking into whether bear spray caused Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick’s death Absenteeism 6) Donald Trump…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Koenig: Swiss Voters Reject ID2020 by 2/3rds Majority!
Listen HERE World Bank whistleblower Peter Koenig was heartened by the results of Sunday’s referendum in Switzerland, where voters shot down a proposal for a digital ID verification system administered by private corporations in line with ID2020, the global push for Orwellian surveillance and control through digital ID. Speaking of which, Peter’s article from exactly one year ago, The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity,” was just republished in time for the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 plandemic. Did Peter’s work educating the Swiss contribute to the defeat of the digital…
FULL ARTICLEDr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad on 50th anniversary of “Fight of the Century”
Listen HERE Dr. Ridgley Abdul-Mumin Muhammad of the Nation of Islam Research Group discusses one of the Nation’s most famous members, Muhammad Ali, in light of the upcoming 50-year anniversary of the Ali-Frazier “Fight of the Century” this Monday, March 8. Though Muhammad Ali won most of his fights with knockouts in the early rounds, in Frazier he finally met his match; the two fighters went the distance, and Frazier won on points. But in going the distance, Ali provided cover for the activists who broke into an FBI office and liberated to Cointelpro files: “It was March 8, 1971, the…
FULL ARTICLEGreg Felton on “SARS-COV2: Contagion, Collusion, Corruption”
Listen HERE Former MSM journalist Greg Felton discussses his new book SARS-COV2: Contagion, Collusion, Corruption. Greg writes: “Evidence that this virus was made in a laboratory is overwhelming and unimpeachable, yet the standard line is still that it came from nature despite the fact that every nature-based argument has collapsed.” He also questions the safety and efficacy of experimental vaccines: “Now the virus has three proteins, a nucleocapsid protein, an envelope protein and a spike protein. The spike protein is like the grappling hook that throws and latches on to your cells and reels itself in. So what happens is…