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Alan Sabrosky: American Universities Have Gone Insane!

Listen to the audio HERE Alan “Doc” Sabrosky has been called “the most censored man in America.” I should know. I was the one who called him that. The former Director of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College (and NOT a “retired Marine officer” as Wikipedia still says after being corrected dozens of times) Dr. Sabrosky first gained severe notoriety by arguing that Israel did 9/11 — a story he was kind enough to break on my radio show. Now he’s back on my show causing more trouble. This time his target is politically-correct academia and its phony…


NBA Player Will Clean Toilets for 5 Years to Atone for Shouting Anti-Irish Slur

Which Proves There Is No Such Thing as “Irish Power” Dissociated Press Leonard Meyers, 29-year-old power forward for the Alaska Cool, has been traded to Siberia, where he will clean toilets for a new Russian NBA franchise for five years to atone for shouting an anti-Irish slur while playing a video game. Myers found himself embroiled in controversy earlier this month after he repeatedly screamed the anti-Irish expletive “mick” while playing the popular “Stone the Stones” video game. The game involves players throwing rocks at members of a famous rock band, with points awarded for direct hits. The former NBA…


Ron Unz on “Impact and Origins of COVID-19”

Listen HERE Ron Unz, author of the new “American Pravda: Covid-19 Its Impact and Origins After One Year As We Rapidly Approach a Million American Deaths” offers the best-supported hypothesis about where COVID-19 came from. Though the Establishment doesn’t like the people who downplay or deny the threat of COVID-19, they are still all over social media and get a fair bit of favorable attention in pro-Trump conservative MSM. That same Establishment absolutely loathes and completely blacks out those who, like Ron Unz, point the finger at the most likely culprits. For details on the “Unz Blackout” read Ron’s articles…


Five Who Used Marijuana in Past Exit White House — The Rest Will Keep Using in Present and Future

Dissociated Press Five White House advisors who used marijuana in the past, but have given it up in the present and vowed not to partake in the future, have been ignominiously booted from the Biden Administration.  Press Secretary Jen Psaki explained: “The President (cough, cough) wants only fully-qualified stoners—people who are truly high on America, and who are smoking weed right now at this very moment (whushshshshshsh) and who will keep right on toking till doomsday. Ex-users, T-breakers, and others who are not fried, stoned, baked, bouldered, blitzed, blazed, dazed & confused, short-term-memory-impaired, and looking just as clueless and brain-dead…


Soren Korsgaard on the COVID “Deadly Deception”

Listen HERE Soren Korsgaard discuses his new edited book Deadly Deception Exposed. Soren felt that last week’s guest Dr. Gideon Polya, a contributor to the book, was unrepresentative of the other contributors, in that Dr. Polya accepts the mainstream view of COVID-19 and supports masks, distancing, and lockdowns. Most of the other co-authors, notably German physician Dr. Reiner Fullmich, do not. And neither does Soren, who offers a critique of COVID panic as an orchestrated deception designed to usher in the Great Reset.


LIVE RADIO! Ron Unz and Soren Korsgaard: Two very different views of the COVID catastrophe

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Mainstream media, including internet oligarch owned social media, has worked overtime to suppress two very different categories of alternative views of COVID-19. The first category consists of those who downplay or in some cases even deny the pandemic. These folks make various sorts of claims including: The COVID death numbers are exaggerated; test results are meaningless; masks are useless or worse; there is no need for social distancing or lockdowns; vaccines will do more harm than good; the whole thing is a hoax designed to get rid of Trump…


FFWN: “A Coming COVID Catastrophe” (Vanden Bossche) & Other Stories

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays —watch live above or at This week’s guest commentator: John Shuck PSA 1) Help FFWN expose psychopaths in power “Domestic Terrorists” 2) Two men arrested in assault on Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick 3) New Report Warns of Rising Threat of Domestic Terrorism Biden v. Putin: Who’s the Soulless Killer? 4) Biden says Putin is “a killer” who “doesn’t have a soul”— apparently black-eyed space lizards “understand each other”  UPDATE: RUSSIA RECALLS AMBASSADOR FROM US 5) Steve Bannon Asks What Happened to Biden’s Face? David Icke Suspects Reptilian Replacement…


9/11 Physics Debate: Were the three World Trade Center buildings demolished with nuclear devices?

VIDEO VERSION In this, the eighth annual 9/11 Physics Debate sponsored by, François Roby, associate professor in physics at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, and German nuclear physicist Heinz Pommer join American engineer Joseph Olson, PE to advance the 9/11 nuclear demolition hypothesis. Since all three agree that the official NIST position (“minor kerosene-kindled office fires demolished the buildings”) is absurd, and that the best and only explanation is nuclear demolition, it isn’t much of a debate. As in all previous debates, it was once again impossible to find any qualified experts to defend the…


Gideon Polya on new book Deadly Deception Exposed

Listen HERE Holocaust/genocide expert Gideon Polya discusses his review of The most dangerous book ever published: deadly deception exposed. Gideon, one of the seven authors who contributed essays to the book, emailed me: “I agree with the common theme of all the authors that the endlessly greedy, thieving, lying  and racist neoliberal Establishment will seek to exploit any situation, including the Covid-19 Pandemic for private advantage …”  But he doesn’t see eye to eye with the contributors who downplay or even deny the reality of COVID-19.


US War Criminals Genociding Iraq Whine About Iran

The US is guilty of genocide in Iraq.  But they’re trying to distract the world by whining and lying about Iran. Press TV: Iran has denied any involvement in the recent attacks against the US-occupied military bases in Iraq, but at the same time denounced the American airstrikes against Iraqi forces as a violation of international law.

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