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FFWN Asks the Hard Questions (with Lucy Morgan-Edwards)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #6) PSAs 1) Help FFWN keep asking the hard questions! 2) 9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday Sept. 9 Grand Lake Theater Oakland CA 3) Coming up September 11th. Global Live Stream from the 9/11 Lawyers’ Committee Breaking news 3A) Sirhan Sirhan Has Served 53 Years For Killing Robert F. Kennedy. Soon He May Be Free Vaxghanistan 4) Even Mainstream Media Is Now Asking Big Questions About Covid Vaccines …


Matthew Ehret on “Clash of Two Americas” and “How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989”

Listen HERE The prolific Matthew Ehret has just published a book, The Clash of Two Americas v.1 (with Cynthia Chung), and a lengthy article, “How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989.” Check out all of Matt’s books HERE. In the book, Ehret identifies his two Americans with two long-standing schools of thought: “The idea of a society founded upon the cultivation of the love of higher pleasures of the spirit rather than the feeding of the lower pleasures of the fleshly passions…” Ehret and Chung see the same philosophical clash playing out in the Revolutionary and Civil War eras and leading up to the…


Israel Shamir on “The Sheer Joy of Afghanistan”

Listen HERE Is it OK to celebrate the Taliban’s victory? It is if you live in Moscow! Israel Shamir just published the delightfully politically-incorrect article “The Sheer Joy of Afghanistan.” He begins: “My congratulations, friends and readers! The Taliban’s victory is our victory, yours and mine. We, non-Muslim and non-Pashtun folk, in the US and Europe, may rejoice, for in Afghanistan, virile (not ‘toxic’) masculinity defeated gender-diversity, believers defeated those weak of faith, the morals of our fathers overcome the morals of our sons.” He adds: “These armed peasants reminded us that we still can change the world. It is…


Charles Upton on “The Alien Disclosure Deception”

Listen HERE Poet and author Charles Upton, one of America’s leading Muslim thinkers, discusses his brand-new article “The Alien Disclosure Deception.” Upton reviews the new Netflix series Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified and finds it “a thinly-disguised and thoroughly-articulated social engineering gambit presented as a factual documentary.” He suggests that the current MSM push for UFO disclosure could herald a new global religion based on worship of ETs. At the end of his review Upton speculates about the possibility, much-discussed in the Muslim community, that what the West calls ETs might be identical with the jinn, a category of sentient…


LIVE RADIO! Charles Upton on “The Alien Disclosure Deception”; Matthew Ehret on “Clash of Two Americas” and “How China’s Gorbachev Was Flushed in 1989”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Poet and author Charles Upton, one of America’s leading Muslim thinkers, discusses his brand-new article “The Alien Disclosure Deception.” Upton reviews the new Netflix series Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified and finds it “a thinly-disguised and thoroughly-articulated social engineering gambit presented as a factual documentary.” He suggests that the current MSM push for UFO disclosure could herald a new global religion based on worship of ETs. At the end of his review Upton speculates about the possibility, much-discussed in the Muslim community, that what the West calls…


FFWN: Will Taliban Trumpet 9/11 Truth? (with John Shuck)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above, or a shorter version on my YouTube channel  (where the broadcast begins after story #4) PSAs 1) Help FFWN head off “potential terror threats” 2) 9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday Sept. 9 Grand Lake Theater Oakland CA COVID 3) Double-jabbed people carry same levels of Covid as unvaccinated  4) How CDC Manipulated Data to Create ‘Pandemic of the Unvaxxed’ Narrative 5) COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative” War on China 6) Ron Unz on “Waging Biological Warfare”: Has the…


Woke Resistance to the Taliban Begins Now! Rainbow Flags Sprout Like Poppies in Hindu Kush

By Akhmadijah Masjoud, for the Washington Pooft Dissociated  Press In 1998, when I was a 9 year old boy who identified as two girls, my father, the mujuhideen commander Ahmad Shah Masjoud, gathered his gender-confused soldiers in a nightclub of dubious repute in the Pansyjhir Valley of northern Afghanistan. They sat around in dresses and high heels and listened as my father’s very special friend, bisexual Zionist philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, lisped: “When you fight for your freedom to dreth up in womenth clothing,” Lévy said, “you fight also for our freedom to be ruled by Zionitht thexual blackmailerth like Jeffrey…


Dissident novelist Philip Kraske on “Legacy of Chains” (on US POWs left behind in Vietnam)

Listen HERE Philip Kraske’s grippingly readable new novella A Legacy of Chains fleshes out an interesting and not-entirely-implausible scenario: A few surviving American POWs left behind in Vietnam, now senior citizens, manage to escape…but find an American government and media determined to suppress their story, and the “Enormous Crime” it reveals. Something not unlike the events in the story actually happened when Robert Garwood, one of the more than 600 US prisoners of war held hostage by the Vietnamese after the cessation of hostilities, managed to escape in 1979 to tell the tale…only to be betrayed by his own government…


Ron Unz on “Waging Biological Warfare”

Has the US repeatedly used bioweapons in anger? Is COVID-19 just the latest episode? Listen HERE Ron Unz, who has written about the Suvorov thesis (discussed in my previous interview with Sean McMeekin) discusses his most recent article “American Pravda: Waging Biological Warfare.” In it he summarizes material from Nicholson Baker (author of “The Lab Leak Hypothesis“) and other mainstream authors who have recounted bits and pieces of the suppressed history of US biological warfare programs. Does biological warfare represent a much greater threat than is commonly understood? And did the COVID-19 pandemic emerge from a biowar lab leak, as Baker surmises—or…


Now that we’ve lost Afghanistan, can we hang Dick Cheney?

Watch the bowdlerized YouTube version of FFWN above, or the full uncensored show HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s been almost 20 years since 9/11. Why is Dick Cheney still walking around free? America is falling apart and desperately needs to blame somebody for something. Vaxxers blame anti-vaxxers because COVID hasn’t disappeared as promised. Trumpsters blame Bideners for stealing the election. Trump-haters blame Trump for everything. I say let’s get it right and blame Cheney and the neocons for destroying America. 9/11 was the worst crime ever committed on American soil. It put the final nail in the…

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