“His experience runs counter to academic studies, which show that guards and inmates at ordinary prisons tend to develop mutual hostility. But then, Holdbrooks is a contrarian by nature. He can also be conspiratorial. When his company visited the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York, Holdbrooks remembers thinking there had to be a broader explanation, and that the Bush administration must have colluded somehow in the plot.” Masha’allah. So here’s a guy who doesn’t become a sadistic bully just because he’s a prison guard. And like the vast majority of Muslims, and more than 1/3rd of all…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
William Rodriguez & Splitting-the-Sky: Two Heroes to Join Me on Radio Tuesday
I’m not really the hero-worshipping type. I think we all have to be our own heroes these days. That’s why I love the 9/11 truth movement. Thousands and thousands of heroes–all standing up for truth and justice in their own thousands and thousands of ways. Google “leaderless resistance” to bone up on the advantages of this approach. But let’s face it: Some folks have that je ne sais quoi that separates the heroes from the other heroes. Courage is part of it, and seeing and seizing an opportunity for heroic action is another. When William Rodriguez risked his own life…
FULL ARTICLESplitting-the-Sky: The Rosa Parks of Civil Resistance?
Splitting-the-Sky, arrested while trying to arrest George W. Bush in Calgary, may become the Rosa Parks of civil resistance (CR). Just as Rosa Parks said “no more” to a segregated South, Splitting-the-Sky has said “enough already” to a world where the worst war criminals walk free. And just as Rosa Parks inspired thousands to risk jail by defying the segregation laws, S-T-S could inspire thousands to attempt to arrest known war criminals, submit to arrest while doing so, demand jury trials, and invoke an international law defense. Proving that great minds think alike, one of my readers just wrote: I…
FULL ARTICLESplitting-the-Sky Will Take Bush Arrest Attempt to Jury Trial
Splitting-the-Sky called me last night to say he’s out of jail and planning some serious civil resistance! After being arrested and charged with “obstructing justice” (what an irony) for attempting to arrest George W. Bush for war crimes, and getting beat up by the cops (concussion and broken glasses) Splitting-the-Sky is planning to demand a full jury trial. His defense will be that Bush is a known war criminal, that the Canadian authorities failed in their duty to arrest him, and that it is those authorities who should be prosecuted for obstructing justice–not citizens who attempted to do their duty…
FULL ARTICLESplitting-the-Sky arrested while attempting to arrest Bush
Splitting-the-Sky — one of my favorite regular radio guests — was arrested yesterday while trying to arrest George W. Bush in Calgary. This happened shortly after my live interview with Josh Blakeney, one of the arrest Bush activists on the scene in Calgary. You can listen to the archive of the show at: Here is a message from Josh Blakeney: Fellow Activists, Today Splitting the Sky was unjustly incarcerated by the Calgary Police and has been detained until now. Both myself and Professor Anthony Hall (among others) waited at the Calgary Police Station to no avail and with a, at…
FULL ARTICLEBush Arrest Imminent?
Will Bush be arrested for war crimes during his visit to Calgary tomorrow, Tuesday, 3/16/09? If so, you’ll hear it here first on “Fair and Balanced with Kevin Barrett,” 9-11 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern), I’ll be interviewing student activist Joshua Blakeney, who will be reporting live from Calgary during the visit of former president George W. Bush. Josh, his professor Anthony Hall, and other protesters are working to have Bush arrested for war crimes, including the crimes of 9/11/01. (Dr. Hall’s article calling for Bush’s arrest: It would be great to see folks attempt a citizens’ arrest…
FULL ARTICLE9/11 Truth Rap in Guiness Book of World Records?
Tomorrow –Saturday, March 14th, 2009, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. — Chris “Def” Defendorf will attempt to set a new world record for longest nonstop rap with a twelve-hour rap about 9/11 truth. (Certain family members of mine probably think I could give him a run for his money…) The media coverage so far isn’t covering the 9/11 truth angle: Chris, a frequent guest on my radio shows, is an eloquent voice for 9/11 truth, and has even recorded an audiobook version of David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor.
FULL ARTICLESteven Jones Interview Goes Blooey: Coincidence or Sabotage?
Physicist Steven Jones, along with several other respected scientists from various nations, is about to publish a paper in a mainstream scientific journal that will, for all intents and purposes, prove that “advanced energetic materials” (nanothermates) were used in the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center. (Links to his work here.) Somebody apparently doesn’t want that information publicized. When I interviewed Dr. Jones for my radio show “Fair and Balanced” yesterday, the strangest things happened. As I dialed the 800 number to establish my connection to the radio network, I heard some very strange sizzles and pops on the…
FULL ARTICLEJoe Lieberman introducing bill to strip suspected terrorists’ citizenship
A day after suggesting that U.S. citizenship laws should be changed to strip American terrorists of their nationality, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) has introduced legislation to do just that. His bill amends existing law that revokes the citizenship of any American who joins a foreign military. “I’m now putting together legislation [so that] any individual American citizen who is found to be involved in a foreign terrorist organization, as defined by the Department of State, would be deprived of their citizenship rights,” Lieberman told reporters Tuesday. “If you have joined an enemy of the United States in attacking the United…
FULL ARTICLEAsk a 9/11 Truther
An Advice Column The satirical newspaper The Onion sometimes parodies advice columns. If they were doing “Ask a 9/11 Truther” it might look something like this: Dear 9/11 Truther, My husband is cheating on me and my boyfriend says it’s because I’m not romantic enough. What should I do? Confused in Pottshole Dear Confused, Your boyfriend and husband need to know that the melting point of steel is more than 1,000 degrees higher than the maximum possible temperature of an open-air hydrocarbon fire — and more than 1500 degrees higher than the hottest parts of the fires in the World…