Kevin Barrett’s West Coast tour premiering the brand-new second edition of Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters: Santa Cruz: Wednesday, March 31st San Francisco Bay Area: Wednesday, April 1st – private meeting/dinner with 9/11 activists. Contact me for more info. Sacramento area: Friday, April 2nd and Saturday, April 3rd Details: Questioning the War on TERROR: Kevin Barrett Premiers His New Book in Santa Cruz Wednesday, March 31st 7 P.M. Live Oak Grange 1900 17th Ave Santa CruzDonation requested/No one turned away for lack of fundsContact: (831) 688-8692 Dr. Kevin Barrett is the author of three books including the brand-new Questioning the War…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Alan Sabrosky on the Kevin Barrett Show
“Israel did 9/11” : Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky Alan Sabrosky will be my guest Tuesday, March 30th, on The Kevin Barrett Show, 9-10 a.m. Pacific, right after Democracy Now on NoLiesRadio.orgto be archived here a few hours later… Listen to military affairs expert Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former director of studies at the US Army War College): “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a…
FULL ARTICLEDave Lindorff, Webster Tarpley on Truth Jihad Radio
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 3/27/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Dave Lindorff: “Award-winning investigative reporter Dave Lindorff has been working as a journalist for 36 years. A regular columnist for CounterPunch, he also writes frequently for Extra! and Salon magazine, as well as for Businessweek, The Nation and Treasury&Risk Magazine…” More bio here. Dave is the author of four books and countless articles and op-eds including Death to Obamacare: Kill Bill, the main subject of our conversation tonight. Dave also gets credit for breaking the story of the government lying…
FULL ARTICLE“Israel did 9/11” : Conversations with/about Alan Sabrosky
[Alan Sabrosky was my guest Tuesday 3/30 on The Kevin Barrett Show, 9-10 a.m. Pacific, right after Democracy Now – listen to the archive here.] “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. “The Zionists are playing this as an all-or-nothing exercise. If they lose this one, they’re done…..” – Alan Sabrosky Alan Sabrosky’s forceful and unequivocal statement that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11 has…
FULL ARTICLEMy West Coast book tour March 31st – April 3rd
Kevin Barrett’s West Coast tour premiering the brand-new second edition of Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters: Santa Cruz: Wednesday, March 31st San Francisco Bay Area: Thursday, April 1st – private meeting/dinner with 9/11 activists. Contact me for more info. Sacramento area: Friday, April 2nd and Saturday, April 3rd Scroll down for details! Questioning the War on TERROR: Kevin Barrett Premiers His New Book in Santa CruzWednesday, March 31st 7 P.M. Live Oak Grange 1900 17th Ave Santa Cruz Donation requested/No one turned away for lack of fundsContact: (831) 688-8692 Dr. Kevin Barrett is the author…
FULL ARTICLETuesday’s guest: Peace, truth & honest-money activist Carol Brouillet
Tuesday, March 23rd 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours later… Carol Brouillet of is a longtime activist who organized three conferences on Strategies to Transform the Global Economy and (the first) marches on her Senators and Congresswoman in January 2002 to Demand a Congressional Investigation of 9-11. She publishes the Deception Dollars (new edition just out!) and Co-Founded the 9-11 Truth Alliance, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance. She organized premieres of films, educational events, marches, rallies for 9-11 Truth, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and produced…
FULL ARTICLENew poll: About 1 in 3 Americans thinks 9/11 was “a big fabrication”
A new poll has shown that about 1 in 3 Americans — roughly 100 million people — think 9/11 was “a big fabrication.” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, happy that 100 million Americans agree with him that 9/11 was “a big fabrication” The poll was evidently commissioned and/or conducted by anti-9/11-truth forces, as demonstrated by the headline: “Americans Disagree with Iranian President on 9/11 ‘Fabrication.’” By framing the issue as one of agreement or disagreement with media-demonized Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and focusing on those who disagreed, Angus Reid Public Opinion was spinning the story as hard as it could possibly be spun.…
FULL ARTICLESenate candidate Dr. Richard Curtis,’s Manny Badillo on TJ Radio
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 3/20/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (to be archived here.) Call-in number: 512-879-3805. First hour: Dr. Richard Curtis, 9/11 truth supporter and Senate candidate (i-WA)! Richard Curtis is a philosophy Ph.D. who could be the best 9/11 truth candidate since Bob Bowman got tired of “losing” stolen elections! While Richard and I don’t agree on everything — he leans left while I lean libertarian, he thinks Bush & friends did 9/11 while I suspect it was Cheney’s Mossadnik neocons, he’s skeptical of religion while I’m a practicing Muslim–he’s the smartest and most convincing of the…
FULL ARTICLEWisconsin Senator Herb Kohl “understands the importance” of continuing to investigate 9/11
After the February 19th Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth press conference at the Wisconsin state capitol, we visited Senator Herb Kohl’s office and spoke with his assistant, Ryan Knocke. (Details and photos here.) I gave Mr. Knocke full contact info for the Architects and Engineers petition signers in Wisconsin, which he said he would pass to the Senator. I recently received a response from Senator Kohl, who mentions “organizations that continue to investigate the events of September 11, 2001,” (presumably referencing Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) and says “I understand the importance of this issue and will keep…
FULL ARTICLEMy radio schedule for the rest of March
Kevin Barrett’s radio schedule (regularly updated at ) Yesterday’s show with Richard Gage and Jonathan Mark, and last week’s interview with Cynthia McKinney, Splitting-the-Sky and Anthony Hall, and much more are archived here. Saturday shows including last week’s with Bruce Leichty and John Hankey archived here. This Saturday 2/20: Pro-9/11-truth Senate candidate from Washington, Dr. Richard Curtis; guest discussing NYCCAN “Building What?!” campaign TBA Tuesday 2/23: Bay Area 9/11 and community currency activist, Deception Dollar co-founder, and several-time 9/11 truth HR candidate Carol Brouillet. Saturday 2/27: Journalist Dave Lindorff (the source of Jesse Ventura’s TV episode on the missing…