5 August 2010 President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear President Obama, In your Cairo speech of June 4th, 2009, you greeted the Muslim world with “as-salaaamu alikum,” meaning “peace be with you.” In that speech, you said: I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Craig Ranke, Enver Masud on Truth Jihad Radio
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 8/7/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Craig Ranke of Citizen Investigation Team (CIT), makers of the documentary National Security Alert, will discuss the CIT tour of Europe scheduled around this upcoming 9/11 anniversary. Craig will also discuss 911blogger’s bizarre decision to censor Barrie Zwicker’s ringing endorsement of CIT. Barrie Zwicker: “The evidence now shows, well past reasonable doubt, what happened. It was detonation of explosives within the building, timed to coincide with a flyover by a…
FULL ARTICLEWhat the HELL Ever Happened to the Sacred? Thoughts on Islamophobia
Anastassia Churkina let me reference the 9/11 inside job in this Russia Today report on Islamophobia * * * A reader wrote to me with some Islamophobic idées reçues. I responded, debunking the misconceptions and recommending Michael Sells’ Approaching the Qur’an and Murata and Chittick’s The Vision of Islam as the best introductions to Islam in English. His response below is in italics, and my response to his response in regular type. Maybe I overreacted. I believe most Muslims are good people. The treatment of the Palestinians and the Iraqis are atrocious. I don’t have a PHD in religious studies. …
FULL ARTICLEIslamophobic Mother Jones article illustrates Jew/Muslim double-standard
Speaking of double-standards… The foundation-funded pseudo-alternative rag Mother Jones just published an article entitled The GOP’s Facebook Anti-Semites by Nick Baumann. It begins: “Israel is responsible for 9/11, Al Qaeda is ‘100% state sponsored by Zionist Jews,’ and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is actually an agent for Mossad, the Israeli spy agency—at least according to posts that appeared on the Republican National Committee’s Facebook page.” Let’s take these three allegedly anti-Semitic assertions one by one. Israel is responsible for 9/11 Why is it anti-Semitic to blame Israel? After all, Israel is a specific nation-state, and blaming a…
FULL ARTICLEMore Warnings of a Disastrous, Zionist-Instigated US War on Iran
THE HIDDEN FACE OF SANCTIONS By Dr. Alan Sabrosky* (who will soon be returning to my show to follow up on his groundbreaking “Israel did 9/11 and the US military knows it” appearance a few months ago -KB) The sanctions imposed recently against Iran by the United Nations, and later separately by the US Congress, have one thing in common. Both were driven by the US at the instigation of Israel.But they are also, I believe, generally misunderstood. Sanctions are normally intended to alter the behavior of the country being sanctioned — to punish it for what it is…
FULL ARTICLEWebster Tarpley: Obama Preparing to Bomb Iran
Tuesday, August 3rd, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Webster Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Obama: The Unauthorized Biography, Surviving the Cataclysm, and much more will discuss his critically important new article Obama Is Preparing to Bomb Iran. Tarpley isn’t the only one warning that the neocons (read Zionist dual-citizen fanatics) are back in the saddle and about to lead the US off a cliff. Here are some other important recent articles on the same topic: The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign By Gareth Porter July…
FULL ARTICLE“Anti-Jewish Bus Ads” are Unthinkable; Anti-Muslim Ones Are Real. WHY?
My previous post, a tongue-in-cheek “report” on imaginary “Anti-Jewish Bus Ads” appearing in major cities, satirizes a mainstream newspaper report, ‘Anti-Islamic’ Bus Ads Appear in Major Cities. My satire appears to have been fully understood by only one of the many people who have commented on it–namely, a Facebook friend who wrote: “That’ll be the day LOL. Good one!” Here is my own comment responding to those who misunderstood the satire: Wow! I guess irony and satire are no longer comprehensible tropes in this culture–even when the author explains exactly what he’s doing, and when the audience is self-selected for…
FULL ARTICLEDavid Livingstone, Don Meserlian on Truth Jihad Radio!
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 7/31/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: David Livingstone, the author of Surrendering Islam: The Subversion of Muslim Politics Throughout History Until the Present Day, is a Canadian Muslim writer. He argues that Islam has been thoroughly infiltrated by agents of the British empire and the Illuminati. They created the Saudis and Wahhabis, who use their oil money to foster two distortions of Islam. One is resigned to political or social injustice. The other spouts jihadist rhetoric.…
FULL ARTICLEAnti-Jewish Bus Ads Appear in Major Cities
The above ad has appeared on buses in the Miami and San Francisco Bay areas The growing debate over the Jews’ place in America, which is escalating in light of experts’ statements that the US military knows that the Israeli MOSSAD blew up the World Trade Center on 9/11, is increasingly playing out on city streets across the country. Ads by a group calling itself Break the Jewish Stranglehold on America, which aims to provide a refuge for former Jews, read: “Doubting the Holy-caust? Like Palestinians OK? Is your family or community threatening you? Tired of being a Jew? –…
FULL ARTICLEPoet, Journalist & Terror-Trial Scoffer Jerry Mazza Joins the KB Show
Tuesday, July 27th, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Guest: Poet, journalist, and war-on-terror arch-skeptic Jerry Mazza. Mazza excoriates the terror myth once again in his new article on the “Times Square Non-Bomber” Faisal Shahzad, Shahzad’s Charade Continues. Jerry Mazza’s poems have been published in various literary magazines: Rattle, Atlanta Review, Brooklyn Review, Voices in Italian Americana, Prairie Schooner, Poetry New York, Hudson Valley Literary Review, to mention a few, and online at The VIW work inspired his new collection, State Of Shock (SOS). After achieving success as…