Click here, and forward to the last ten minutes of today’s show, to hear Professor Anthony Hall expose “Professor” Shermer on Truth Jihad Radio. Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic Magazine, has been caught impersonating a professor. Oddly enough, Shermer – a leading 9/11 untruther – has been falsely claiming to be an Adjunct Professor of Economics at Claremont University, home of leading 9/11 truth scholar Dr. David Ray Griffin. While pretending to be a professor, Shermer also travels around the lecture circuit impersonating a skeptic. Oddly, his skepticism does not extend to the official story of 9/11. As editor of…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
9/11 as Black Swan
A review of Nassim Nicholas Taleb‘s The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Kevin Barrett, 9/11, we can all agree, was a highly-improbable, high-impact event on which fortunes were made and lost. I personally lost about two million dollars on 9/11. In 2004, I turned down a University of California post-doc because it was funded by the 9/11-disinfo-spreading Ford Foundation, thereby stepping off the academic career track in favor of 9/11 truth activism. As a 45-year-old, I would have been expected to average at least $75,000 per year for about 25 years had I labored on…
FULL ARTICLEProf. Anthony Hall, phony “Muslim hijackers” witness Glenn Edwards-Seaman
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 10/9/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First hour: Glenn Edwards-Seaman, a musician whose band played for the phony “Muslim hijackers” including Mohammed Atta at Shuckums Bar during the summer of 2001. Glenn corroborates the many media reports about Atta & co. being far from Muslim — much less “radical” or “extremist” Muslim! Glenn writes: “By the way…just so your listeners know, I’m a graduate…
FULL ARTICLEHamza Yusuf and Yusuf Estes: “Diplomatic” truth-seekers?
by Kevin Barrett, A Muslima for 9/11 truth, who helped us personally deliver 9/11 truth materials to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf’s Zaytuna Institute, recently forwarded a video of the Sheikh’s passionate defense of truth and justice, and suggested that M911T may have helped inspire this kind of speech: Unfortunately, Hamza Yusuf apparently has not yet publicly spoken out for 9/11 truth, even though in the above video he does excoriate CIA drug dealing. He may be concerned that if he took a public pro-9/11-truth stance, his effort to establish Zaytuna University as the first Muslim university in the USA would…
FULL ARTICLEAn Account of My Recent Illness(es) by David Ray Griffin
Please join me in writing an review of David Ray Griffin’s Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. -KB An Account of My Recent Illness(es) David Ray Griffin I experienced some serious illnesses during June and July that almost resulted in my death. Because many people have kindly expressed interest in my condition, and also because I do not wish to repeat myself dozens of time, I have written up this account. Background: I had experienced some medical problems starting in 1990 that are relevant to the recent conditions, although these illnesses themselves involved…
FULL ARTICLEThe Tea Party Movement Began with 9/11 Truth
Thanks to Jerry Mazza for reminding us that the Tea Party movement began with the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth of 2006 and the follow-up of 2007. I have fond memories of both. Funny how the corporate media refused to report on these monumentally important events. I doubt if one in a thousand tea partiers knows where the movement started, or understands how badly it has been co-opted by the neocons.
FULL ARTICLETuesday 10/5 KB Show Guest: Sheikh Yusuf Estes
From Yusuf Estes is very loved by young and old alike. Children and adults of all faiths delight to hear him entertain while presenting the pure message of Islam. They call him the “Funny Sheik”. He was raised in a strong Christian home, educated in Texas and became successful owning music stores, TV shows and used his talents for piano and organ as a music minister while preaching the Bible. He served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders and U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000. His story “Priests & Preachers Enter Islam” is truly…
FULL ARTICLEMatt Taibbi’s Great Derangement
My fellow Muslim for 9/11 Truth Bill “Anab” Whitehouse has just posted a wonderful imaginary interview with fanatical anti-truther Matt Taibbi. Taibbi, as you may recall, recently gave me the Most Obnoxious Thing on the Internet award for my suggestion that the US apologize to Muslims, who have been falsely blamed for 9/11, by building a mega-mosque on Ground Zero. Taibbi’s rabid opposition to 9/11 truth is itself a great derangement. As I once told a radio interviewer, lots of people email me to tell me I’m crazy. My response: Anyone who would email a crazy person to tell them…
FULL ARTICLEWhy They HATE Hearing the Truth About 9/11
Why do so many people throw their hands over their ears and let out a scream of horror when confronted with the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job? Laura Knight-Jadczyk, last night’s radio show guest, cited research showing that when people are given negative information about their leaders, the brain’s emotional circuits override the cognitive ones; a blast of bad neurochemicals triggers a negative emotional state, which is only relieved by positive emotions when the person figures out a way – no matter how irrational – to discount the information. In other words, when we offer someone evidence that…
FULL ARTICLENashid Abdul-Khaaliq; Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn of Dot Connector Magazine
Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 10/2/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or (402) AFR-252, or post your questions to my Facebook page, where Ed Rynearson of RadioDuJour will be putting up hyperlinks about matters under discussion. First hour: Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq. An MIT graduate, Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq currently work as a Systems Analyst in Saudi Arabia for Aramco. He owns and A Place for Truth Yahoo Group, works as radio host and co-founder of The Power of Truth Radio, and is a new board member of Muslims for 9/11 Truth. Second hour:Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe…