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9/11 truth talk in Rotterdam, Cologne & Brussels

Details on my talk in Brussels this Wednesday, June 15th are now posted at . The title translates as something like: “How can we reconcile with the media and politicians who have lied to us about 9/11 for the past ten years?” I guess one way would be to reconcile with them while they twist slowly in the breeze. For the long version, come to the talk!  I haven’t done a talk in French since speaking to the Nibraz Institute in French and Arabic back in 2008, so be ready for some unintentional humor ; – ) So far…


Was that Bush’s bus heading for the Hague? My European tour turns weirde from the outset

Back when I was young and weird — before I became a nice, normal radical Muslim conspiracy theorist — I wrote Dr. Weirde’s Weirde Tour Guide to San Francisco, the book that paid for the first couple of years of my Ph.D. program. (You can tell it’s a cult classic because “like new” copies are selling for a lot of money.) My tour of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany started off like something out of my own weirde tour guidebook. The first place my hosts took me to see was Brussels’ biggest tourist attraction, the mannekin pis — a statue…


En route to the New Europe (leaving tomorrow)

Perhaps you are old enough to remember 2002, when Thierry Meyssan’s 9/11 truth classic L’Effroyable imposture (The Hideous Fraud) sold more copies upon publication than any other book in French history, Chirac was saying “non” to the Iraq invasion, and Germany’s former intelligence chief Andreas Von Bulow was saying that the Mossad and CIA had collaborated to perpetrate the 9/11 attacks. In January 2003, a frustrated Donald Rumsfeld launched an angry diatribe against “the old Europe,” suggesting that European opposition to the American Reichstag Fire and subsequent “war on an expanding Islam” was somehow…passé. In reality, Rumsfeld had it backwards.…


Benny Morris: Hero or Psychopath?

I have a high regard for truth – so high that my dear friend Shaykh Yusuf Estes says I should change my name to Abdulhaqq, “The Slave of Truth.” (In Arabic, the word al-Haqq, meaning “Truth” or “Reality,” is one of the most beautiful names of God.) I told Shaykh Yusuf that yes, truth has made me its slave: I’ve done a whole lot of work on behalf of truth without being paid a penny. But is dedication to truth enough? Take Benny Morris – please. From the standpoint of dedication to truth, Benny Morris is one of the greatest…


Naksa Day surprise: I now support a Jewish state!

From the moment I started learning about the question of Palestine until today, I never supported the idea of a Jewish State. Instead, I always supported the One State Solution: Let Israel-Palestine be a state for all its people, including the Palestinian ethnic-cleansing victims, without any discrimination based on religion or ethnicity. But as of today, Naksa Day 2011, I have changed my mind. I now support a Jewish State. What changed my mind? Today I read a terrific article by Franklin Lamb (who will insha’allah be a guest on tomorrow’s radio show) and watched the famous video of Helen…


Radio schedule for the coming two weeks (June 6th – 17th)

Monday, June 6th on AmericanFreedomRadio 1-2 p.m. Central: Franklin Lamb, who last week was twice prevented from joining me by phone and electricity outages in Beirut. Is the third time the charm? 2-3 p.m. Central: Webster Tarpley, author of several excellent books as well as the important new article US, Pakistan Near Open War; Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against Attack. Tuesday, June 7th on NoLiesRadio 11-noon Central: Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, author of Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet. Wednesday, June 8th on AmericanFreedomRadio 1-2 pm Central: Jim Fetzer of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, author of Render Unto Darwin,…


Double Standards, OUTRAGEOUS double-standards…and then there’s Jonathan Kay

I hate to criticize a book I haven’t read yet, even if those who have read it tell me I am libeled in its pages. But if the author won’t send me the promised review copy in a timely manner…and then libels me in a TV interview….I had better respond sooner rather than later. Last March, I emailed Jonathan Kay to ask for a review copy of Among the Truthers and a radio interview. (I had helped him with the book by agreeing to interviews, despite knowing that it was a hit piece in the making, so I figured the…


Friday June 3rd: Vincent Bugliosi, Franklin Lamb on TJ Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 6/3/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Celebrated prosecutor and bestselling author Vincent Bugliosi makes his debut on Truth Jihad Radio! Bugliosi is the author of fourteen books, several of them blockbusters, including Helter Skelter, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, and now his latest bestseller Divinity of Doubt: The God Question, which makes a case for agnosticism: “When I hear theists and atheists pontificating on how they know God does or does not exist, I can only…


Jeff Gates on TJ Radio today!

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 6/1/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jeff Gates will discuss his brand-new article “The U.S.-Israeli Train Wreck” : “President Obama hopes to head off a train wreck in September at the U.N. General Assembly. That’s when member nations plan to press for an independent Palestine. The Israel lobby is furious.” In this brilliant article (on par with the rest of his work) Gates points out that the Zionists have been lying to every US president since Harry Truman, while…


Kill Bill: Scumbag Maher is a genocidal bigot and should be tried, convicted and executed…BWAHAHAHA

 As a politically incorrect Muslim comedian, I can get away with a lot. But can I get away with cheering for the mass murder of Jews, starting with Bill Maher? Well, why not? Bill Maher, a violent 9/11 truth denier who is Jewish and a rabid Zionist — like just about everyone else in the mainstream media — thinks he can get away with cheering for the mass murder of Muslims. Bill Maher posed the question to Republicans, “How many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass?” Any way…

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