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Turkish parliamentarian: 9/11 wasn’t just Mossad – CIA also involved

Yesterday I blogged about being invited to lunch in the Turkish National Legislature with a Turkish National Police Chief and a leading parliamentarian, and discussing Turkey’s triumph (so far) over the false-flag terror plot known as Ergenekon – which would have been Turkey’s 9/11 had the plotters succeeded. What I didn’t mention is what my Turkish hosts – including parliamentarian Fehmi Husrev Kutlu – Deputy for Adiyaman and the Administrative Commissioner of the Turkish Legislature (GNAT) – said about 9/11. The short version: Like everyone else I’ve met in Turkey, they know it was an inside job. When I asked…


Welcome to Turkey, the world’s anti-false-flag-terror capital!

Lavon. Northwoods. USS Liberty. Gladio. 9/11. Bali. Madrid. 7/7. Mumbai.  What do all of the above false-flag terror plots have in common?  They got away with it. Nobody ever went to jail. No wonder Indiana prosecutor and Republican activist Carlos Lam felt comfortable sending Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker an email urging him to launch a false-flag terror attack to score political points. So far, only one country has shut down its own military leaders’ plan for a massive false-flag attack. That country is the (increasingly Islamic) Republic of Turkey. I recently sat down to a sumptuous lunch in Turkey’s National…


Kevin Barrett returns from Turkey Monday, May 23rd

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi almost singlehandedly saved Islam in Turkey from cultural genocide. Today, the Nursi movement carries on the tradition of speaking truth to power – in part by organizing my 9/11 truth tour. So far I have spoken directly to over 2,000 people, made the front page of a national newspaper, garnered several television and radio interviews, and had the time of my life with an amazing bunch of brothers. I’ll be reporting the details when time permits at the TruthJihad blog. My live radio shows recommence starting Monday the 23rd – talk to you then! Meanwhile, here’s the…


Jerry Mazza, Lori Price: Obama Bin Lyin’

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 5/2/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jerry Mazza says “Obama Bin Lyin.’” According to Jerry, Obama’s “we murdered Osama and threw him in the ocean” story just doesn’t add up. Read Jerry’s brand-new updated piece on the inconsistencies of the official story of Obama’s death — exclusively at Muslims for 9/11 Truth. Second hour: Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government is also skeptical about the “we murdered Osama and threw him to the fishes” tale. Lori will discuss…


“Full Fathom Five Bin Laden Lies”

An open letter to Richard Perle, self-styled “Prince of Darkness” Dear Mr. Perle, I am writing to beg your forgiveness for the accompanying poem and photoshopped image blending your already hideous face with the photoshopped “dead Bin Laden” image recently exposed by the Guardian as a fraud. I suspect you will not like the caption, “That was Perle shot through both eyes” any better than the image — which, I must admit, is not very flattering. So allow me to explain. During the past few days, the American public has been coerced (by the Zionist-dominated media) into a frenzy of…


Energy expert Tony Boys reporting from midway between Tokyo and Fukushima

Tuesday, May 3rd, 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon-1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Tony Boys is an expert on the interplay of agriculture and energy…and he happens to live about halfway between Tokyo and Fukushima. For many years he has been warning the world about the perils of nuclear technology, and the unsustainability of our current energy grid and agricultural practices. His blog, part of the excellent website, includes journal entries describing the day-by-day development of the Fukushima disaster. Tony writes: “Clearly, we’re witnessing one of the greatest disasters of modern time.”…


“Death of Bin Laden”: A Spectral Human Sacrifice

[Listen to my interview with David Ray Griffin, author of Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? here. In it we discuss the evidence that OBL died in December 2001.] Osama Bin Bogeyman, the tribal chiefs tell us, has been ritually sacrificed: Slaughtered by warriors, then dumped into the ocean. But how can you sacrifice a ghost? Bin Laden has almost certainly been dead since December 2001, when far more reliable reports of his death were published. That means the guy they killed and threw in the ocean must have either been a ghost, or one of Bin Laden’s many reported…


Elias Davidsson, Adrian Salbuchi on TJ Radio Monday

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 5/2/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Musician, human rights activist, former computer programmer & systems engineer Elias Davidsson, author of the new article “The Dangerous Cult of 9/11.” Elias Davidsson was born in Palestine in 1941. His parents were born in Germany but had to emigrate to Palestine due to the Nazi persecution of Jews. Elias lived his first years Baq’aa, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, where Jews, Christians and Muslims lived in peace side by side. These early years…


Elias Davidsson: The Dangerous Cult of 9/11

Tomorrow’s radio guest Elias Davidsson‘s new article (see below) makes the excellent point that the official myth of 9/11 forms the basis of a dangerous new cult. According to Friday’s radio guest Tom Breidenbach, 9/11 was a carefully-orchestrated ritual human sacrifice.  The purpose: to destroy the era of monotheism, which aims to put an end to human sacrifice, and inaugurate a new, horrific era of mass slaughter and big lies. The cult of 9/11 is a homicidal pseudo-religion. Maybe it’s time to start smashing idols? Would spray-painting “investigate WTC-7” on every 9/11 memorial be an appropriate idol-smashing technique? Or maybe…

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