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Congressman James Trafficant, Police Intelligence Analyst Tony Farrell on TJ Radio

Broadcast on Friday, July 22nd 1-2 pm Central; listen at: First hour: Co-host Peymon Mottahedeh interviews Congressman James Trafficant! According to informed sources, Congressman Trafficant was taken down by the neocon-led coalition responsible for the 9/11 coup d’état. Set up for a bogus prosecution (like Congressman Mark Siljander, another good man hated by the Likudniks), Congressman Trafficant was expelled from Congress in 2002 and imprisoned for seven years, conveniently removing a thorn in the side of the 9/11 coup forces. Oh well, at least he wasn’t Wellstoned…and is still with us to tell the tale here on Truth Jihad Radio!…


Jonathan Kay’s Among the Truthers: “It All Ties in to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!!!!”

  Just finished my 90 minute slugfest with Jonathan Kay (it was only supposed to last 60 minutes, but time flies when you’re having a good time). The show is archived for on-demand listening here. Kay is the author of Among the Truthers: A Journey into the Growing Underground of 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Armageddonites, Vaccine Hysterics, Hollywood Know-Nothings, and Internet Addicts * * *Jonathan Kay’s Among the Truthers: “It All Ties in to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion!!!!” “You can’t defeat the Enlightenment’s enemies unless you understand them. And that is the project I ask my readers to…


Here’s How I Teach About 9/11

* * *  from the New York Times: How Do You Teach About  9/11? By KATHERINE SCHULTEN   Tyler Hicks/The New York Times Go to related Sept. 11, 2001, Times Topics page We need your help. Have you taught about Sept. 11 and its repercussions? Do you plan to address the 10th anniversary of the attacks this September? How? Does your school, district, state or country have a suggested curriculum? What questions, in general, does teaching this topic raise for you?… (full article at ) * * *Here is what I submitted to the New York Times: In 2005,…


U. of Michigan professor David Skrbina, Obama critic Robert Freeman on TJ Radio today

Listen to this show Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 7/20/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Robert Freeman, author of what may be the definitive statement on the current US president: Obama Was Used, And Is Now Used Up. Freeman, an economist, also has an interesting diagnosis of the current malaise, and has authored commentaries on the Arab Spring revolts and other topics. What’s more, he got Iraq right back in 2004. He shares last week’s guest James Kunstler’s take on the gravity and immanence…


Kay vs. Barrett: The knock-down, drag out heavyweight 9/11 truth battle of the century?

[I will be interviewing Jonathan Kay, who savages me in his book Among the Truthers, on The Kevin Barrett Show this Thursday, July 21st, 8 to 9 pm Pacific (11 to midnight Eastern) on The show will then be archived here.] Gordon Duff thinks Jonathan Kay is a “lightweight.”* But as anti-9/11-truth polemicists go, Kay is one of the contenders for the heavyweight title. So far as I know, there are only four books, and one peer-reviewed mainstream article, that attack or attempt to refute the 9/11 truth movement. (Compare that to the dozens of excellent pro-9/11-truth books, three…


Breaking news: Bush’s cousin sanctions Gallop/Veal for requesting recusal in 9/11 case!

Tuesday, July 19th, 9-10 a.m Pacific (noon Eastern) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast): Kevin Barrett interviews attorney William Veale, one of April Gallop’s lawyers. Un-bleeping-believable! We at Truth Jihad Radio hereby offer the Larry Silverstein Award for Chutzpah Above and Beyond the Call of Duty to…Federal Court Judge John Walker, George H.W. Bush’s cousin and thus George W. Bush’s second cousin. Judge Walker and his two co-panelists have issued punitive sanctions against April Gallop’s lawyers, including William Veale. Why? Because Gallop’s legal team made a motion to recuse Walker from judging a lawsuit against Bush II…


Monday on TJ Radio: Gordon Duff & (maybe) Kourosh Ziabari

Listen to this show EddieLeaks has posted today’s Gordon Duff interview on Rupert Murdoch, along with supporting material, here. Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 7/18/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Kourosh Ziabari (we’re waiting for a final confirmation that he can make it) is a talented young Iranian journalist who interviewed me for Veterans Today a while back and whose recent interviews with Alison Weir and Abolghasem Bayyenat are must-reads – and whose July 8th article on Iran’s recent indictment of 26 US officials is…


TJ Radio today: Peymon on Ron Paul, Kevin talks spirituality with Ron Rattner

Listen to this show Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/15/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Guest host Peymon Mottahedeh is back from Alaska, and will be discussing the Ron Paul campaign with a guest expert. Second hour: I (Kevin) will discuss spirituality (and the importance of truth) with Ron Rattner of Silly Sutras. Ron is an ethnically-Jewish truth-seeker who has journeyed through Christianity and mysticism to end up…well, read him yourself! As a Muslim, I can’t disagree with his recent piece God Is One.…


I will be interviewed on Talk Radio Europe today [correction: will be rescheduled]

[Note: This interview is being rescheduled due Richie’s illness…stay tuned for details.] I’m looking forward to an interview by Richie Allen on Talk Radio Europe today at 2 pm Central. We’ll be talking about the upcoming 10th anniversary of the 9/11 coup d’état, and related matters. I’ll also be discussing my reaction to Jonathan Kay’s book Among the Truthers, which finally arrived in the mail (postmarked June 27th — remember, he originally said he’d be sending one in April, and needed to be reminded several times after that). I wonder if one reason he was reluctant to send me the…

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