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Edward Curtin on “RFK Jr. vs. the American Political Wasteland”

Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses his inspiring new article “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide” alongside my earlier one “Can RFK Jr. Defeat the Media?” Bottom line: We agree that RFK Jr.’s campaign (join it HERE) is by far the most positive current development in American politics. Below is a rough transcript of the interview. Kevin Barrett: Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I’m Kevin Barrett, broadcasting live on Revolution Radio, the finest listener sponsored free speech network, which you can support by going to Revolution.Radio. My website is and I have a Substack, where you can…


LIVE RADIO! Alan Sabrosky and Edward Curtin on “RFK Jr. vs. the American Political Wasteland”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Edward Curtin discusses his inspiring new article “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide” alongside my earlier one “Can RFK Jr. Defeat the Media?” Bottom line: We agree that RFK Jr.’s campaign (join it HERE) is by far the most positive current development in American politics. Second hour: Alan “The Most Censored Man in America” Sabrosky returns to Truth Jihad Radio to consider where the USA is headed and whether it will survive (until) the 2024 elections. Does RFK Jr. have (his father’s and uncle’s) ghost…


FFWN: Can RFK Jr. Save America? (with E. Michael Jones)

PSAs 0) Help FFWN Correct Fake History and complete two inadequate Fundrazrs: and 1) And Relocate and Become Sustainable 2024 Race Heats Up 2) Robert Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Campaign – Watch His Speech on C-Span 3) Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches 2024 presidential bid 4) Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Soon to Announce White House Run, Sows Doubts About Vaccines 5) Activists with “Jail Fauci” T-Shirts Crash Hearing on Covid Origins. Representatives Bicker and Blame China While Minimizing Scrutiny to US Institutions. 6) Protesters stormed the stage and yelled ‘Jews…


Josh Mitteldorf on the Origin of Life

Listen HERE Anti-aging scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his article “The Origin of Life…Unsolved or Unsolvable?” He writes: “I believe that a bird’s eye view of innovative research over the last 70 years supports the assertion that life could not have arisen from inorganic matter by any known chemical process.” He backs up that statement by summarizing findings on auto-catalyzing hypercycles, chirality, amino acids’ information storage, self-replicating RNA, nanobes, jeewanu, and more. Bottom line: James Tour is right, life couldn’t have arisen randomly. Well, then, how did it arise? “I propose that Heisenberg’s ‘uncertainty’ is actually the action of universal mind.”


Peace Activist Nick Kollerstrom: “Russia Is Fighting a Just War in Ukraine”

Video link Listen HERE Nick Kollerstrom’s Ukraine: The Just War begins: “All my life I’ve opposed wars, campaigned against war, even published books about how they were wrong. And so how strange it is at last to come across a just war, one that needed to be fought. It needed to be fought because the diplomats could not resolve it. At last and how strangely I am agreeing with EU chief Joseph Borell in March, ‘This war must be won on the battlefield.’” Unlike Borell and the entire Western media and elite establishment, Kollerstrom argues that the war in Ukraine…


No FFWN This Week – Back Next Week with E. Michael Jones

I am taking a break from False Flag Weekly News this week. One reason: We are behind in our last two Fundrazrs. (April 1 – the joke was on me!) (last week’s show: 23,000 views but didn’t make the Fundrazr goal) Also, the help us move to Morocco and become sustainable Fundrazr is helping but not solving the serious financial issues related to the move, so any help there would also be much appreciated.


LIVE RADIO! Josh Mitteldorf on the Origin of Life; Eric Walberg on Qur’an as Epic Enchanter

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Anti-aging scientist Josh Mittledorf discusses his article “The Origin of Life…Unsolved or Unsolvable?” He writes: “I believe that a bird’s eye view of innovative research over the last 70 years supports the assertion that life could not have arisen from inorganic matter by any known chemical process.” He backs up that statement by summarizing findings on auto-catalyzing hypercycles, chirality, amino acids’ information storage, self-replicating RNA, nanobes, jeewanu, and more. Bottom line: James Tour is right, life couldn’t have arisen randomly. Well, then, how did it arise? “I…


Henry Herskovitz on Vandals vs. Ann Arbor Protests

Plus: Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner on “Devil Stole Votes in Georgia” Listen HERE Henry Herskovitz reports from Ann Arbor, where his weekly protests against the Beth Israel synagogue recently drew the attention of the ADL , which is also targeting my Substack. (Click HERE and scroll down for his full report.) Final half-hour: Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner discuss their new election denial conspiracy song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.”


Anthony Hall on the Permanent Emergency; Ken Meyercord on Multipolarism vs. DC Think Tanks

Listen HERE First half hour: Prof. Anthony Hall has a new Substack “Looking Out at the World from Canada.” We discuss his recent pieces on the permanent emergency, his sojourn through the world of advertising, and the war on terror as a war on humanity. Second half hour: Retired Washington, DC TV host Ken Meyercord points out that “no American carrier has entered the Persian Gulf since 2020. Do we fear Iran’s enhanced military capabilities make any carrier stuck in the confined space of the Gulf a sitting duck?” He also observes that China holds all the cards on the…


LIVE RADIO! Anthony Hall on the Permanent Emergency; Ken Meyercord on Multipolarism vs. DC Think Tanks; Henry Herskovitz on Vandals vs. Ann Arbor Protests; Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner on “Devil Stole Votes in Georgia”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Prof. Anthony Hall has a new Substack “Looking Out at the World from Canada.” We discuss his recent pieces on the permanent emergency, his sojourn through the world of advertising, and the war on terror as a war on humanity. Second half hour: Retired Washington, DC TV host Ken Meyercord points out that “no American carrier has entered the Persian Gulf since 2020. Do we fear Iran’s enhanced military capabilities make any carrier stuck in the confined space of the Gulf a sitting duck?” He also…

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