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G. Edward Griffin joins the truth jihad!

Mon.  5/20/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: G. Edward Griffin‘s books and documentary films include the perennial bestseller The Creature from Jekyll Island – the best introduction to the checkered history of the Federal Reserve bankster conspiracy. Second hour: Live reports from Baraboo, Wisconsin, where farmer Vernon Hershberger (read my VT article about him) is in court defending food freedom – specifically, his right to produce raw milk, and the right of raw milk fans (including yours truly) to drink the stuff. Seriously, folks – even using the worst-case analysis, the alleged threat of raw…


Elias Davidsson on his new book “Hijacking America’s mind on 9/11”

Fri.  5/17/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Elias Davidsson has just published a new book, “Hijacking America’s mind on 9/11.” Elias writes: “Four features distinguish this book from other 9/11 critical studies: – The definite (or ultimate) demonstration that there is no evidence of Muslim hijackers– Evidence that at least two of the four aircraft were still airborne after the alleged crash time– The most exacting and comprehensive analysis of the phone calls said to have been made from the aircraft– The presentation of a theory regarding the nature of the phone calls” Human rights…


Michael Collins Piper, Chris Rodda on TJ radio today

Wed.  5/15/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Michael Collins Piper is one of the best-known voices in American independent media. “An old-style American progressive in the LaFollette-Wheeler tradition,” Piper has outpaced other progressives in calling attention to the depredations of the New World Order/Israeli lobby and its organized crime assets. Piper’s books include The New Babylon (an overview of the Rothschilds and the NWO), The Caiaphas Complex (a collection of essays focusing on the Zionist-driven post-9/11 agenda), The Confessions of an Anti-Semite (a deconstruction of Zionist propaganda techniques), and his latest offering Ye Shall Know…


Weekly roundup: The articles I’ve been too busy to post here

Lots of new articles out in the past several days! Bishop Richard Williamson: “Boston Bombing Was Another False Flag”Did CIA kill Malcolm X’s grandson? Israel, Al-Qaeda Ties Out in The Open  Stephen Hawking Boycotts Israel Happy Texas-Israel Day! Why deny? A Christian Jew explains “Holocaust denial”  


Sander Hicks throws a Truth Party – 2013 tour launched!

Tuesday, May 14th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Sander Hicks is traveling throughout the Western USA for his 2013 Truth Party Tour, with hip-hop visionary Crazy Monk and kaleidoscope yogi Lo Nathamundi. Sander is the founder of the Truth Party, and the author of the 9/11 truth classics Slingshot to the Juggernaut and The Big Wedding. A former bookstore café owner and publisher, Sander is noted for his charismatic, spiritually-engaged brand of politics and his insights into entrepreneurship, activism, and the common ground they share.


Four Arrows on “Teaching Truly,” We Are Change activist Eric Sayward on “Free Hugs”

Mon.  5/13/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Four Arrows (Don Trent Jacobs), an education professor at Fielding Graduate University, has a new book out: Teaching Truly: A Curriculum to Indigenize Mainstream Education. It has garnered rave reviews from Noam Chomsky, Thom Hartmann, and Bill McKibben among others.   Four Arrows is a contributor to The Hidden History of 9/11 and co-author (with Jim Fetzer) of American Assassination: The Strange Death of Sen. Paul Wellstone. He revealed on my radio show a few years ago that Sen. Barbara Boxer endorsed his view of the Wellstone assassination, stating…


“Vatican insider” Dr. Robert Moynihan; Jim Fetzer on “WTC was nuked”

Dr. Robert Moynihan (he’s the one not wearing a hat) Fri.  5/10/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Dr. Robert Moynihan is the world’s top Vatican correspondent writing in English. He is the author of many books including Pray for Me: The Life and Spiritual Vision of Pope Francis, First Pope from the Americas. Dr. Moynihan’s unique brand of engagé journalism is spiritually intense, unflinchingly personal, and refreshingly honest. Dr. Moynihan, unlike most mainstream journalists, is not afraid to mention the skeletons in the Vatican’s closet; he was a major source for my articles Was Pope…


Prof. Anthony Hall on Splitting-the-Sky, Martin Hill on “Texas-Israel Day”

Splitting-the-Sky, trying to arrest George W. Bush Wed.  5/8/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) First hour: Professor Anthony Hall (U. of Lethbridge) is the author of Earth Into Property: Colonization, Decolonization, and Capitalism – a dazzling (and openly pro-9/11-truth) book published by McGill University Press. Professor Hall was a long-time associate of Splitting-the-Sky, who passed away in March after a brilliant career as a fire-breathing orator, civil resistant, and inspiration for the Calgary Principles. Second hour: Martin Hill joins the truth jihad to celebrate Texas-Israel Day! 


Gordon Duff on “Israel Qaeda” vs. Syria, false-flag crime wave hits Boston

Tuesday, May 7th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (then archived here a few hours after broadcast). Guest: Gordon Duff, updating us on the latest intel from Syria. Is that al-Qaeda, or their Israeli allies, pounding Damascus with howitzers? Is there even a difference? And are the same forces – call them “Israel Qaeda” – responsible for the Boston bombing, the latest episode of the false-flag crime wave that has swept across the USA beginning with the first WTC bombing in 1993? Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans…


“Redneck Manifesto” author Jim Goad joins the Truth Jihad – for two full hours!

Mon.  5/6/13, 3-5 pm Central,  American Freedom Radio  (archived here.) Guest for both hours: Jim Goad is one of America’s finest kick-ass, take-no-prisoners writers. Along with the late and very much missed Joe Bageant, Jim put “redneck writing” on the map, starting with the Redneck Manifesto and continuing with other books.  He also writes articles for Jim’s Ten Good Reasons Not to Assassinate Obama are right up there with my Five Good Reasons Not to Nuke Washington DC. Since nuking DC would (assuming it was done on the right day) have the effect of assassinating Obama, I am going…

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