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US war on terror ‘worst war crime in human history’ (and other Press TV videos)

America’s so-called war on terror that began 17 years ago has killed millions of people, far greater than official estimates, amounting to a “holocaust” and one of the worst war crimes in human history, a US scholar says. The ongoing US military campaign was aimed at creating “endless wars” to destroy Muslim countries, contrary to Washington’s stated goal of fighting terrorism, said Kevin Barrett, an author, journalist and radio host with a PhD  in Islamic and Arabic Studies. “Essentially what we’ve seen is a holocaust that’s off the charts, far beyond any World War ll holocaust that’s been covered up,”…


Why “Veterans Day” is really “Palestinian Genocide Day”

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor What we call “Veterans Day” in the USA is known as “Remembrance Day” in Australia. Whatever they’re remembering, we’ve apparently forgotten. The end of the “war to end all wars” ?  Maybe. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 was supposed to usher in permanent peace…but somehow instead it led to Orwellian dictatorship under an empire of permanent war.  Maybe all those 11s were Satanic illuminati signposts pointing down the road to dystopia? Read “11 Questions for Veterans Day“ Something else to “remember” (if you ever knew it…


Tom Mysiewicz on “Trump purges right-wing terrorists”; Linh Dinh says Uncle Sam is a dead man walking

Broadcasts live Friday 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio (click on Studio A). Archived HERE. Today’s two guests were purged from mainstream literature and journalism, respectively, for the crime of questioning our culture’s hegemonic narratives…that is, for doing their jobs. First hour: Ex-mainstream journalist turned mushroom-gatherer Tom Mysiewicz stood up to the Zionist Power Configuration and lived to tell the tale. Unlike certain other red-pilled conservatives, Tom isn’t swigging any of the Trump Kool Aid that’s going around. This evening we will discuss his new article TRUMP ANNOUNCES PURGE OF “RIGHT WING TERRORISTS.” Halfway through the hour we will expect…


FFWN: Man Bites Dog: Met Museum of Art, The Guardian support “conspiracy theories”!

Note: As of Saturday morning we are still $50 short of our goal for this show. Please help, even with a very small amount, HERE. PSA  1) Help FFWN change the culture! Last Week’s Massacre 2) EXCLUSIVE Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting Live Fire Training Exercise 3) RD Steele’s case that Pittsburgh was a false flag 4) WaPo: JEWISH suffering is the suffering that matters—and if you disagree, you “erase Jewish victims” (in gas chambers?) This Week’s Massacre 5) California bar shooting leaves 12 dead, including sheriff’s sergeant 6) REVEALED: Dozens of survivors of Las Vegas massacre were inside the California…


Lauren Booth on “Finding Peace in the Holy Land”

Listen HERE Lauren Booth is a notable UK journalist who has been variously known as “Tony Blair’s sister-in-law,” then “Tony Blair’s sister-in-law who opposed the Iraq war and took the boat to Gaza” and finally “Tony Blair’s sister-in-law who converted to Islam.” (The third version seems by far the most scandalous, at least in the eyes of the tabloid press.) In her book Finding Peace in the Holy Land: A British Muslim Memoir Lauren Booth tells her side of her own story. And what a radiantly inspiring story it is! Growing up as a spirited and independent British girl who loved…


Farrakhan compares Trump to Satan — Satan demands apology

Dissociated Press Responding to a report that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan had compared him to Donald Trump, Satan has issued an angry statement demanding an apology. At a heavily-attended press conference (hell is full of journalists who are forced to attend press conferences for all eternity) the Prince of Evil inveighed against Farrakhan for making an unfair and hurtful comparison. “I am the world’s greatest liar,” the Devil sneered. “Just because Trump lies all the time, he’s like me? Give me a break! Trump is the world’s second worst liar, almost as bad as his buddy Bin Salman. He…


Ian Greenhalgh: “Trump vs. Soros”: Everything you know is wrong!

Listen HERE Hey Trump fans! Before you vote or cheer for for Republicans in the midterms, do some homework on the respective careers of Donald Trump and George Soros. Yes, one of them is working for the, er, “elders of Zion”…but which one? Veterans Today editor Ian Greenhalgh argues (and I don’t think he’s entirely wrong) that everything “they” accuse Soros of doing is precisely what “they” themselves ARE doing! In other words, the anti-Soros propaganda machine is owned and operated by the criminal associates of a certain Benyamin “Bibi” Netanyahu…i.e. the people who did 9/11. And Trump has been…


Trump nukes Honduran military base in retaliation for “invasion”

“It was our base? Oops!” Dissociated Press Obeying an order issued by Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump, the United States Air Force has used a nuclear weapon to destroy Honduras’ biggest military installation. At 7:31:06 this morning, Base Aerea Soto Cano in Comayagua, Honduras was instantly incinerated by a B83 thermonuclear weapon set to its maximum yield of 1.2 megatons dropped by a USAF B1A Lancer as ordered by President Trump in his first official act of the day. Trump then called a press conference and explained: “A short time ago, an American aeroplane dropped one bomb on Comayagua and destroyed its…


Ilia Rashad Muhammad “Exposing the War Against Islam”; Henry Herskovitz reflects on synagogue shooting, RD Steele briefly joins us

Broadcast LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Ilia Rashad Muhammad is a public educator, author, researcher, and student of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, who is regularly attacked by such organizations as the ADL for making irreverent statements concerning Jews and Zionism. Recently the Honorable Minister quipped “I am not anti-Semite, I am anti-Termite” inciting an orgy of recriminations from Chelsea Clinton among others. (Read the NOI Research Group response “Termite Is Exactly Right” Pt. 1 and Pt. 2.) Ilia Rashad Muhammad says he looks forward to discussing “the NOI’s general controversy with powerful…


FFWN: Mainstream issues “Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept”

World’s biggest event happens—Western media barely notices 1) Arbaeen: The world’s biggest event PSA 2) Help FFWN push false flag meme mainstream! Pipe Bombs Send “False Flag” Meme Mainstream 3) Pipe Bombs: Frantic Denunciations of the False Flag Concept 4) ‘I thought he looked like a shooter’: Why someone snapped pictures of Cesar Sayoc’s van days ago 5) Michael Moore Shares Footage of Serial Bomb Suspect Cut From Fahrenheit 11/9 “11 Dead Jews in Pittsburgh” Pushes Khashoggi and Saudi Crimes Out of the Headlines 6) Active shooter drill planned for Thursday night in Squirrel Hill, Darlington…

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