Broadcasts live Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on PSA 1) Don’t Let Them Lock Down Your Mind—Support FFWN! and help AE911Truth publicize next week’s release of Hulsey Report on WTC-7: Corona Geopol 2) China locked in hybrid war with US 3) NYT: China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic 4) Zionist Algemeiner Waxes Hysterical Over Kevin Exposing 9/11-Anthrax on Press TV 5) 9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown—War on the Horizon? 6) Iranian Doctors Urge Neighbours to Liquidate Any US Biological Labs Amid Coronavirus Fears See also: 7) Oil price crash: 50% of US shale could…
FULL ARTICLEAuthor: Kevin Barrett
Trump Demonstrates Use of Condoms to Prevent Spread of Covid-19
Dissociated Press At a press conference this morning President Donald Trump announced a novel solution to the coronavirus problem: condoms. “We now have it totally under control, it’s going to be just fine. All you have to do is wear a condom when you go out in public,” Trump explained. The President proceeded to extract a foil packet containing a condom from his shirt pocket, open the packet, remove the condom, and pull it down over his head. As Trump mumbled guttural noises from within the rubber encasement, First Son-in-Law Jared Kusher explained: “My shadow coronavirus task force has solved…
FULL ARTICLERadio Islam Interviews Kevin on Coronavirus Conspiracy; Ron Ridenour on the “Russian Peace Threat”
Listen HERE First 15 minutes: Radio Islam International interviews Kevin on his “coronavirus conspiracy theories” that were recently deplored by The Algemeiner. Final 40 minutes: Ron Ridenour discusses his book The Russian Peace Threat, which makes the case that the US has been the aggressor, and Russia the wannabe peacemaker, since at least the beginning of the Cold War. And when the Cold War finally ended, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Ron does not shy away from “conspiracy theories,” i.e. the forbidden truth about such events as the JFK and 9/11 coups. Below is the…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Myers: “Covid-19 Was Made in a Lab”
Listen HERE Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection against the weapon. WIV would have many workers, not only virologists but also cleaners and people who look after animals (they do experiments on animals). Most likely, one of these workers was infected by the Coronavirus, and unintentionally took it outside. After a few contacts, it reached the nearby Seafood Market, which is a local gathering-spot. From there it disseminated in Wuhan. There’s no way Xi or other…
FULL ARTICLEProf. Kevin MacDonald on the Censorship Epidemic
Listen HERE Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. “My own experience is basically being deplatformed. I edit the journal Occidental Quarterly, which until recently has been a print journal. But now it’s just going to be online because we haven’t been able to retain our subscriptions because the credit card companies won’t process…
FULL ARTICLECoronavirus Urged to Wash Hands and Self-Quarantine After Trump-Bolsinaro Handshake
Dissociated Press The World Health Organization issued a directive this morning urging an unfortunate coronavirus caught between the sweaty palms of the US and Brazilian presidents to wash its hands and quarantine itself. “We don’t know what this coronavirus may have picked up from its intimate contact with two of the world’s most virulently toxic organisms,” explained WHO spokeperson Dr. Pew Triddley Stan-Jiang. “But whatever it is, it can’t be good. The coronavirus needs to vigorously scrub its hands, or more accurately its spike proteins, with pure bleach for a minimum of twenty minutes. Then it must locomote itself to…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: “Top Secret 9/11-like Coronavirus Response”
PSA 1) Help us keep you informed—and amused! Give generously to FFWN 9/11 Lives! 2) Peer-Reviewed Journal Publishes Article on Academic Resistance to 9/11 Truth. Outright Hostility Ensues. 3) World Trade Center Blueprints Found in Trash Up for Sale 4) A Record of Major High-Rise Fires Worldwide “Top Secret 9/11-like” Coronavirus Response?! 5) US Intel Agencies Played Unsettling Role in Classified and “9/11-like” Coronavirus Response Plan 6) The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID 2020” 7) Dirty money: The case against using cash during the coronavirus outbreak (CNN propaganda for cashless society) 8) William Engdahl: Will Rockefellers…
FULL ARTICLEKevin MacDonald on escalating censorship; Peter Myers says coronavirus was made in a lab
Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at California State University–Long Beach, discusses escalating censorship, Trump and competing elites, the white identity movement circa 2020, the presidential race, and of course coronavirus and its implications. We’ll also touch on his most recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. Second hour: Peter Myers argues that coronavirus was made in a lab—”most likely from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)….All such P4 labs (BSL-4 labs) develop both weapons and vaccines, the vaccines being a protection…
FULL ARTICLEUS biological warfare against China could lead to World War III
By Kevin Barrett A number of interesting developments here in the United States and in China suggest that there is something very strange going on regarding the coronavirus and the US government. We are now hearing from the Chinese government itself, as well as from Chinese social media, which is normally restricted, but in this case, it’s actually seems that people are being encouraged to post the same kinds of questions that we just heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang, who suggested that the United States military brought coronavirus to China. US military might have brought…
FULL ARTICLEThe Only Way to Avoid Coronavirus: Stay Home 24/7 Watching Coronavirus News
Dissociated Press In the wake of new studies showing that the best way to avoid coronavirus is to stay home watching coronavirus coverage, the United States government and the corporations that own it have rolled out a new plan to curtail the spread of the dread disease. Yesterday the newly-merged Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Center for Media Control (CMC) announced that beginning next week, all mainstream media outlets will merge into a single mega-corporation, the Coronavirus News Network (CvNN). Once CvNN begins broadcasting at 12:01 a.m. next Monday, the American public will be required to stay home and…