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Who’s behind COVID-19 pandemic: Are the chickens coming home to roost?

By Kevin Barrett for Press TV The question of whether the chickens are coming home to roost was famously posed by Malcolm X. And that was shortly after the JFK assassination. Malcolm X was suggesting that the same forces that the US had deployed to attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro, among others, may have bounced back in a case of blowback and killed President Kennedy. And of course, we know that there’s a certain amount of truth to that. Today we know that the same CIA assassination squads that were unsuccessfully attempting to kill Castro were in fact involved in…


Four great guests on corona-9/11: Barbara Honegger, E. Michael Jones, Richard Gage AIA, and Wayne Coste

Listen live Fridays 7 to 9 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio — shows later archived at my Patreon page First 30 minutes: Barbara Honegger discusses her new article Here We Go Again: 9/11, Coronavirus and Another ‘New Pearl Harbor’. Second 30 minutes: E. Michael Jones on “The Coronavirus and the Culture War.” Third 30 minutes: Richard Gage, AIA: “Professor Leroy Hulsey and his team of engineers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks released the much-anticipated final report of their four-year study on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.” Final 30 minutes: Engineer Wayne Coste on his new paper “Why Were…


FFWN: Coronavirus Wars Escalating

Broadcast live Saturdays 11 to noon Eastern on PSA  1) Help FFWN Report on Coronavirus Wars …you’ll also be helping me do Press TV interviews like the new Coronavirus Chickens Coming Home to Roost? True Conspiracy Theories 2) WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report 3) Bob Dylan Releases 17-Minute Song About JFK Assassination Listen to it, it’s a masterpiece: 4) Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government” “Probably True” Conspiracy Theory: Corona = Botched US-Israeli Bio-Attack on China & Iran  5) Trump Denies VT Story on US Military Source for CV19-Further Confirmation from ‘Liar…


Trump Doubles Down: America Will Be “Opened Up and Raring to Go” on April Fool’s Day

Dissociated Press After being raked over the coals for telling Americans to “pack the pews on Easter Sunday” (which falls on April 12) Donald Trump has upped the ante, calling for Americans to celebrate April Fool’s Day on  Wednesday, April 1, with “YUUUUGE gatherings of happy Fools.” “Why wait for Easter? Why not be Foolish next Wednesday?” Trump tweeted. The President is urging people to break out of self-imposed quarantine on April 1 and pack themselves tightly together in town squares, auditoriums, and stadiums in crowds of tens or even hundreds of thousands, celebrating premature victory over coronavirus by playing…


Jared Kushner Solves the Coronavirus Problem with Free-Market Initiatives

Dissociated Press In the wake of his failed coronavirus condom initiative, First Son-In-Law Jared Kusher—smarting from criticism of his attempts to capitalize on the pandemic—has unveiled a new line of potentially profitable products that he says will “solve the coronavirus crisis just like I solved the Mideast crisis.” “After extensive focus group testing, we discovered that people don’t want to pull gigantic extra-heavy-duty condoms over their heads every time they leave the house,” Kushner explained. “So we starting thinking about other ways to promote social distancing using simple, inexpensive products that can be sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. “The first idea…


US has to shut down biowarfare labs to save the world from pandemics

By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV The coronavirus is spreading here in the United States in an alarming fashion and the government is now moving into crisis mode. Nearly 15,000 people have been tested positive as of today, Friday, and it’s increasing exponentially. So the question becomes what went wrong? The US had plenty of warning on this. The Chinese figured out it was a problem back in January. And at that point, measures could have been taken that would have kept the problem very, very small. And that didn’t happen. I think we can look at this from a…


Abandonment of Hajj Pilgrimmage Signals Approach of World War 3 (Islamic Prophecy)

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor The minor pilgrimage to Mecca, the Umrah, has already been cancelled. The Great Pilgrimage, the Hajj, scheduled for July, will likely also be shut down. In the above video recorded years ago, the world’s leading Islamic eschatologist, Sheikh Imran Hosein, cites a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) that the Hajj would be abandoned during the End Times (akhir uz-zamaan). Sheikh Imran suggested that it would be canceled during a period of extreme geopolitical tension between Zionists and their enemies (Iran and its friends?) due to manufactured hysteria over a pandemic. Sheikh Imran has…


Brian Ruhe: Bjerknes and Hoffman Are Wrong, Hitler Was a Great Guy!

Listen HERE Brian Ruhe, who has (non-ironically) called himself a “Buddhist Nazi,” espouses a generally pro-Hitler position. In this interview, we’ll air our widely differing views on that…and also discuss the recent flurry of claims that Brian is secretly Jewish, which I guess would make him a “Jewish Buddhist Nazi,” which is even weirder than just a “Buddhist Nazi”—though unfortunately it seems that Brian was just dressing up as an Orthodox Jew for a theatrical event when the “incriminating” photos were taken. In any case, Brian has been persecuted, censored, silenced, fired from a job, and deplatformed for his odd…


Christopher Bjerknes: Hitler Was a False Flag

Listen HERE Researcher-historian Christopher Jon Bjerknes, author of Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist and other books, joins the debate on Hitler. Like my recent guest Michael Hoffman, Bjerknes thinks Hitler was indeed an “enemy of the German people”—and a very dubious character in many respects—whose reign was an unmitigated disaster for Germany and Europe in general. Now he’s under attack from Hitler fans! Adam Green recently wrote me: I enjoyed your interview with Michael Hoffman. The religious zealot nazi cult is viciously attacking Bjerknes and me after our videos about his new books too. Our videos were all top trending on bitchute…


Debate on Hitler Continues: Christopher Jon Bjerknes vs. Brian Ruhe

Broadcast live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Researcher-historian Christopher Jon Bjerknes, author of Adolf Hitler: Bolshevik and Zionist and other books, joins the debate on Hitler. Like my recent guest Michael Hoffman, Bjerknes thinks Hitler was indeed an “enemy of the German people”—and a very dubious character in many respects—whose reign was an unmitigated disaster for Germany and Europe in general. Now he’s under attack from Hitler fans! Adam Green recently wrote me: I enjoyed your interview with Michael Hoffman. The religious zealot nazi cult is viciously attacking Bjerknes and me after our videos about his…

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