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FFWN: 9/11 and the Death of the American Dream

 ANNOUNCEMENT! 9/11 ANNIVERSARY EVENT TODAY IN MADISON: 6 pm, Garner Park, 333 S. Rosa Rd., Madison, WI. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Defeat YouTube Censorship 2) Watch 2020 9/11 Truth Film Festival 9/11 Truth Film Festival. 3) Justice Rising Live Stream from AE911truth FREE Sept 11-13 9/11 Wars 4) 9/11 and Death of the American Dream 5) New Costs of War Study: 37 Million Displaced by U.S. Post-9/11 Wars Wisconsin Crackdowns  6) YouTube Disrupts FFWN, Freezes Kevin’s Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation” 7) More Wisconsin Chaos: Man Faces Year In Prison and $10,000 Fine for ‘Dirty Jew’ Slur Jeffrey…


My 9/11 Interviews for 19th Anniversary: 9/11/2020

Above: My two-hour interview with libertarian Muslim activist Hesham El-Meligy, also featuring Enver Masud. Below: My op-ed published today (9/11/2020) in the Tehran Times, Iran’s English language newspaper. 9/11 and Death of the American Dream By Kevin Barrett, published inThe Tehran Times Sometimes comedians can get a laugh just by telling the truth. George Carlin was good at that. One of his most famous quotes is: “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” Sigmund Freud famously analyzed dreams as wish fulfillment fantasies. In that kind of dream, the dreamer attempts to…


Priest and Nonviolence Activist Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy on 60s Assassinations, 9/11, COVID

Listen HERE I recently encountered the work of Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy through his review of The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, reprinted below. (Check out my interview with co-author David Martin.) Clearly “Charlie” McCarthy is one of those rare American religious leaders who are both well-informed and committed to seeking and speaking the truth. In this interview Rev. McCarthy begins by recounting his journey from “normal Irish-American Catholic boy” to truth-speaking apostle of the gospel of nonviolence. In the second half of the show we focus on the 1960s wave of CIA-linked political assassinations, 9/11 and the pre-planned wars it triggered, and the…



Watch at MY BITCHUTE CHANNEL or Press TV Ongoing obscene, sacrilegious attacks on Islam in France are excused by “free speech”—while historians are imprisoned for sincerely seeking the truth. Meanwhile, evidence that the Charlie Hebdo atrocities were orchestrated by the same NATO-Israeli forces that did 9/11 has been suppressed and ignored by MSM. The head of Islamic Human Rights Commission Massoud Shadjareh and Middle East expert Kevin Barrett exchange views on this issue. For extensive infor; mation debunking the official story of Charlie Hebdo, read We Are Not Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11 (free online HERE). Please subscribe…


BLM: BIGGEST PROTESTS SINCE VIETNAM WAR (I am on BitChute, please subscribe!)

Press TV correspondent Ramin Mazaheri reports from Kenosha, Wisconsin, and Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett adds commentary, as protests continue following the police shooting of Jacob Blake and subsequent violence. Please subscribe to DrKevinBarrett on Bitchute! Go to scroll down and click “subscribe.”


Gilad Atzmon on COVID & Apocalyptic Hysteria

Listen HERE Musician and philosopher Gilad Atzmon searches for the roots of our ever-escalating apocalyptic hysteria and finds them—where else—in the Torah, a.k.a. Old Testament, and its interpretive traditions. Check out his new article  Apocalypse Now! Excerpts: “For two decades, we, the people who happen to dwell on this planet, have been subjected to repeated apocalyptic hysteria. Following 9/11 we were taken into a world war against Islam as the ‘Islamists,’ we were told by our Neocon masters, were ‘intending to eradicate our civilization.’ Shortly after, the economic bubble collapsed. We were prepared for global poverty. Even as we recovered from the economic…


Meryl Nass MD on HCQ & Other Plandemic Issues

Listen HERE Meryl Nass, MD, independent biowarfare expert and one of the stars of Plandemic 2, makes many of the same points in that film that she made months earlier on my radio show (transcript here) and in my COVID Biowar webinar.  Now she’s back to discuss recent developments including: How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more (updated many times) Comprenhensive list of HCQ studies: Covid-19 deaths in Italy: 96% had pre-existing conditions, 99% were age 50 or older…Basically confirming the CDC stats that only 6% of deaths were from Covid alone Hydroxychloroquine: the EVIDENCE you have nothing to worry…


John Hankey & Peter Myers on “COVID-19 Inside Job” & “Plandemic”

Listen HERE First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr.discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world by the same group that orchestrated the world wars…


The Chutzpah! YouTube Just Froze My Channel Using Spurious Charge of “Impersonation”

YouTube just nuked False Flag Weekly News, but you can still watch it HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor In the middle of today’s live webcast of False Flag Weekly News, YouTube nuked the broadcast, issued a strike, and froze my channel for a week. They absurdly claimed that I violated their policy against “impersonation.” I immediately appealed: YouTube’s determination is obviously mistaken. There has been no impersonation. This has been my channel, and I have been doing False Flag Weekly News, for more than a decade! I use my own name in all my work, and my guests…


LIVE RADIO! COVID CONSPIRACY DOCUMENTARIES: John Hankey & Peter Myers on COVID-19 Inside Job; Meryl Nass MD on HCQ & Other Plandemic Issues

Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First hour: John Hankey, director of Dark Legacy and The Assassination of JFK Jr. discusses his highly recommended new documentary COVID-19 Inside Job. If you were wondering why the CDC has ordered state officials to prepare to distribute the new COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November, right before the election—even though it should be impossible to produce a safe effective vaccine against a novel coronavirus in anything less than years—wonder no more. According to John Hankey, COVID-19 is a decade(s)-old biological weapon that was deliberately unleashed on the world…

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