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David Friedman is furthering the Kosher Nostra extremist Likudnik Israeli agenda

Press TV US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is an organized crime figure who is furthering the Kosher Nostra extremist Likudnik Israeli agenda, an American political analyst has said. Kevin Barrett, an author, Veterans Today Editor and radio host with a Ph.D. in Islamic and Arabic Studies, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Thursday. Breaking a long-standing tradition of ambassadors being politically neutral, Friedman said on Sunday that US policy toward Iran could take a turn for the worse from the perspective of Israel if Democratic nominee Joe Biden is elected the US president in November.…


Elias Davidsson: They’re Planning to Genetically Modify Us to Make Us Docile, Obedient Slaves

Listen HERE Elias Davidsson, author of books on the 9/11 and Mumbai false flags, discusses similarities between the 9/11 and COVID-19 “emergencies”: Both were prefigured by drills, both featured massive fearmongering propaganda operations, and both seem designed to accelerate the movement toward an Orwellian police state. In both cases, people who question the official propaganda are smeared as “conspiracy theorists”—though the anti-conspiracy-theorist smear campaign has been quicker and more intense in the aftermath of COVID-19. In this interview Elias says: “What I have been trying to show is where it leads. All the evidence shows that it is being done…


Robin Hordon on 9/11 Planes, Activism in Seattle & Portland, Elections, & More

Listen HERE Whistleblowing ex-Air Traffic Controller Robin Hordon, a source for some of David Ray Griffin’s work on the 9/11 planes, offers a different take on AA77 and related issues from David Chandler’s. At the end of the show he updates us on his civil information activism, which will be taking him to the Portland “civil war zone” tomorrow.


David Chandler on “AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon”

Listen HERE David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truthhas done important work on the controlled demolitions of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. Tonight he discusses his latest video AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon.  David Chandler, Wayne Coste, and others offer a detailed forensic argument that a large plane, almost certaiy the one that left Dulles Airport as AA77, did in fact crash into the Pentagon…but most likely the kamikaze crash was flown by remote control, not by—as the 9/11 Commission absurdly claimed—a guy who couldn’t even pilot a Cessna training aircraft! Those qualified to comb over and attempt…


LIVE RADIO! David Chandler on “AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon”: Robin Hordon on 9/11 Planes, Activism in Seattle & Portland, Elections, & More

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern at Revolution.Radio First hour: David Chandler of Scientists for 9/11 Truth has done important work on the controlled demolitions of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7. Tonight he discusses his latest video AA Flight 77 at the Pentagon.  David Chandler, Wayne Coste, and others offer a detailed forensic argument that a large plane, almost certainly the one that left Dulles Airport as AA77, did in fact crash into the Pentagon…but most likely the kamikaze crash was flown by remote control, not by—as the 9/11 Commission absurdly claimed—a guy who couldn’t even pilot…


FFWN: Orchestrated COVID Crisis: Engineering Global Dystopia?

Watch live every Saturday 11 to noon Eastern on Guest host Lucy Morgan Edwards is a journalist, author, election monitor and former political advisor to the European Union ambassador in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is the author of The Afghan Solution: The inside story of Abdul Haq, the CIA and how western hubris lost Afghanistan. PSAs 1) Help FFWN Expose Baal vs. Moloch Election 1A)  Muse the cat says if you folks don’t pay up he will order me to abandon FFWN and make cat videos instead! 2) Will the 2020 Election Be Stolen–Webinar Oct 25th 3) Experts and 9/11 Families…


Matt Ehret: $4.5 Trillion Bankster Bailout + $1.5 Quadrillion Derivative Bubble = Looming Catastrophe

Listen HERE Matthew Ehret writes: “While the world’s attention is absorbed by tectonic shifts unfolding across America as a perfect storm of civil war, and military coup threatens to undo both the elections and the very foundations of the republic itself, something very ominous has appeared ‘off of the radar’ of most onlookers. This something is a financial collapse of the trans-Atlantic banks that threatens to unleash chaos upon the world. It is this collapse that underlies the desperate efforts being made by the neocon drive for total war with Russia, China and other members of the growing Multipolar Alliance…


David Swanson on “Leaving WW2 Behind”

Listen HERE Peace activist David Swanson is the author of the new book Leaving World War II Behind. He debunks the standard misconceptions about the mythical “good war.” WAS IT ABOUT SAVING JEWS? “In reality, the U.S. and British governments engaged for years in massive propaganda campaigns to build war support but never made any mention of saving Jews.” (p.21) WAS IT ABOUT STOPPING HITLER’S EUGENICS? “Eugenics had British and U.S. roots and was popularized by Americans in the first two decades of the Twentieth Century…eugenics was funded by the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad fortune.” (chapter…


Calling Trump an Anarchist Is an Insult to Anarchists

By Kevin Barrett Hossein Dehqan, who is a former defense minister and current advisor to the Supreme Leader of Iran, has spoken out to warn the United States that if it acts against Iran, it will receive a decisive response and that the Americans should not twist the lion’s tail. Mr. Dehqan said that Trump is “an anarchist. He’s ready to wreak havoc on his own society. And he’s an anarchist in every sense of the word.” Well, I often agree with people in Tehran about these things, but in this case, I have to differ with Mr. Hossein Dehqan,…


Gordon Duff: The C*A Showed Me Secret UFO Documents—Followed by Close Encounter

Listen HERE Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today, describes how he was shown top secret UFO documents, then was buzzed by a gigantic (space?)craft. All this by way of discussion of Gordon’s article “Why No One Should Vote.” Among the questions pondered therein: Why did an idiot nation elect an idiot (and worse) president? Is it a multi-generational fascist plot? Are there insectoids among us? Are the aliens breeding us for stupidity? Or as Gordon puts it: “Do entities from off planet, unseen that may have been here for millions of years, perhaps less, exist, do they interact with chosen…

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