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AMERICAN DEATH THROES: a guest column by Menachem Mevashir

Menachem Mevashir is a Messianic Jewish believer in Jesus. He graduated from Harvard in 1980, lived in Israel for 20 years, converted to Christianity in the year 2000 and returned to the US five years later. He writes: “I am well aware of the brutality of Israeli government officials, the military, and the intelligence agencies. I myself harbored so much animosity towards Arabs that I was deferred from serving in the IDF when I was drafted. I have been a 911 Truther since 9-12-2001, when the first skeptical information started appearing on the internet on many sites.” 


by Menachem Mevashir

As I thought about the New Yorker hit piece on Donald Trump, the thing that most struck me was the confession of the author, Tony Schwartz, that his own economic insecurities and avarice led him to work for Trump, a man for whom he had no respect at all. He rationalized his relationship with Trump out of a sense of his own economic desperation.

I suppose the New York Jewish media glitterati and illuminati are all gloating over this mea culpa of one of their own. They now feel that, having confessed his sin and bared his soul, they all can go back to enjoying the bread and wine at their journalistic communion table. The problem is that this confession is totally bogus, like that of a mafia hitman who confesses to the priest on Sunday knowing full well that, come Monday, he will be back to his whoring gambling drinking murdering ways.

The fact is that the Pressititutes of the American Whoreporate Mess Media have been covering up the truth (at best) and lying to us (at worst) for decades. They are busy little bees serving as the unofficial ministry of propaganda for their government and corporate benefactors and colluders in the great American Fascist experiment of Welfare Capitalism, characterized by private gain (profits) and public pain (bailouts).

The media have been asleep at the wheel ever since the JFK assassination, and probably long before. They failed to tell us the truth about fluoridated water, about the explosion of autism spectrum diagnoses traceable to mercury contaminated vaccines and a whole host of environmental factors. They kept silent about the mounting evidence of the dangers of GMOs. They totally avoided the grave implications about Fukushima and about nuclear power in general, with its totally unmanageable and uncontainable toxic waste products.

They kept mum about the obvious chicanery used in the 9/11 terror attacks. They allowed the government to cart away and destroy evidence and to pay off survivors to ensure that no comprehensive investigation ever would take place. And then to use this masterful lie to justify endless wars of imperial aggression.

Today it is safe to assume that just about anything that appears in newspapers magazines or on tv is a lie, or at least a shallow misrepresentation of the truth.

When I returned to this country in December of 2005, I was on a plane with two New York City radio news reporters. I told them that my mother was raised in New York and always boasted that New Yorkers are the smartest people in the world, but that my impression from seeing the New York media’s ineptitude about 9/11 is that they are the most craven and pusillanimous people on earth. The two journalists stared at me with daggers and then said they are off to a fun convention in Las Vegas and don’t really care what I think about them. Case proven.

So my first thought about the New Yorker piece is that it is another phony confession from our mass media elites to lull us back to sleep.

My second thought is that Trump is right that Schwartz expresses ingratitude. Whatever his mixed motivations were, Schwartz was catapulted into success by collaborating with Trump. It really is ingratitude for him to now punch back at his benefactor. Perhaps he should have penned this piece anonymously? I don’t know. But Trump has a point.

And Trump has a deeper point too. Trump says Make America Great Again. In my view, America was great when it was populated by Native American tribes, who roamed its beautiful landscapes, loving laughing living lying laboring and warring among themselves, in relative harmony with the natural environment. Ever since the white Europeans invaded this continent (and indeed the entire Western hemisphere), their sick and depraved culture has metastasized across this continent, from sea to shining sea, until today we are teeming with the putrefaction of their two legged white maggot culture.

And now we are faced with the likely prospect of the Prince of these maggots being elected to sit in the White House maggot palace. Rather than lament this, I think we all should embrace it as a lifesaving opportunity.

For the sad fact is that Trump epitomizes what American culture is: mendacious mediocrity masquerading as meritorious virtue. For years the elites have used television and the entertainment industry to dumb down the American public. These elites enjoy art galleries and opera, lavish vacations and round the world junkets, opulent homes and extravagant restaurants, while the rest of society languishes in a putrid cultural cesspool of rotten television and exploitative movies. Studies have correlated tv viewing habits with income and education, showing that the corporate elites watch less than 30 minutes of tv per day while the lowest paid and least educated folks watch up to eight hours per day. And now Americans are lobotomizing themselves on electronic media for 12 hours per day!

The elites have enjoyed the good life while failing to provide for a good society for everyone. It is not even a priority to them. And now they are reaping the very bitter harvest of a vulgar and mediocre electorate, that they have helped to create, rising up in fury to nominate the Maggot Prince for President. If the elites don’t like this, if they fear it, then they have only themselves to blame. They’ve listened to fiddlers at the Metropolitan Opera House while Rome burns, but now the conflagration threatens them too. They’re like the fools on the Titanic who thought the gash in the ship’s hull would flood out the steerage riffraff so they could enjoy the entire luxury liner for themselves. But they didn’t realize, stupefied with their own depraved decadence, that they too will drown as the ship of state sinks beneath the waves.

If Hillary Clinton is elected it will be painting more makeup and mascara on the old ugly whore face of America. If Trump is elected we have an opportunity to finally recognize who we all are. When Trump says Make America Great Again, I think he really means Make America Hate Again. And when the Maggot Prince, who represents most of us who have zero intellectual curiosity or integrity and who are proud boastful shallow prejudiced vain narcissistic and grossly materialistic, sits in the White House maggot palace and pulls out his well-endowed urinary tool and pisses on the rest of us, the shower of warm sticky liquid just might help wake us all up to recognize that the only enemy we have to fear is us. We can all look in the mirror and hate what we see. And then we can thank the maggot Prince for helping us to recognize the awful truth of what we’ve become: an odious contemptible society of moral and spiritual and intellectual losers.

21 Thoughts to “AMERICAN DEATH THROES: a guest column by Menachem Mevashir”

  1. Anonymous

    I like that line: "Make America Hate Again". America has always hated the "Other". The only thing that changes over the years is who the "Other" is. Now it is Muslims. The problem, as I see it, is not the politicians, elites, corporate masters, military/industrial complex, etc., etc., etc. The problem is the people. It is the people's naivete, blind nation worship, ignorance, and yes, stupidity. This is what makes possible all the fascism in the world today. The powers that be couldn't do it without the backing of the willing cannon fodder and gun toting lackies that man the police and military. The challenge is to wake the people up.

  2. Some white supremacists I know via email are angry with what I wrote about white culture. It is true that white culture has many great achievements, but it's also true that white culture gave us atheistic materialism, evolutionary naturalism, eugenics, nuclear weapons and power that imperil the whole world, financial chicanery that has turned the entire global economy into a tawdry casino, etc. etc ad nauseum.

    I don't think whites have much to be proud of particularly. They are just as much a mixture of good and evil as anyone else. Yes their technological know how and genius is impressive, but so are the problems and dangers they have introduced into the world.

  3. I think you are correct.

    But I don't think the people can be woken up.

    I know someone who hates Trump and watches TV 12 hours per day. Now she is wowed by Trump's elegant children. She doesn't realize that these people don't give a dang about her and would never associate with her.

    Americans are basically losers and they live vicariously through the exploits of others. If a person is rich powerful and charismatic they will vote for him, even if it's against their own interests, because of the vicarious thrill.

    TV and Hollywood has successfully dumbed down society to a servile state.

  4. Trump will give new meaning to Bully Pulpit

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  7. Anonymous

    "If a person is rich powerful and charismatic they will vote for him, even if it's against their own interests, because of the vicarious thrill."

    No, people are voting for Donald Trump because jews like you opened the borders in 1965 and flooded the country with millions of foreigners.

    Even if your assertion that White advancements have been for the worse was correct, it's obvious that you're using this as a means of attack on White people, their confidence, and their identity (as jews, whatever they claim to convert to, so often do). But no one in their right mind would ever trust their local barrio or ghetto with "nuclear weapons or power".

  8. Jews ARE white people. These days, Jews even have an extra iota of "white privilege." Like your clothes after washing with that special detergent, they are "whiter than white." And I definitely don't buy the notion that Jews only support open immigration (opening the door to lots of Muslims) out of self interest. The world is not as simple as the minds of white supremacists.

  9. Anonymous

    Kevin, excellent summary of the sad state of affairs in the good old USA long since warped to the NWO-reality of non reality when it comes to anything close to the truth about these criminals.

  10. My second response to her:


    I realize you usually don't take time to respond.

    I have written to you many times over the years, yet this is a very rare response from you.

    So I am grateful to hear from you and recognize that I must have stirred you up.

    Let me say that I have recommended your site to MANY folks seeking alternatives to the American Medical Cancer Cabal. I respect your work and your ideas to a high degree.

    I also agree that the media owners are mainly Jews and are the problem. However run of the mill reporters, who recognize they are being manipulated, are free to walk away, just as you walked away from UCSF.

    Indeed if these reporters know the owners are liars, then the onus on them is very great to leave the false industry.

    If they don't then they too are without excuse.

    When I was doing a 9/11 Truth outreach in Boulder Colorado ten years ago, a FOX newsperson took me aside and said it's all a big waste of time.

    When I asked him why he said: Because the media owners in New York won't let us investigate the truth.

    Just as you claimed.

    However, these media owners are in cahoots with the CIA and other governmental agencies to cover up the truth.

    It is far more complex than Jewish Media Owners, bad as they are.

    I am not part of the Jewish power elite. Most Jews detest me and call me an antiSemite or self-hating Jew. I take that as a compliment, because Jesus taught us that we MUST hate ourselves. And that includes white Christians too. They also must hate themselves and their detestable sin nature.

    At this point Jewish ownership of things is a moot point. The power elite is totally intermixed with Jews and Christians. Witness your own beloved Donald Trump, whose daughter converted to Orthodox Judaism and whose son in law Kushner is an Orthodox Jewish banking mogul. Doesn't that perturb you Lorraine?

    Why is Trump's affinity for Jews and Israel not a concern to you?

    You definitely are not stupid, so how did the Donald sucker even you???

    As for your bogus claim about Khazarian Jews, check these out (including one item from David Duke):

    Ashkenazi Jewish women descended mostly from Italian converts …

    The new research underscores an emerging consensus that wandering Jewish men, from the Near East, established a mosaic of small Jewish communities—first in Italy and then scattered throughout Europe, often taking on local gentile wives and raising their children as Jews.

    Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese

    Jewish men shared a common set of genetic signatures with non-Jews from the Middle East, including Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese, and these signatures diverged significantly from non-Jewish men outside of this region. Consequently, Jews and Arabs share a common ancestor and are more closely related to one another than to non-Jews from other areas of the world.

    New Genetic Study Confirms Racial Basis of Judaism – David Duke …
    David Duke

    Ashkenazi Jews are not Khazars – Ashkenazi Jews are Israelites …
    ▶ 10:02

    Blessings to you from the Jewish Messiah Yeshua MiNatzrat Meshiach Yisrael waMoshio kol haOlam!

    Perhaps if you look over some of my Messianic blog writings, you will better understand me.


  11. Anonymous

    Freeman: "Which month is White history month?"

    Wallace: "Well… uh…. I'm jewish."

    Article on top jewish news site: "Jews are a race"

    "When I was growing up in the ’40s and ’50s, a single question was asked in my neighborhood of every piece of news, large or small, local or national: 'Is it good for the Jews?'"

    "From the Amish to Zoolatry, this hilarious tour of world history and culture will answer the question on everyone's lips this Chanukah: 'Yes, but is it good for the Jews?' Jews have long evaluated everything from current events to dinner menus through the prism of 'Yes But is it good for the Jews.'"

  12. I think the Benghazi tempest is totally hypocritical BS.

    The US was meddling there to illegally overthrow Qadaffi, just like Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia long ago.

    Four US officials died. Yet no one asks why we were there in the first place.

    No one apologizes for destroying Libya &creating an enormous refugee crisis.

    Above all Repugnocraps don’t investigate the phony 9/11 attacks or ensuing illegal invasions of Iraq &Afghanistan that left those countries ruined, thousands of US soldiers dead and tens of thousands maimed physically and emotionally, millions of Arabs slaughtered, trillions of dollars wasted, and a total erosion of trust in government.

    So I think their anger at Hillary is absurd, like STRAINING A GNAT & SWALLOWING A CAMEL!

    With 20 veteran suicides PER DAY, the Repugnocraps are all self-righteous over Benghazi &some emails? They are sanctimonious BS artists. When will Christians smell the stench of politics?

    American Christocrites vote for strongmen leaders just as do the Orthodox Jews in Israel. The more pious they purport to be the more impious the leaders they grovel to!

    I saw a famous chef on Larry King blast US farm policies for the American obesity epidemic. He says Calories are cheap. Nutritious calories expensive! Says government policy to subsidize grains &garbage foods must change. Says this is a priority for Clinton but not for fast-food scarfing Trump!

    Hebrew word POLITIK = AMALEK in gematria. I dream of the day when Christians will grow up &stop drinking this poisonous political KoolAid!

    Penny wise pound foolish, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel, making a mountain out of a molehill. Pick your apt metaphor for the faith community’s foolishness gullibility &hatred of Truth and the genuine Gospel of Peace!

    Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s. Not to campaign for him. Billions of dollars of precious Christian money are flushed down the political toilet every election. That money could change the world for Christ!

    When Paul said to submit to the government, Nero was ruling. So who the flip cares which candidate wins?!

    As Trump might say: YUGE WASTE OF TIME &MONEY! YUGE!

  13. My first response to her:

    Great to hear from you Lorraine.

    Hope to provide you with a coherent response later.

    Blessings to you always.

    Meanwhile about white maggots, this is what i wrote to some German friends who are definitely white supremacists.

    Note the response from Hans Penner after.

    It is true that white culture has many great achievements, but it's also true that white culture gave us atheistic materialism, evolutionary naturalism, eugenics, nuclear weapons and power that imperil the whole world, financial chicanery that has turned the entire global economy into a tawdry casino, etc. etc ad nauseum.

    I don't think whites have much to be proud of particularly. They are just as much a mixture of good and evil as anyone else. Yes their technological know how and genius is impressive, but so are the problems and dangers they have introduced into the world.

    Jesus taught that self love is a great evil.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Hans Penner
    To: Menachem Mevashir ; safari4711
    Sent: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 1:48 pm
    Subject: Re: American vs European White Culture

    Dipl.-Chem. Dr. rer. nat. Hans Penner, 76351 Linkenheim-Hochstetten

    Dear Menachem Mevashir,

    the hearts of men are wrong. The heart of a man must be changed. This is only possible if Jesus comes into the heart of a man and changes it. Jesus explained this to the Jewish theologian Nicodemus.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Hans Penner

  14. Some comments to me in an email from Dr Lorraine Day:

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Lorraine Day
    To: Menachem Mevashir
    Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2016 9:24 pm

    The media have NOT “been asleep at the wheel.” Why would you say such a thing? You know very well that virtually ALL the media is owned by Jews and they are NOT “asleep at the wheel.” They are promoting the foulest lies and corruption the world has ever known. After the JFK assassination, the Jewish-controlled media was given immense control over voting and the national elections.

    Schwartz (obviously Jewish), is getting a lot of heat from his fellow Jews because he was associated with Trump on a book that told the truth about Trump – a REAL man whom Americans want as their leader – a man who would take down the Jewish criminal cabal that runs this government.

    All of you Jews HATE the white race. You are the BIGGEST BIGOTS of all. You HATE the white race because it is the white race that has raised up great art, culture, Christian morality, and produced the greatest industries and made the finest products in the world.

    It was Henry Ford who said, “I want to make the finest automobile possible, at the lowest price possible, while paying my employees the highest wages possible.”

    Now that the Jews have taken over America, and virtually ALL the corporations, their motto is: “We want to produce the cheapest products, that have as short a life-span as possible so they will have to be replaced as soon as possible, while paying the cheapest slave-labor wages.”

    THAT is the problem with America. The Jews run the country!

    You don’t hate what you see when you look in the mirror. You LOVE what you see – a JEW who HATES the white race! You are an infiltrator! You are a Jew like all other Jews who believe they are better than everyone else.

    Jesus Christ eventually will change everyone into His image – even YOU – and all the rest of your Jewish tribe. As contemptible as all of you are – – – That is the MIRACLE of salvation!

    And I don’t want to hear all of you WHINE about anti-semitism. ALL OF YOU are constantly maligning Christians, Christianity and Jesus Christ – and the white race. So just shut your mouth about “anti-semitism.” YOU are the biggest anti-semites of all because you maim and murder the Palestinians – who are actually SEMITES – while all of you are nothing more than BARBARIAN, GENTILE Turks: Khazars!

    Lorraine Day, M.D.

  15. I watched parts of the RNC last night. It was like watching a snuff film while suffering from sea sickness. i wanted to vomit but didn't have any left inside of me.

    After watching Pence + Carson on tape, I was not impressed. Seems like it will be Bush3.

    RNC is offering more Koolaid for the bible-thumping Amen-corner who think Jesus is a hard-assed Rambo. Total delusion &deception for the naive AmeRoman public.

    Pense seems grim-faced and humorless. RT says he's pro-NAFTA & anti-union and that Trump has promised him free reign over domestic policy. Trump's own campaign promises are null&void. Meaning his campaign was a total deception designed to sucker the gullible Christocritical public.

    Carson uses God slogans to support the party of the mega-rich. Koch/Adelson all over again. Carson doesn't seem to realize (or care) that Southern slave holders were the biggest bible thumpers around.

    Slogans aren't important but policies are. Carson is either an Uncle Tom or wishes he was Uncle Ben's converted white rice! How can a brain surgeon be for a party without a heart? Maybe Carson imagines he would have been a comfortable house nigger in the plantation system?

    IMHO we need to return to a Monarchy &scrap phony DemoNcracy with its elections based on fraud deceit lies broken-promises corruption &graft.

  16. I watched parts of the RNC last night. It was like watching a snuff film while suffering from sea sickness. i wanted to vomit but didn't have any left inside of me.

    After watching Pence + Carson on tape, I was not impressed. Seems like it will be Bush3.

    RNC is offering more Koolaid for the bible-thumping Amen-corner who think Jesus is a hard-assed Rambo. Total delusion &deception for the naive AmeRoman public.

    Pense seems grim-faced and humorless. RT says he's pro-NAFTA & anti-union and that Trump has promised him free reign over domestic policy. Trump's own campaign promises are null&void. Meaning his campaign was a total deception designed to sucker the gullible Christocritical public.

    Carson uses God slogans to support the party of the mega-rich. Koch/Adelson all over again. Carson doesn't seem to realize (or care) that Southern slave holders were the biggest bible thumpers around.

    Slogans aren't important but policies are. Carson is either an Uncle Tom or wishes he was Uncle Ben's converted white rice! How can a brain surgeon be for a party without a heart? Maybe Carson imagines he would have been a comfortable house nigger in the plantation system?

    IMHO we need to return to a Monarchy &scrap phony DemoNcracy with its elections based on fraud deceit lies broken-promises corruption &graft.

  17. I have met some interesting Moslems recently. Yesterday I met an Iraqi man who has been living here since the 1980s who said what others have told me: that Saddam Hussein protected religious minorities in Iraq and that he was a much better leader than what is there today.

  18. Thanks. It was very kind of you to post this. Have a good day.

  19. I saw Ben Carson whining about God in our Declaration and Pledge. Nice platitudes. But he doesn't seem to realize that the folks who enslaved his people in Dixie were deeply religious Christians. Count on the Religious Right to mouth pious slogans while the men they admire behave like demons and satans.

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