Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 3/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Bob Bowman of . A US Air Force Col. with over 100 combat missions flown, “Dr. Bob” holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech, and was the Director of Advanced Space Programs Development (before it was called “Star Wars”) for the U.S. Air Force. Unhappy that the nascent “Star Wars” weapons program he headed was a purely offensive, first-strike program disguised as a defensive one, Dr. Bob Bowman…
FULL ARTICLETag: zionism
Are “Zionist Fingerprints All Over 9/11”? Joshua Blakeney on Truth jihad Radio
Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 3/25/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guest: Joshua Blakeney, graduate student, University of Lethbridge; author of the brand-new article Israel’s Fingerprints Are All Over 9/11 (And I’m Not Afraid to Say It!). Joshua, a student of alternative historian Anthony Hall, won a hotly competitive scholarship last year with a proposal to research the 9/11 truth debates–and was pilloried by the neoconservative National Post for his efforts. Last week, Joshua exchanged emails with 911blogger moderator Michael Truscello, who defended that site’s policy…
FULL ARTICLEMy Richard Falk interview transcribed by Zionist neo-McCarthyites at UN Watch
Richard Falk endorses 9/11 “inside job” theory, interviewed in his official UN capacity(“In his official UN capacity?” As in speaking for the UN as an institution?! The U.N. Watch witch-hunters are lying through their teeth as usual. -KB) UN Watch March 21, 2011 09:44 (Listen to the interview, recorded last October, here) HOST: Hi, this is Dr. Kevin Barrett of Truth Jihad.Com. You may know me as the host of a certain controversial radio show, namely “The Kevin Barrett Show,” heard every Tuesday right here on No Lies Radio. No Lies Radio offers fearless and honest coverage of the 9/11 truth…
FULL ARTICLESpecial Jonathan Azaziah interview @ 6 pm Central Tuesday!
Tuesday, March 15th, 4-5 p.m. Pacific (7-8 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Giuest: Jonathan Azaziah, author of a terrific new article on captured CIA false-flag terrorist Raymond Davis. An Iraqi, Moroccan-Hebrew, Russian MC, poet, activist and writer from Brooklyn, New York currently residing in Florida, Jonathan puts out articles, poems and music that predominantly deal with international Zionism and the effects that it has on the world’s oppressed people. Jonathan has recently joined the great group of writers at Veterans Today His mixtape, Take The Red Pill Volume 2: Disarm The Octopus…
FULL ARTICLEFriday: 9/11 truth-speaker Alan Sabrosky, Finkelstein defender and academic freedom fighter Peter Kirstein
Truth Jihad Radio Friday 3/11/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Encore appearance of military affairs expert Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College). Dr. Sabrosky pulls no punches: “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. “The Zionists…
FULL ARTICLEWed. March 2nd: Eric Walberg from Cairo, Ed Thompson from Wisconsin
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 2/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.First hour: Canadian journalist Eric Walberg reporting from Cairo, epicenter of the ongoing Egyptian revolution! Eric Walberg’s recent article Egypt/Turkey-Israel: ‘A clean break’ foresees a new era in the Middle East: “It is not Israel backed by the distant US that inherits the Ottoman mantle of hegemony in the Middle East, but some combination of Turkey and Egypt…” Eric Walberg writes for the leading Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram Weekly and is the author of the forthcoming Postmodern…
FULL ARTICLEJames Petras, Barbara Honegger on TJ Radio today
Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 2/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. February 28th is an American day of infamy – the anniversary of the events that led to the Ruby Ridge and Waco mass slaughters of Americans by the government that had sworn to protect them. Today on Truth Jihad Radio, we welcome two of the most important people working to expose federal government corruption in the USA – James Petras and Barbara Honegger. First hour: James Petras, the leading scholarly critic of Zionist power in…
FULL ARTICLETuesday NoLiesRadio specials: Niels Harrit AND Matthias Chang!
Tuesday, Feb. 22nd: Two shows with special guests Niels Harrit and Matthias Chang! 9-10 a.m. Pacific (noon – 1 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… Niels Harrit, lead author of the “loaded gun” nanothermite paper finding evidence of unexploded nanothermite chips in World Trade Center dust. Niels is currently touring Canada; tonight he will be speaking in Edmonton, Alberta! (Tour info here.) 7-8 p.m. Pacific (10 to 11 pm Eastern) on, to be archived here a few hours after broadcast… celebrated Malaysian political analyst Matthias Chang, author of Future FastForward and other…
FULL ARTICLEYouTube: 9/11 Truth: Was Mossad in Charge? Kevin Barrett, Dimitri Khalezov and Gordon Duff Discuss
Thanks to Ed Rynearson of for audio, and John from Veterans Today for video. Interview recorded Friday 2/18/2011.
FULL ARTICLE“People power” topples Mubarak – now can it topple apartheid Israel?
As Tahrir Square in Cairo turned into the party of the century following Mubarak’s departure, the running headline on al-Jazeera underlined America’s continuing cluelessness: “US Calls on Egypt to Respect Peace Treaty With Israel.” Hello! Has anybody in Washington noticed that Mubarak is despised precisely because he represents that so-called “peace treaty” – which is actually a declaration of war on Palestine? The cold, hard truth is that virtually nobody in the Middle East accepts the legitimacy of the GZE (genocidal Zionist entity). People from the region refer to it as al-kiyan as-sahyuni (the Zionist entity) not Israel because they…