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What’s up with the 9/11 truth movement? Your thoughts?

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 6/27/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: 218-339-8525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Guests: Eric Sayward, Adam Syed, and YOU! Phone lines will be open for both hours at 218-339-8525. What’s up with the 9/11 truth movement? Is it still picking up steam? Falling behind? Affecting public opinion? Changing the culture? Going global? Contributing to a zeitgeist of mega-skepticism? Preventing false-flag attacks and wars? Some 9/11 truthers I know feel burned out and less-than-hopeful. A few stick with the tired old mantra: “The reason we haven’t succeeded is because of those…


Clash of the Titans (Fetzer vs. Tarpley)

Jim Fetzer and Webster Tarpley are two of my favorite people. Not everyone can say that. In fact, quite a few 9/11 truthers wouldn’t put either Webster OR Jim in their “favorite people” category. Why not? Well, both are brash, egotistical geniuses. Each has complete confidence in his own analysis. Neither suffers fools gladly. Both are brilliant scholars AND first-rate extemporaneous speakers, a rare combination. Both have that aggressive speechifying style that is so rhetorically effective – far more effective than the more tentative styles of “careful” folks like David Ray Griffin and Richard Gage. (Even dimwits like Hannity and…


Watch the Vancouver Hearings! They’re happening right now….

  WATCH the 911 Vancouver Hearings (LIVESTREAM) – Starts Friday, June 15th at 6PM PST ■The official account provided by the United States government is false■The search for truth requires that all possibilities be considered without prejudice■Theories must be compared on the basis of the relative probability of the evidence if they were true, where those with higher likelihoods thus defined are preferable to those with lower, where, when the evidence has “settled down”, the theory with the highest likelihood is “acceptable” in the tentative and fallible fashion of science WATCH LIVESTREAM Link: THE 9/11 VANCOUVER HEARINGS:Expanding the boundaries…


Watch the Vancouver Hearings! They’re happening right now….

  WATCH the 911 Vancouver Hearings (LIVESTREAM) – Starts Friday, June 15th at 6PM PST ■The official account provided by the United States government is false■The search for truth requires that all possibilities be considered without prejudice■Theories must be compared on the basis of the relative probability of the evidence if they were true, where those with higher likelihoods thus defined are preferable to those with lower, where, when the evidence has “settled down”, the theory with the highest likelihood is “acceptable” in the tentative and fallible fashion of science WATCH LIVESTREAM Link: THE 9/11 VANCOUVER HEARINGS:Expanding the boundaries…


Muslim witch-hunt victim Zahid Chaudhry, CIA whistleblower Philip Giraldi

Ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi says Congress is serving Israel, not America (see below) Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 5/23/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Patriotic American veteran Zahid Chaudhry and his wife Ann are fighting deportation proceedings in Seattle. Zahid was victimized by post-9/11 hysteria – some paranoid lunatic in the Spokane Police Department noticed he was Muslim and drew the obvious conclusions – and is basically being deported for no reason at all. (Listen to my earlier interview with the Chaudhrys.) Big event tomorrow!…


Middle East Terrorism Quiz

Hello, students! Welcome to Middle East Studies 101.  I’m Dr. Barrett, the Middle East Studies expert. You may have seen me on Press TV or Russia Today… or maybe even on one of those lame minor-league propaganda outlets like Fox, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or CBS. As you know, I’ve been witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin by State Rep. Steve Nass. He doesn’t want me to tell you what the vast majority of Middle Eastern people think really happened on 9/11, or why they think it. The bad news is that I no longer get a paycheck for helping…


Professors speak out! Lawrence Davidson (West Chester U.), James Tracy (Floriday Atlantic U.)

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 5/18/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. I got witch-hunted out of the University of Wisconsin for researching and speaking out on controversial subjects like 9/11 and Palestine. The witch hunt, presumably ordered by folks like Karl Rove, Lynn Cheney and ACTA and carried out by local troglodyte politician Steve Nass, aimed to scare American professors into silence. Fortunately there are still brave folks in the academy who won’t be silenced! First hour: Lawrence Davidson, Professor of History, West Chester University. His recent…


The New World Order: Ben Gurion’s “One True Zion” ?

What exactly is the “New World Order”? There is  talk in conspiracy circles about a bankster plot to reduce the world to slavery. Unfortunately, the conspiracy theorists are right. John Perkins, in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and subsequent books, offers convincing first-hand testimony of his exploits in service to the New World Order bankster conspiracy. Listen to my interview with Economic Hit Man John Perkins: Perkins explains that his employers – big international banksters – are creating the world’s first “empire of debt.” They are using unpayable debt as their prime weapon to build the first empire…


It’s Nakba Day – the 64th anniversary of the Palestinian Holocaust

Tuesday, May 15th, 11 a.m. to noon Central (9-10 Pacific) on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Special Nakba Day edition of the KB show, featuring Franklin Lamb from Beirut, Lebanon! The Nakba – the ethnic cleansing of Palestine via mass murder and terror – may have begun in 1948, but it hasn’t ended yet. Netanyahu, a prime architect of the 9/11 false-flag attack on America, not only presides over the daily slaughter of Palestinian civilians, but yearns for a general Mideast war in which the remaining Palestinians could be driven out of historic Palestine and a “racially pure”…


Alan Hart: Time for a military coup in Israel?

Radio Fri. 5/11/12, 3-5 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Former lead BBC Mideast correspondent Alan Hart asks: Is it time for a military coup in Israel?  “The mounting public criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by past and present members of the Zionist state’s defense and intelligence establishments… recalled a comment made to me by one of its former Directors of Military Intelligence: “If we had a government consisting of only former DMI’s, we’d have had peace with the Palestinians long ago.” The USA,…

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