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Geraldo-educator Tony Szamboti, Pentagon attack expert Barbara Honegger on Truth Jihad Radio

Truth Jihad Radio Sat. 11/13/10, 5-7 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Tony Szamboti returns! Tony had to leave early last week and rush across town to join an amazing Geraldo Rivera WTC-7 episode at the Fox News studio. Tony Szamboti authored the peer-reviewed Journal of 9/11 Studies paper “The Sustainability of the Controlled Demolition Hypothesis for the Destruction of the Twin Towers.” He will be critiquing the Harrit-Rancourt debate and explaining why the Towers must have been demolished with explosives. Tony Szamboti is a…


What You Can’t Say on Geraldo

Geraldo: Has he rescinded the digitis impudicus he once flashed at the “nutjobs” who support 9/11 truth? At first glance, Geraldo’s 9/11 show with Bob McIlvaine and Tony Szamboti was mind-boggling. Never before has mainstream network TV put such a favorable spin on 9/11 truth. Even at second glance it’s still pretty mind-boggling. Congratulations to everyone involved – Bob and Tony (who performed brilliantly), the NYCcan and BuildingWhat folks, and behind them the whole truth movement. (I will be welcoming Tony Szamboti to Truth Jihad Radio next Saturday, Nov. 20th, 5 to 7 pm Central, live on After the…


Obama Renews “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” for WTC-7

At a recent press conference, President Obama once again renewed President Bush’s “don’t ask don’t tell” policy on the controlled demolition of World Trade Center Building 7. “The policy is simple,” Obama explained to the assembled journalists. “You don’t ask about Building 7, and I don’t tell.” The journalists applauded. Subsequent questions covered topics ranging from gays in the military to the price of tea in Paraguay.


Why They HATE Hearing the Truth About 9/11

Why do so many people throw their hands over their ears and let out a scream of horror when confronted with the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job? Laura Knight-Jadczyk, last night’s radio show guest, cited research showing that when people are given negative information about their leaders, the brain’s emotional circuits override the cognitive ones; a blast of bad neurochemicals triggers a negative emotional state, which is only relieved by positive emotions when the person figures out a way – no matter how irrational – to discount the information. In other words, when we offer someone evidence that…


Physics prof Denis Rancourt speaks out on 9/11 — and gets it half right!

Physics professor and academic freedom fighter Denis Rancourt appeared on the Kevin Barrett Show yesterday and agreed that the implosion of World Trade Center Building 7 was clearly a case of controlled demolition — but that the destruction of the Twin Towers might not have been! (The discussion of 9/11 occurs during the last 20 minutes of the show.) Dr. Rancourt argued that the gravitational energy released by the Towers’ coming down was great enough, and the mysteries of how various materials interact with each other under such conditions mysterious enough, to cast doubt on many of the apparent “smoking…


Putting a Mosque Next to WTC-7 Is…BLASPHEMY!

Guest column by Rev. Darvis P. Fuddlesnapper, Pastor, Church of Jesus H. Christ Warmonger When I first heard that them thar Islamics wanted to put up a mosque next to that big hole where the Twin Towers use to be, it made me so mad I almost split my britches. And I preached me a sermon calling on the Almighty to strike down the mayor and the Islamics and all the rest of the blasphemers. But after church, one of them nice Christian ladies who graces the front pew every Sunday (I call her “Our Lady of the Cleavage” but…

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