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RT’s “Truthseeker” rips the lid off false flags!

RT’s Truthseeker, including this amazing new episode, is bringing explosive information like this to the world’s attention Is the world getting fed up with US-NATO-Israeli false flags? Will nations that are actual or potential victims of these deceptions launch an all-out diplomatic and media effort to expose the 9/11 inside job – the mother of all false flags – and pre-empt future phony or staged “attacks”? They’d have to be crazy not to. Iran – the most important target of the neocon 9/11 plan to destroy seven countries in five years – has fought back by allowing its international media…


Takfiris defame Islam – “Boko Haram” a psy-op

   Takfiri militants, disguised as Muslims, are committing crimes in different parts of the world in a bid to defame Islam, an analyst tells Press TV in an interview. “These people (militants)… are committing so many atrocities in the name of Islam, this is like a big Public Relations campaign to smear Islam,” Kevin Barrett told Press TV. Transcript: Watch the video of my debate with Anjem Choudary at Press TV.


Saudi terror hypocrisy

Two notorious terrorists caught kissing on camera Saudi Arabia’s new anti-terror moves?  “Now, by royal decree, any Saudi citizen fighting abroad must return within two weeks, on pain of imprisonment. And any member of Jabhat al-Nusra or ISIL faces 20 years in prison. “The first Saudi who ought to go to prison is Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, former head of Saudi Intelligence. “Bandar Bush,” as he is affectionately known in American organized crime circles, ran the main conduit of arms to the terrorists until he was relieved of his Syria duties two weeks ago. “Bandar should be arrested and charged…


US government terrorizing Americans?

“Be afraid. Be very afraid.” Yesterday it was a tag-line from a horror movie. Today it is the unofficial motto of the US government. Full article: *


Mark Siljander: A Gandhi for our time?

“Today, a former right-wing American congressman, Mark Siljander, is following in the footsteps of Gandhi. Siljander, who prefers the term ‘follower of Jesus’ to ‘Christian,’ has been reaching out with extraordinary success to establish friendly relations with the Muslim world on the basis of equality, mutual respect..even love. Siljander’s quasi-official diplomatic initiatives were so fruitful that neoconservative promoters of eternal war on Islam had to have him jailed on false charges to shut him up and keep their war going.” Seemingly assured that he would die in prison, Siljander’s miraculous healing has allowed him to resume his amazing peace mission……


DDWN for this week: Super Bowl 9/11 truth blowout, and more!

False-Flag News 1) 9/11 Truther at MVP press conference  2) Super Bowl champs’ coach 9/11 truther? 3) CIA Agent reports US and Israel created al Qaeda  4) Death sentence to silence Dzhokhar Tsamaev? 5) Congress approves more state-sponsored terrorism against Syria 6) Karzai has secret contacts with Taliban Snowden & Cyber-Tyranny 7) Snowden talks, US suppresses  8) GCHQ secret unit uses DDOS attack tactics against Anonymous – Snowden leak  9) Clapper calls for Snowden “and accomplices” to return documents Israel/Zionism 10) New York attempts to ban academic boycotts  11) Has AIPAC’s clout been diminished?  Syria 12) Congress approves more state-sponsored…


Ex-CIA terror chief: Zionists “vicious, treasonous”

“In an exclusive interview with Truth Jihad Radio, Dr. Scheuer lambasted the American Zionists who have been harassing him since he began speaking out about America’s subservience to Israel, and the danger it poses…” Read the full article:


Martin Hill of LibertyFight, Jim Dean of Veterans Today

Broadcast Wed., Jan. 29th, 10-11:30 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  First half-hour: Martin Hill of wonders why they’re opening up the USA to Mexican truckers – who, thanks to NAFTA, won’t have to obey American laws and safety regulations! Martin, a paleo-Catholic, engages in some interfaith dialogue, and admits he was…


False-flag terror targets Middle East

  Was Friday’s car bomb attack in Lebanon yet another false-flag designed to destabilize the Middle East?  Read the full article:


Economic cooperation can unite Muslims

Takfiri extremists believe terrorism is the road to Muslim unity and a new caliphate.  They are wrong… read the full article:

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