This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, February 2nd at Revolution.Radio – click on Studio A – then gets archived within 24 hours. Listen to this show HERE. First hour: Ex-mainstream journalist Greg Felton just published an article with the provocative title: “To imagine a world free from fascism and Israel, imagine a world without the UN.” What in the world can Greg mean? Isn’t the UN on record with dozens of resolutions supporting the Palestinians right of return, etc. etc.? Let’s find out! (Hint: If you read the article, you’ll see that Greg actually makes some good points.) Second hour:…
Authors Mark Taliano on “Voices from Syria”; Guy Mettan on “Creating Russophobia”
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, September 15th at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $4 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – Click HERE! Mark Taliano First hour: What’s the real story behind the destruction of Syria? According to Mark Taliano, it’s part of a neoliberal scheme to conquer the world and dispossess the entire global population: “As countries are destroyed, and its peoples are slaughtered — think Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and others…
FULL ARTICLESyria sarin scandal: EVERYBODY’S saying “false flag”
CLICK HERE FOR THE COMPLETE LIST OF STORIES WE COVERED ON THIS WEEK’S FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS Experts Say Assad Is Right, It Was a False Flag 6) Letter from MIT Scientist: Sarin attack was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft 7) Former DIA Colonel: “US strikes on Syria based on a lie” 8) Former British Ambassador To Syria Warns That ‘Fake Flag’ Attacks Are Being Used And Will Increase 9) Trump Lied: Fmr. Ambassador Peter Ford Busts False Flag Gas Attack 10) Alt-right blogger praised by Donald Trump Jr labels Syrian chemical attack a ‘false…
FULL ARTICLEJames Perloff disowns Trump; Cheryl Curtiss on Zionists vs. Left Forum; Eric Walberg on geopolitics and Islam
This show broadcasts LIVE 8 to 10 pm Eastern Friday, March 31st at – click on Studio B – then gets archived about 24 hours later. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. “Jail her”? Or follow her orders to attack Syria? First half hour: NWO critic James Perloff, author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior and other books, used to like some of Trump’s talking points.…
FULL ARTICLEOle Dammegard warns: “Chemical weapons” false flag in Europe imminent?
Broadcast here April 10th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com Is Europe about to be hit by a huge…
FULL ARTICLEDebating “liberal humanitarian Zionist” on the battle for Aleppo
Press TV Debate: Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett vs. Brent Budowski Russia says Moscow and Washington are close to reaching an understanding over the crisis in Aleppo. The Western side is pushing for a ceasefire in eastern Aleppo just as Syrian troops are coming close to liberating the city. Kevin Barrett, author and Middle East expert from Madison, told Press TV on Thursday night that the US-led front and media are waging a propaganda campaign to force Syria to stop retaking eastern Aleppo. Barrett said since the United States needs to continue its proxy war in Syria, Washington resorts to any kind of tactics to impede the annihilation of…
FULL ARTICLEDiana Johnstone and Mike Whitney: Will World War III start in Syria?
Broadcast here October 17th, 11 to noon Eastern. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Or if you prefer, PAYPAL a one time donation, or a regular payment, to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com. Diana Johnstone First half hour: Journalist, author and peace…
FULL ARTICLEIraq, Syria defeating Oded Yinon plan a.k.a. Daesh?
I just gave this interview with Press TV, pointing out that the “terrorism” targeted by the so-called “war on terror” was invented by Netanyahu and colleagues at the JCIT in 1979. Its purpose is to hasten the destabilization and balkanization of Middle Eastern countries, and to rally the West behind a permanent war on Islam for Israel.
FULL ARTICLEHang Hillary Clinton for genocide
A popular campaign slogan this election season is “Hillary for Prison.” I find that profoundly offensive. Prison would be too good for her. Hillary needs to be tried, convicted, and hanged … for genocide. Here is an extract from one of Hillary’s emails made public by Wikileaks: “The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad. … The fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which,…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: World War III about to start? plus Tony Hall investigates the death of LaVoy Finicum
This week’s False Flag Weekly News – click HERE for story links. And here is Tony Hall’s on-the-ground investigation of the death of LaVoy Finicum: