I just gave this interview with Press TV, pointing out that the “terrorism” targeted by the so-called “war on terror” was invented by Netanyahu and colleagues at the JCIT in 1979. Its purpose is to hasten the destabilization and balkanization of Middle Eastern countries, and to rally the West behind a permanent war on Islam for Israel.
Ralph Nader & Cynthia McKinney on America’s post-2001 descent into madness
Broadcast June 12th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on NoLiesRadio.org. For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air – become a subscriber today! Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney: Two presidential candidates actually worth voting for share the spotlight on Truth Jihad Radio, asking…
FULL ARTICLEFFWN: UK PM says “non-violent conspiracy theorists” as dangerous as ISIS
Archived with story links at: http://noliesradio.org/archives/89746