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Dr. Laurent Guyénot: Zionist involvement in JFK killing must be investigated!

Broadcast Thursday, Nov. 21st 10-11 a.m. Central (1500 GMT), archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Guest: Dr. Laurent Guyénot, author of the book JFK 9/11 and the terrific new article Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly “Unspeakable”?  In that article, Guyénot summarizes much of the best research on the JFK, assassination, and concludes that Michael Collins…


The Brothers Tsarnaev: The Lee Harvey Oswalds of the Boston bombings

Veterans Today A speaker of Russian, he traveled to Russia and back on ultra-sensitive missions – supposedly without any spy services noticing. Yet it turns out that he was followed for years by the FBI! Framed for a murderous crime on a crowded street, exonerated by crime scene photographs, declared innocent by loved ones and by all who knew him, caught by police after being framed for “murdering a police officer,” gunned down by agents of the National Security State after his arrest to prevent him from proclaiming his innocence in court…haven’t we heard this story before? Are we talking…


Chavez: Another CIA assassination victim

“We know that the bankers who own the US government routinely try to kill any Latin American leader who refuses to be their puppet. We know that they have mounted thousands of assassination attempts against Latin American leaders, including more than 600 against Castro alone. We know that they have been experimenting with cancer viruses, and killing people with cancer, since the 1960s.So if you think Hugo Chavez died a natural death, I am afraid that you are terminally naïve.” Read the full article: