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“Miracle of Fatima” Anniversary Special with Gary Giuffre

And a khutbah on the same topic Listen HERE The date of this live broadcast, May 13th, 2022, was the 105th anniversary of the “Miracle of Fatima”—the topic of the khutbah I gave a few hours before the broadcast. To commemorate the occasion, two leading Catholic experts, Gary Giuffre and Dr. Peter Chojnowski, joined me for an interfaith discussion of the meaning of the most celebrated miracle of the modern age. In this, the first hour of the live show, I interview Gary Giuffre, author of the forthcomingThe Plot Against the Pope and  Grave Reasons of State: The Atomic Bomb…


LIVE RADIO: “Miracle of Fatima” Anniversary Special with Gary Giuffre and Dr. Peter Chojnowski

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at Today, May 13th, is the 105th anniversary of the “Miracle of Fatima”—the topic of the khutbah I gave a few hours ago. To commemorate the occasion, two leading Catholic experts join me for an interfaith discussion of the meaning of the most celebrated miracle of the modern age. First hour: Gary Giuffre, author of the forthcoming The Plot Against the Pope and  Grave Reasons of State: The Atomic Bomb and the Eclipse of the True Vicar of Christ, is the foremost proponent of the Siri thesis that the Vatican was…


Randy Short on Shootings, Verdicts, Injections, and His New Books with Roger Stone

Listen HERE Pastor and human rights activist Dr. Randy Short discusses the Rittenhouse/Arbery shootings and verdicts; the COVID-19 pandemic and associated injections; the Waukesha SUV attack; and his new books (co-authored with Roger Stone) Slavery’s Mastery: The Impact of Religious Slavery Revealed and Spartacus: The Real Corey Booker Story. Randy Short is not just a co-author, but also a spiritual advisor to newly religious Roger Stone, who has been subpoenaed to testify to the House committee investigating January 6th. MSM coverage has been hysterical in both senses of the word: “The select panel on Monday subpoenaed known conspiracy theorist and radio…


Interfaith Dialogue with “Follower of Christ” Tom Compton

Listen HERE Tom Compton of We Hold These Truths joins me for some interfaith dialogue after sending the following email: “I’m a big fan of your interviews. In this interview with Ellen Brown, you reminded me of an incident over 10 years ago when I received an email from a fellow Christian sharing a hateful and untrue email about Muslims. I wrote a response: “Why Do Some Christians Love to Hate Muslims.” “About five years after this incident, I received the same email from a Jewish Zionists urging me to pass it along before Sharia overtakes the US. Our group,…


Ray McGinnis on New 9/11 Book “Unanswered Questions”

Listen HERE Ray McGinnis, author of Writing the Sacred, has just come out with a new book about 9/11. Entitled Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored, it “explores the efforts of the Family Steering Committee and other September Eleventh family members, and first responders, to have a transparent, accountable, and independent investigation into the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.” A few days ago Ray McGinnis posted a list of resources for those wishing to learn more about the first responders’ and family members’ quest for truth and justice.


Charles Upton on “Covenants” and Muslim-Christian Breakthroughs

Listen HERE Topic of today’s khutba: “Islam, more than other religions, acknowledges and affirms the Other. We Muslims accept that other religious communities have their rites and we have ours, and that God will judge.” The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad support that interpretation. Noted poet and traditionalist author and activist Charles Upton of the Covenants Initiative returns to Truth Jihad Radio to discuss several recent publications: “1) Islam and the People of the Book: Critical Studies on the Covenants of the Prophet. Three volume encyclopedic work now found in the collections of over 500 research universities, which is outstanding…


John Shuck on Plandemic & Censorship

Listen HERE John Shuck is an Ordained Presbyterian minister who has served four congregations since 1992. Censored by KBOO radio (People’s Republic of Portland) for inviting me on his show, then censored by his church, John is still a voice of truth—only now he’s “crying in the wilderness” of eastern Montana. (Funny how the two greatest truth-tellers from Christian pulpits, John Shuck and Chuck Baldwin, are both in Montana…) John writes: Kevin, I could have provided these earlier, but here are some things I have put on my blog since this COVID thing. Most recent. These…


Two Shia Muslims and a Goat Farmer Walk Into a Radio Show: Part 2

Listen HERE Andrew Israel reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. He writes: “I want to discuss the Illuminati from a personal standpoint and how the holocaust parallels the story of imam Hussein at Karbala: fake jews/muslims turning against their own people.”  He adds: “You’re not wrong to challenge these Luciferian Zionists who pretend to be Jews. What Jews fail to understand, more than any other religion is that every faith has its corrupted leaders! It is unfortunate that they are so sensitive to the holocaust that it blinds them to their actual criminal nature exposed in the Quran. So…


E. Michael Jones on the War on Christmas

Listen HERE Time for some seasonal interfaith dialogue: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, discusses “the war on Christmas.” Some questions to ponder: Is Fox News right about the “war on Christmas”? Should we all endorse the Church of the Open Borders revision of the nativity, with José and Maria as undocumented immigrants pursued by Trump/Herod? Are Jewish-Americans traumatized by growing up thinking that Dr. Seuss’s archetypal Christmas villain, the Grinch, is Jewish? (Even though JewOrNotJew says he’s not.) Is it true that nearly 30% of respondents say Santa Claus should transition to female — or just become gender-neutral?…


Peter Simpson on Christian/Islamic Approaches to Theocracy

Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson returns to follow up on his November 29th interview “Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism.”  Tonight we continue that conversation, and compare Christian and Islamic approaches to theocracy. Contrary to popular stereotypes, theocracy is not religious tyranny. Instead, it is a system in which a spiritual authority exists alongside secular authority. Peter Simpson explains: “The important thing about theocracy…is that there has to be, and there is in these three great religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) a spiritual authority that has some real say and control over what goes on in society,…

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