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Today’s guest: 9/11 researcher-activist Barbara Honegger

Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 9/16/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Peymon and Steve discuss Ron Paul, the economic crisis…and Peymon’s recent two-day detention by Homeland Security! Second hour: Barbara Honegger, highly-accomplished and -qualified 9/11 researcher-activist. Barbara holds an impressive position at one of America’s top military postgraduate schools – but has gotten in trouble there due to her courageous research and activism, so I won’t mention which one! (I’d hate to have her join me on the blacklist…) While I was recently called…


Radio station WTLC: I’m the #3 9/11 truther (after Alex Jones and David Ray Griffin)

WTLC-FM: The Top 5 9/11 Truthers My father, the late Peter J. Barrett, didn’t like coming in third. Even placing second and winning a silver medal in the 1964 Olympics could not satisfy him. So he went back and won a gold medal in 1968. Me, I’d be more than happy to take third place in the most important race of the 21st century: That grueling ten-year-long-and-still-going-strong marathon, the race for 9/11 truth. Actually I don’t care where I place. I just want to reach the finish line. WTLC radio is too generous in rating me as #3 of The…


Ellen Brown explains one HUGE motive for 9/11

Originally scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 13th, now rescheduled for Thursday Sept. 15th, 10-11 a.m. Central (11 a.m. Eastern) – ONE HOUR EARLIER THAN USUAL – on (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Once again, the NoLiesRadio servers have been crashed right before my show – and come back on line immediately after show time. So this interview has been rescheduled for Thursday. Message to the bad guys: If you think this is going to somehow impede my efforts to bust your sorry asses, think again. Guest: Journalist and author Ellen Brown, author of the currency-reform classic Web of…


Paul Simon protests USA’s “sound of silence” on 9/11 truth

Charles Moffat: US Censorship 2001 Paul Simon had been told to play “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” at the Ground Zero tenth anniversary event. Without telling anybody what was coming, he played a 9/11 truth protest song instead. The “people talking without listening” didn’t get it. The awakened people did. This is one of the most profound moments of musical protest ever recorded. Hello darkness, my old friendI’ve come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silence In restless dreams I…


9/11 Truth Rocks the State Capitol in St. Paul, MN – authorities fail to stymie event

Call me a paranoid conspiracy theorist, but…well, sometimes it seems like the powers that be are making things a little extra hard for people who organize 9/11 truth events.Last Thursday’s film and $1,000 Debate Challenge at the University of Wisconsin-Madison drew a good crowd. That was pretty amazing, since the time and date – Thursday, Sept. 8th, 7 pm – also happened to be the exact time and date chosen for: * The second most important entity in the world (the President of the USA)’s prime-time speech to the American people; and * The most important entity in the world…


My interviews with The Edge Television and Pentos Films

Just finished a long interview with The Edge Television. It will be looping for a week at: Also, Pentos Films just released their interview from last year’s London event: Hope to see you at the big 9/11/11 event at the state capitol in St. Paul, MN tomorrow!


Eric Sayward, Sean Wright & We Are Change on 9/11 events in NY and the latest truther, Sarah Palin

Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 9/12/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. Special We Are Change show! Eric Sayward of We Are Change – Wisconsin interviews the leaders of national We Are Change on the weekend’s New York events. One of those leaders, Sean Wright, recently interviewed Sarah Palin and got her to call for a new 9/11 investigation!


Jim Dean on leaked Zionist “smear the delegitimizers” memo; David Ray Griffin’s assistant Tod Fletcher on DRG’s new book!

Truth Jihad Radio Wed. 9/7/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Jim Dean, managing editor of Veterans Today, has obtained a leaked Zionist memo ordering the mobilization of Israel’s assets in a smear campaign against so-called “delegitimizers” of Israel – meaning people like me who think Israel-Palestine should be one free and democratic state with no racist preferences for one ethnic group over another. Here are a couple of selections from the leaked memo:92. Outing, naming and shaming the delegitimizers – As mentioned, delegitimizers…


My letter to journalists covering 9/11

See the original of this amazing image full-scale – and zoom in to look at the pixels! I have sent the letter below to many dozens of journalists who have requested interviews with 9/11 family members, and copied it to those organizing 9/11 remembrance events. I have also taken to posting a short version as a comment on offending articles (example here). Dear (name of journalist), One of the approximately 50% of 9/11 family members who rejects the official story of 9/11 informs me that you are a journalist who is covering the 10th anniversary of 9/11. You and other…

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