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Discussing travels with Eric Walberg; Rolf Lindgren and Greg Felton wonder whether pipe bombs are false flag

Listen HERE First hour: Geopolitical analyst Eric Walberg, author of The Canada-Israel Nexus, From Postmodernism to Postsecularism, Islamic Resistance to Imperialism, and Postmodern Imperialism, discusses his recent travel article “Pilgrimmage to Christian Island.” Second hour: Republican Party activist Rolf Lindgren argues that the rash of pipe bombs sent to Democrats and Trump opponents has all the earmarks of a false flag. Halfway through the hour, red-pilled ex-mainstream Canadian journalist Greg Felton joins us to agree that the pipe bomb affair doesn’t quite pass the smell test—but also to strongly disagree with Rolf’s pro-Trump views.


Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich; Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh on “Trump killed Khashoggi”

Listen HERE First hour: Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich is an uncommonly honest politician. He is a conservative family values guy who actually cares about ordinary working class folks and votes in their interests. But his uncommon courage goes beyond that. Exhibit A: Sen. Milkovich’s new book Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order. As Sander Hicks reports, John Milkovich “gave the eulogy at the funeral of Dr. David M. Graham, who was killed for knowing too much about the 9/11 cover-up. Graham actually met two of the (alleged) 9/11 hijackers, ten months before 9/11, and reported to FBI…


FFWN 8/3/18: Trump briefed on 9/11

FFWN broadcasts live every Friday 11 to noon Eastern, then is archived right here 1) PSA: Help FFWN keep the 9/11 issue alive  9/11 Is Still THE Issue 2) 9/11 Memo to Trump: 27 experts brief the president 3) Senator Richard Blumenthal seeks declassification of last 9/11 documents Seymour Hersh: “I don’t buy ‘Bin Laden did 9/11’ story” 4) Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh on the truth behind novichok, the Russian hacking and 9/11 (this article was deep-sixed, then put back up) 5) Seymour Hersh, 9/11 truther War on Palestine 6) Concerns over Freedom Flotilla activists ‘beaten,…


Bollyn, Kollerstrom, Bennett, Olson, and Hightower on their 9/11 Memos to President Trump

Listen HERE Christopher Bollyn, Nick Kollerstrom, Scott Bennett, Joe Olson, and T. Mark Hightower join me to discuss their 9/11 Memos to President Trump. (Click on the name to read the memo.) As I write in a forthcoming American Free Press article: The presidential briefing on 9/11 was organized by Robert David Steele, a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer and founder of the Open Source Intelligence movement. Contributors include David Ray Griffin, widely considered the unofficial dean of 9/11 studies; Peter Dale Scott, the University of California-Berkeley professor emeritus who popularized the term deep state; Richard Gage AIA of Architects…


Robert David Steele, Tom Scott Gordon, and Sander Hicks on “9/11 memos to Trump”

Listen HERE First half hour: Robert David Steele just published “Memorandums for the President on 9/11“—a collection of succinct arguments from 27 9/11 experts urging the president to re-open 9/11 and fulfill his campaign promise: “Elect me and you’ll find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” In this interview, Steele—a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer who later founded the Open Source Intelligence movement—argues that Trump can, should, and quite possibly will “make America great again” by revealing the truth about the crime of the century. Steele has channels to Trump and argues that Trump very likely will…


Zaid Hamid: “9/11 truther Imran Khan wins in Pakistan”; Peter Koenig on “Trump the deglobalizer”

Listen HERE First half hour: Zaid Hamid of the Pakistani strategic think tank BrassTacks takes a guardedly optimistic view of the recent election of Imran Khan as Pakistan’s new President. Imran Khan is on board with the Veterans Today team, meaning he is aware that 9/11 launched a war on Islam for Israel—and that using false flag terror to turn Pakistan into a failed state (and then taking away its nuclear weapons) is a major objective of the neocon-Zionist team that staged the 9/11 coup d’état. But is Imran Khan sophisticated and experienced enough to wage an effective counter-neocon campaign? Or at…


Barbara Honegger on 9/11 truth anniversary events, Trump-9/11 memo—and new witnesses

Broadcast live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, http://RevolutionRadio  Guest: Former Presidential Policy Advisor and Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School Barbara Honegger 1) We begin the first hour with the exciting details on the Sept. 10th and 11th 9/11 Truth Movement main events in NYC and Washington, D.C.  Barbara is the producer and organizer of the main NYC Event again this year: Monday, Sept. 10th, New York City: 6:30 p.m. (May be moved back to 6:00) to 8:00 p.m. Jefferson Market Public Library, West Village Auditorium, First Floor Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (LC) Event announcing the filing the next…


Peter Myers and Ed Corrigan on Helsinki, Zionism, and what it all means

Is the Zionist oligarchy split on Trump? Broadcasts LIVE Friday, July 20, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio First hour: Australian researcher Peter Myers discusses topics raised in his recent email digests (see below). Second hour: Canadian human rights lawyer Ed Corrigan continues the conversation. From Peter Myers: Trump calls off Cold War II; Deep State & Media go berserk (1) Jewish commentary on the Trump-Putin summit by Peter Myers, July 20, 2018 My readers are finely attuned to Jewish politics. And whilst we know that the MSM is overwhelmingly Jewish-owned and operated, it’s worth noting dissident Jewish voices too – lest…


Trump in Helsinki: Greenhalgh vs. Fetzer!

Listen HERE First half hour: Ian Greenhalgh of Veterans Today argues that yes, Trump DID get owned by Putin in Helsinki. But is that such a bad thing? Ian argues that Trump is an organized crime asset, and that Putin is playing a “long game” aimed at destroying not just Trump, but the whole Republican Party as well as its owners, Bibi and the Kosher Nostra…and taking down the US empire in the bargain. (Sounds good to me! Go, Putin!  -KB) Second half hour: Is University of Minnesota Professor Emeritus Jim Fetzer “the most dangerous man in America“? Jim has…


Trump issues permanent pre-emptive self pardon

(Dissociated Press) In a long-anticipated move, Donald Trump announced today that he has permanently and pre-emptively pardoned himself for all crimes he has committed, is in the process of committing, is currently planning, or may commit in the future. Speaking at an impromptu press conference at Russian Mafiya headquarters on the top floor of Trump Tower, Trump added that he is extending the pardon to excuse himself not only for felonies, misdemeanors, traffic citations, and parking tickets, but also sexual indiscretions, mistakes, blunders, catastrophes, nuclear holocausts, and anything else that he might conceivably do wrong. He added that the pardon…

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