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Ron Unz on “Waging Biological Warfare”

Has the US repeatedly used bioweapons in anger? Is COVID-19 just the latest episode? Listen HERE Ron Unz, who has written about the Suvorov thesis (discussed in my previous interview with Sean McMeekin) discusses his most recent article “American Pravda: Waging Biological Warfare.” In it he summarizes material from Nicholson Baker (author of “The Lab Leak Hypothesis“) and other mainstream authors who have recounted bits and pieces of the suppressed history of US biological warfare programs. Does biological warfare represent a much greater threat than is commonly understood? And did the COVID-19 pandemic emerge from a biowar lab leak, as Baker surmises—or…


“Swami & Steve” offer comic relief for 9/11-COVID

Listen HERE Wise guy guru Swami Beyondanonda and his alter ego straight man Steve Bhaerman run the WakeUpLaughing website, “your one-stop spot for consciousness comedy, new age humor, political comedy and satire, healing laughter, new science and evolutionary up-wising.” I  was reminded that it was way past time to bring back the Swami & Steve Show when someone forwarded a meme from them via NYU anti-propaganda prof Mark Crispin Miller: So I asked myself: Is Swami doing my kind of dark, mordant satire now instead of his New Age comic-cosmic schtick? Better get him on the show and find out!


Eric Beeth, MD: Bioengineered COVID + Vaccines = Protection Racket

Listen HERE Eric Beeth, a medical doctor in Brussels, Belgium, is appalled by the way so many of his fellow doctors have failed to think critically about COVID-19, question orders from big pharma and the for-profit medical mafia, and remain true to Hippocrates’ commandment: “First, do no harm.” Dr Beeth says: “We must be very careful that our treatments do not do any harm, and that we give our patients very individualized care, meaning that if we give them something it is because we are sincerely convinced that this is what this patient needs, as if we were treating our own…


Cat McGuire on World Freedom Day Rallies this Saturday July 24; Italian Journalist Andrea Cinquegrani Says COVID Came from Ft. Detrick

Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Cat McGuire of False Flag Weekly News says: “Hey, everyone, go to a Worldwide Freedom Day rally on July 24. There are over 180 participating cities. “Please make an effort to attend.  It’s getting down to the wire, so it’s very important we show our numbers and speak out now while we still have our freedoms. “No lockdowns! No vaccine mandates! No Great Reset Brave New World Order! “Our Worldwide Freedom Day rally is for: Freedom of Speech! Freedom of Movement! Freedom of Choice! Freedom of Assembly! Freedom of Health! Thanks, Cat” Final 35…


FFWN: Fear of an Unmasked Nation

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch above. A shorter version on censorship-infested YouTube  will begin live broadcasting on my YouTube channel when we get to story #11) PSAs 1) Help FFWN expose the “larger agenda” 2) Modern Monetary Theory and a Basic Income for All (think how easy it would be to support FFWN if you had free money!) 3) El Salvador becomes first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender after passing law—we accept bitcoin donations from El Salvador and everywhere else 4) Support lawsuit to declare Google a PUBLIC UTILITY, threatening the…


Richie Allen & Rasheed Muhammad interview Kevin Barrett on COVID/geopolitics

Listen HERE Much of the alternative media analyzes the COVID-19 plandemic and Great Reset from a West-centric perspective: “They” are trying to reduce or eliminate freedom. But who precisely is this “they,” and in what historical and geopolitical context do “they” operate? And what are “their” real goals?  In today’s (Wed. June 9) interview with broadcaster Richie Allen, as well as a May 18 interview with Rasheed Muhammad of The Red Pill Diaries, I make the case for viewing COVID-19 in historical and geopolitic context, beginning with the Ron Unz hypothesis that COVID was first unleashed in a neocon biowar…


Random or Designed? COVID Origin and Evolution “Conspiracy Theories”

By Kevin Barrett Did COVID-19 jump from animals to humans due to random mutations? Or was a bat coronavirus deliberately tweaked to infect humans via gain-of-function research? The topic has been hotly debated since January 2020. But the debate was suppressed by the world’s most powerful institutions, including the medical and scientific establishments and the media, until May 2021, when suddenly it emerged as a legitimate topic of mainstream discourse. When one compares the human pathogen SARS-CoV-2 to its bat-infecting relatives, one notices features that at first glance seem engineered. The most obvious is the spike protein that functions as…


Edward Curtin on Zelikow’s 9/11 & COVID commissions

Listen HERE Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,” which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks….It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped the report from start to finish…based on Zelikow’s work creating a…


LIVE RADIO! Edward Curtin on Zelikow’s 9/11 & COVID commissions, Meryl Nass on anti-vaccine petition to FDA

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Edward Curtin discusses Ron Unz’s argument that COVID was deliberately unleashed by neocons in a biowar attack on China and Iran, as well as Ed’s recent article “Second Stage Terror Wars,” which begins: “It is well known that the endless U.S. war on terror was overtly launched following the mass murders of September 11, 2001 and the linked anthrax attacks….It is less well known that the executive director of the U.S. cover story – the fictional 9/11 Commission Report – was Philip Zelikow, who controlled and shaped…


Cynthia McKinney on “When China Sneezes” —the best COVID book yet

Listen HERE The COVID “conspiracy” books by James Perloff and Greg Felton are very much worth reading. But the best and most comprehensive one-volume investigation into what COVID-19 really is and where it came from is Cynthia McKinney’s edited compilation When China Sneezes (which should have been titled When DARPA Sneezes). Former six-term congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and some of the other contributors spent late December 2019 and the first half of January 2020 traveling around China on a fact-finding trip, flying out just a few days before the unprecedented lockdown. Their original mission was to…

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