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Alfred and Monika Schaefer Reflect on Imprisonment for Exercising Free Speech

There is no live radio show tonight due to Revolution Radio taking a Thanksgiving holiday Video link What’s it like to be imprisoned for speaking one’s mind? Let’s ask Alfred and Monika Schaefer! Alfred Schaefer was released from a German prison last July 1st. He had been imprisoned since 2018 for “Holocaust denial” and “incitement to hatred.” Alfred’s sister Monika Schaefer was also convicted alongside Alfred and spent most of 2018 in a German prison. The Canadian siblings were prosecuted after various Judeo-fascist organizations complained about their June 2016 video “Sorry Mom I Was Wrong About the Holocaust” which quickly…


FFWN: Alex Jones & Kanye West: Jewed, screwed, & tattooed (with E. Michael Jones)

Full uncensored version posted above by noon Central time Saturdays PSAs 0) FFWN doesn’t need six million trillion, but every little bit helps Good News, Bad News 1) Musk liberates Twitter – tweet this show to celebrate! 1.5) PayPal Has Reinstated its Policy to Fine Users $2,500 Directly from their Accounts if they Spread “Misinformation” War on Alex Jones 2) Sandy Hook families want Alex Jones to pay up to $2.75 trillion in damages as he seeks new trial 3) Alex Jones Ordered to Pay Six Million Trillion Dollars to Holocaust Survivors War on Kanye…


FFWN: Alex Jones, Cass Sunstein and “Cognitive Infiltration”

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Dodge Zelensky’s Draft, Support FFWN! Punitive Damages & Cognitive Infiltration 2) A jury finds Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones should pay $45.2 million in punitive damages to the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim 3) Alex Jones Cass Sunstein and “Cognitive Infiltration” Trump Raid 4) Trump FBI search overshadows Congress as it convenes to pass climate bill – live 5) FBI executes search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in document investigation  6) Judge who approved FBI’s…


Lori Price on “CLG in the Crosshairs of Totalitarian Censors”

Listen HERE Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government discusses CLG’s latest censorship problem, then in the last 15 minutes Rolf Lindgren discusses tomorrow’s Republican Party picnic in Verona, WI featuring a 40-minute speech by Sen. Ron Johnson. (Jim Fetzer and I plan to be there—don’t tell Antifa!) CLG’s June 22 newsletter was blocked by Yahoo email servers because it included a link to a Gateway Pundit article,  “Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of ‘Graphene Oxide’ or ‘Nanotechnological Elements.” The article did not include “misinformation.” It merely reported on facts that contradict the official…


FFWN: Bye-Bye Bojo, Bye-Bye Guidestones!

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern THIS SUNDAY, NOT SATURDAY AS USUAL — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 1) Get Happy and Healthy, Watch and Support FFWN! 1.5) Eid Mubarak – Hajj Returns Breaking: Shinzo Abe Assassinated—Message from Moscow? 2) Shinzo Abe, Former Japanese Leader, Is Assassinated James Corbett version: 3) Russia threatens Western decision-making centers 4) WHAT’S THE MESSAGE WITH ROSCOSMOS’ SATELLITE IMAGES? Resistance vs. NWO 5) Georgia Guidestones explosion – live: ‘America’s Stonehenge’ that critics dub ‘satanic’ is hit by bomb attack 5.5) BREAKING! Georgia Guidestones…


FFWN: Pushing Back Against the Empire of Lies (with J. Michael Springmann)

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSAs 1) Help FFWN Stand with the Truth 2) Twitter Censors “Uncle Adolf stands with Ukraine” Tweet 3) RIP Elias Davidsson, Researcher-Author on 9/11 and Other False Flags UkroNazis 4) Ukraine’s Zelensky shares image of soldier with Nazi insignia 5) The Rise of the New Normal Reich  6) UkroNazis’ human shields’ testimony suppressed by MSM 7) CIA cathedral desecrator UkroNazi sympathizer & “pussy rioter” flees Russia—Russians breathe sigh of relief  UkroBucks 8) Biden Wanted $33B More…


Marilyn Singleton vs. American Oligarchy

Listen HERE Marilyn M. Singleton discusses her new article “Real Americans and the American Oligarchy.” In it she writes: “Federal and state governments have used Covid as a justification to cross the line from public safety measures into tyranny. Despite the decreasing Covid cases, the national Covid emergency declaration was extended beyond March 1, 2022. The national emergency designation gives the President more than 100 special powers that can bypass legal procedures ranging from banking to public health and anything else the government wants to control. “Despite a long tradition of differing opinions regarding medical disease processes and treatments, the…


Ex-NYU Prof Michael Rectenwald: “Woke Capitalism” is a Scam

Listen HERE Professor Michael Rectenwald, who prevailed in a free speech fight at NYU a few years ago, recently published “Woke Capitalism is a Monopoly Game.” It begins: “In 2018, Ross Douthat of the New York Times introduced the phrase ‘woke capital.’ Essentially, Douthat suggested that woke capitalism works by substitut­ing symbolic value for economic value. Under woke capitalism, corporations offer workers rhetorical pla­cebos in lieu of costlier economic concessions, such as higher wages and better benefits. The same gestures of woke­ness also appease the liberal political elite, promoting their agendas of identity politics, gender pluralism, transgender rights, lax immigration standards, climate…


Nick of “For Liberty” on How to Take This World Back

Listen HERE Nick (a.k.a. “Truther Nick”) of the For Liberty radio show offers ideas on “how to take this world back.” We discuss whether ideologies and religions, or psychopathic power-mongers, are the problem; the centrality of hatred and scapegoating to politics according to Carl Schmitt and René Girard; why it’s important to use words correctly; how the binary left-right paradigm has outlived its usefulness; and much more.


Michelle Malkin on Being Banned from AirB&B

Listen HERE Has former Fox News pundit Michelle Malkin taken the red pill? Last year she moved her blog (the biggest political blog in America?) and its massive archives to the Unz Review, home of notorious  dissidents and “conspiracy theorists” like yours truly. Since then Malkin has come under increasing fire by the usual suspects, culminating in last week’s banning from AirBNB. Banned from lodging for harboring politically-incorrect views? What’s next, “disagree with us and you won’t be allowed to purchase food”? (Maybe I shouldn’t give them any ideas…) Twenty years ago, when I was a witch and Malkin a…

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