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Alan Sabrosky on censorship, Zionism & 9/11, and more

Listen HERE Jewish* ex-Marine Corps Sgt. Alan Sabrosky,  former Director of Studies of the Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute, came on my radio show in March 2010 to state that “9/11 was a Mossad operation, period.” Mentioning Alan’s name during the Q&A at public events can get you arrested, as Jeremy Rothe-Kushel found out the hard way: Dennis Ross: Well, look, I don’t think that as a matter of policy, that the United States or Israel engage in acts of terror.  Terror is you target deliberately civilians for an expressed political purpose. The idea that Israel had something to do…


Joshua Blakeney, Veterans Today respond to Mossad-ADL assault!

Truth Jihad Radio this week: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is supposed to fight prejudice and bigotry. Yet it operates mainly as a defender of the world’s last remaining officially racist state. In fact, it might as well be a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mossad. The ADL’s real motto is: “By way of defamation thou shalt do war.” Recently, the ADL defamed me and three writers for Veterans Today: Gordon Duff, Alan Sabrosky, and Jim Fetzer. As the only one of the four not working for Veterans Today, I was flattered at being singled out. I was also impressed that Veterans…


Radio station WTLC: I’m the #3 9/11 truther (after Alex Jones and David Ray Griffin)

WTLC-FM: The Top 5 9/11 Truthers My father, the late Peter J. Barrett, didn’t like coming in third. Even placing second and winning a silver medal in the 1964 Olympics could not satisfy him. So he went back and won a gold medal in 1968. Me, I’d be more than happy to take third place in the most important race of the 21st century: That grueling ten-year-long-and-still-going-strong marathon, the race for 9/11 truth. Actually I don’t care where I place. I just want to reach the finish line. WTLC radio is too generous in rating me as #3 of The…


Two grassroots plans for 9/11 justice: Alan Sabrosky, Sen. Mike Gravel on KB Show Tuesday

Listen to this show Tuesday, July 5th, 9 – 11 a.m Pacific on (archived here a few hours after broadcast): Two-hour commercial-free special: Alan Sabrosky and Sen. Mike Gravel propose grassroots plans for 9/11 justice.First hour: Alan Sabrosky, author of the new article Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake, touts a grassroots outreach campaign targeting local veterans organizations. Details here. Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D. University of Michigan, is the former Director of Studies of the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College.Second hour: Sen. Mike Gravel, announcing the brand-new citizens’ 9/11 commission campaign! (Background on…


Alan Sabrosky: We CAN bust Israel for 9/11 – here’s how!

Alan Sabrosky will discuss his excellent new series of articles on the Kevin Barrett Show this Tuesday, July 5th, 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific (11 a.m.-noon Central) at (archived here a few hours after broadcast). Read his new article Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake. Then read Alan Sabrosky’s article Israel’s Hidden Faces, A Long Day’s Night for Us All — an article based on the slideshow he is urging us to present to local veterans’ organizations, as explained at the end of the interview transcribed below, which you can listen to at . Also don’t…


William Engdahl on KB Show today!

Listen to this show Truth Jihad Radio Fri. 7/1/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Co-host Peymon Mottahedeh and very special guest. Second hour: Kevin Barrett hosts William Engdahl, author of the critically-important brand-new article Getting Used to Life Without Food: Wall Street, BP, bio-ethanol and the death of millions. It begins: “My late grandfather, a man of sturdy Norwegian-American farm stock, who later became a newspaper editor and political activist during the First World War, used to say, ‘A man can get used…


Friday: 9/11 truth-speaker Alan Sabrosky, Finkelstein defender and academic freedom fighter Peter Kirstein

Truth Jihad Radio Friday 3/11/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page. First hour: Encore appearance of military affairs expert Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College). Dr. Sabrosky pulls no punches: “I have had long conversations over the last two weeks with contacts at the Army War College and the headquarters, Marine Corps, and I’ve made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is 100% certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation.’ Period. “The Zionists…


New Alan Sabrosky Interview: 9/11 and Beyond

Dr. Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D. University of Michigan, former director of studies at the US Army War College) appeared on my show last spring and made news by explaining why he is certain that the Israeli Mossad was behind 9/11. Dr. Alan Sabrosky was interviewed on Iranian TV (Sahar TV) on 9/11/2010. Thanks to Veterans Today and My Catbird Seat (where you can read Sabrosky’s comprehensive article on 9/11 Treason, Betrayal, and Deceit) for breaking this story. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

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