Why won’t any qualified experts defend the official story? I regularly host this annual debate, sponsored by the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness. Richard Gage, the guest debater this year, then provides a most persuasive presentation of the main points of the debate that would have to be satisfactorily addressed by a future opponent – if one were to be found. In the absence of an opponent this year, the debate was considered “Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 violates Newton’s Laws of Motion, especially the complete collapse of the 3 World Trade Center towers.” The debate occurs…
Ukraine: The New 9/11 (with E. Michael Jones)
Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above. We are NOT broadcasting on my YouTube channel this week due to censorship. PSAs 1) Help Destroy “Mad Brute” MSM, Support FFWN! https://fundrazr.com/81y6a8 2) 2 Days Away! 9/11CON: The Pentagon – Saturday March 19 | 4 Researchers – 4 Theories https://richardgage911.substack.com/p/609ab08a-489b-4523-83cc-7b2903b4a82f 3) RIP, William Hurt. Thank you for speaking the truth about 9/11 https://www.ae911truth.org/news/791-it-took-me-a-long-time-to-face-what-i-knew-to-be-true-a Ukraine: The New 9/11 4) Zelensky invokes 9/11 in pressing Congress for help https://thehill.com/policy/international/598398-zelensky-invokes-9-11-in-pressing-congress-for-help 5) Putin’s name removed from 9/11 memorial https://www.rt.com/news/552025-putin-removed-from-911-memorial/ Happy Purim! 6) In Zelenskyy’s Mordechai-like Purim plea, Biden is…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Ron Jacobs on “Hazy Cosmic Jive”; Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry on Today’s Oral Arguments
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at https://kevinbarrett.substack.com 1st hour: Ron Jacobs, author of Daydream Sunset: Sixties Counterculture in the Seventies (and the new article “Some Hazy Cosmic Jive“) discusses the evolution of popular culture in general and science fiction in particular. We’ll also touch on subjects of other recent articles including houselessness and Ron’s experience serving jail time for marijuana possession. 2nd hour: Mick Harrison and Richard Gage AIA of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry discuss the oral arguments presented earlier today to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit: “Court to decide if 9/11 victim family…
FULL ARTICLEJamie Macphail on “9/11: Unravelling the Lies”
Listen and read the transcript HERE Jamie Macphail’s book 9/11: Unraveling the Lies is a terrific resource for newcomers to the controversies around 9/11—and also for us old-timers who occasionally need to refresh our memories. As the author puts it, the book is “A comprehensive and up to date analysis summarized into one volume to provide an overview for both convinced skeptics and those inclined to believe the official account.” A transcript of the interview is available at my Substack page.
FULL ARTICLEIsrael Is Iran’s – and America’s – Worst Enemy
“Political Commentator, Kevin Barret says Israel has always played a villain role against Iran and now it’s trying to derail talks over the 2015 nuclear deal.” And then there is Israel’s history of villainy vs. the USA: the Lavon Affair, JFK assassination https://www.unz.com/article/did-israe… , USS Liberty massacre, 9/11, and much more.
FULL ARTICLEChallenger Disaster Whistleblower Richard Cook on Government Coverups
Listen HERE NASA whistleblower Richard Cook is the author of Challenger Revealed: An Insider’s Account of How the Reagan Administration Caused the Greatest Tragedy of the Space Age. After the much-ballyhooed “teacher-in-space” Challenger space shuttle blew up, killing all crew members, in January, 1986, Cook spearheaded the partial unraveling of the coverup by feeding inside information and documents to journalists. Giving the lie to NASA propaganda, Cook showed that the lethal problem with the O-rings was common knowledge at NASA, including at its highest echelons. The Challenger obviously never should have flown in such cold conditions, not only due to…
FULL ARTICLEAlan Sabrosky Discusses Internet Censorship—and Announces His Retirement (from Doing Interviews Like This)
Listen HERE Dr. Alan Sabrosky USMC, “most censored man in America,” former head of Strategic Studies, US Army War College, returns to Truth Jihad Radio with politically incorrect takes a long list of issues, starting with 9/11—the topic that brought him to my radio show in 2010 to debut his “Israel did it” interpretation of the mother of all false flags. Dr. Sabrosky is not happy about the current state of the Union. “It’s like being the navigator on the Titanic…(today’s America is) somewhere between a sewer and a train wreck. And the thing that’s bothered me most is that…
FULL ARTICLEKen Meyercord on 9/11 Remote Hijackings
Listen HERE Ken Meyercord discusses his article “9/11: Controlled Demolition of Truth.” In it he writes: “I believe the planes were remotely controlled. One of the most telling pieces of evidence for this is the incredible bit of flying the supposed pilot of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour, performed. The maneuver he made—a 270 degree turn while descending thousands of feet at 400 mph—led air traffic controllers watching it on their radar screens to think it must be a fighter jet. More experienced pilots than Hanjour (not exactly the valedictorian of his flight school class) say…
FULL ARTICLELaurent Guyenot on “The Unspoken Kennedy Truth”—and Its Link to 9/11
Listen HERE Why did the perpetrators of the 1968 RFK assassination use a Palestinian as their hypnotized patsy? Is it just a coincidence that Jacob Rubenstein (“Jack Ruby”), the mob bagman who silenced Lee Harvey “I’m just a patsy” Oswald, worked for gangster Mickey Cohen, the all-time biggest fundraiser for Israel in US history? (And that the JFK assassination saved Israel’s nuclear weapons program and its long-planned 1967 war of aggression, by putting Israel’s man LBJ in the White House?) Historian Laurent Guyénot‘s new book The Unspoken Kennedy Truth explores the linked assassinations of JFK, RFK, and JFK Jr. and…
FULL ARTICLEWhy is the U.S. government dominated by Israel?
Why does the US mindlessly support Israel’s every move to the detriment of American interests? Laurent Guyenot’s “The Unspoken Kennedy Truth” https://www.amazon.com/Unspoken-Kenne… makes a strong case that Ben Gurion and Israel, using CIA and kosher nostra assets, killed JFK to remove the obstacle to its nuclear program and put its sayanim asset LBJ in the White House. Since the 1963 coup, and even more so since the 9/11/2001 coup, Israel has owned the USA and gradually run it into the ground.