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Mark Gaffney on “The Demolition of the World Trade Center”

Listen HERE Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).” It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America(2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the Ages of Man (2022).


LIVE RADIO! Mark Gaffney on “The Demolition of the World Trade Center”; Dave Gahary Says We’re Close to Civil War

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Approaching the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, one of the notable new articles is Mark Gaffney’s “The Demolition of the World Trade Center (The Devil’s Trick).” It summarizes the case for controlled demolition at the World Trade Center, and (controversially) considers Heinz Pommer’s arguments for a nuclear component to the final takedowns of the Towers. Mark H. Gaffney is the author of Dimona the Third Temple (1989), The 9/11 Mystery Plane and the Vanishing of America (2008), Black 9/11. Money, Motive and Technology (2016), and Deep History and the…


Barrie Zwicker on Graeme MacQueen – and more

Listen HERE Barrie Zwicker “was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story of 9/11.” He “was Director of the International Citizens’ Inquiry Into 9/11, held in Toronto May 25-30 May 2004, at University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall. It featured 40 presenters from three continents. He sparked the citizens’ inquiry which he first proposed in late October 2003.” Barrie’s book Towers of Deception and his films The Great Conspiracy and The End of Suburbia are highly recommended. Barrie will be participating in tomorrow’s tribute to another…


LIVE RADIO: John Carter on Commodified Intelligence; Ron Unz on Neocons, Chomsky & 9/11

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at I like to showcase good writers with cutting-edge ideas on this show, and both of tonight’s guests fit the bill. First hour: John Carter of the Postcards from Barsoom Substack returns to discuss his latest work, starting with “reGenerative AIgronomics or UBIomass: Occupational responses to the era of commodified intelligence.” As AI destroys jobs, producing permanent mega-unemployment, what will all the newly-minted useless eaters do? Depopulationists say “kill them off.” Yuval Harari says “let them eat drugs and video games.” But John Carter thinks permaculture gardening would be a…


LIVE RADIO! Anthony Hall on the Permanent Emergency; Ken Meyercord on Multipolarism vs. DC Think Tanks; Henry Herskovitz on Vandals vs. Ann Arbor Protests; Rolf Lindgren and Hanna Bettner on “Devil Stole Votes in Georgia”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First half hour: Prof. Anthony Hall has a new Substack “Looking Out at the World from Canada.” We discuss his recent pieces on the permanent emergency, his sojourn through the world of advertising, and the war on terror as a war on humanity. Second half hour: Retired Washington, DC TV host Ken Meyercord points out that “no American carrier has entered the Persian Gulf since 2020. Do we fear Iran’s enhanced military capabilities make any carrier stuck in the confined space of the Gulf a sitting duck?” He also…


FFWN: Why Can’t Tucker Ask Questions About WTC-7? (with Cat McGuire)

 PSAs 0) Help FFWN expose the E-Team! 9/11 1) Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writer’s Latest Book 2) Federal Whistleblower Asks Seymour Hersh About 9/11, WTC-7, JFK Coup 3) Neocons and Neolibs: A Conspiracy of Silence Celebrity Speak-Outs 4) Tucker Carlson: “Why can’t I ask questions about [Building 7]?” 5) RFK Jr. Says CIA Is Connected to 2001 Anthrax Attacks COVID Truth Suppression (War on China) 6) Blame the Raccoon Dogs! 7) Bill Passed by House and Senate to Declassify COVID Origins Documents May Be Attempt to ‘Frame’ China, Experts Warn…


Gordon Duff on Victor Bout & Tucker’s “CIA Killed JFK”

Listen HERE Gordon Duff of offers an insider’s view of the Victor Bout affair, Tucker Carlson’s “CIA killed JFK” episode, and more. Gordon told me before the interview that in his early days with the Company he met some of the key characters depicted in Oliver Stone’s JFK. Unlike Piper and Guyenot, Gordon Duff blames CIA Nazis (Allan Dulles and friends) more than Zionists. He also reminded me that our mutual acquaintance Dmitri Khalezov, whose 9/11 revelations range from plausible to ridiculous, was living with Victor Bout in Thailand when Bout was arrested.


Bruce Baird suspects Israel did “Russia’s 9/11” (and much more)

Listen at my Substack Retired engineer/professor Bruce Baird just finished a 71-tweet Twitter threadvoicing his suspicions that Israel was behind the September 1999 Russian apartment bombings colloquially referred to as “Russia’s 9/11”. Dr. Baird argues that the cover story—”radical Muslims used a vehicle bomb that magically blew a huge crater in the ground”—fits a pattern of Mossad mini-nuke false flags including the 1983 Marine barracks bombing, the 2002 Bali bombing, the 2004 Hariri assassination, and the 2020 Beirut blast.  (Some might add the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, which the Israeli perps may have originally intended to pin on Iraq.) According…


Sander Hicks on Being Demonized (for 9/11 Truth) in Jewish Daily Forward

Listen HERE Author-activist Sander Hicks discusses his latest 15-minutes-of-fame thanks to the Forward article “Author who alleged Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks endorses candidate in Brooklyn House race.” Sander responded with an open letter to the Forward that commends the Forward for its coverage of the five “dancing Israeli” spies who were caught on 9/11 apparently pre-positioned to film and celebrate the attacks. (The Forward excised that part when they published an expurgated version of the letter.) During the second half of the show we consider spirituality and politics, including Sander’s Christian approach to activism. We also discuss the tragic and…


“Eschatological War!” Another Debate With Adam Green

And a great new article from Youssef Hindi that clarifies what’s at stake Video link In our latest discussion/debate, Adam Green and I take up where we left off last time. We begin by agreeing that 9/11 was a false flag operation, and that the crime was rooted in Jewish messianic millenarianism. But whereas Adam posits an “Abrahamic conspiracy” by which religious Jews plan to take over the world and enforce the Noahide laws, I blame neoliberal Zionist atheists—specifically, Straussian neocons—for the mass murders of September 2001. Does that mean that Adam’s vision of a world takeover conspiracy involving religiously-motivated…

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