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David Skrbina on “Technological Slavery” and panpsychism

Listen HERE Philosophy professor David Skrbina edited Ted “the Unabomber” Kaczynski’s book Technological Slavery which I finally got around to reading. Dr. Skrbina is also, along with 9/11 truth superstar David Ray Griffin, one of the world’s leading experts on panpsychism, which holds that everything in the universe has at least a degree of consciousness. If things have consciousness, does that mean that when computers become vastly more intelligent than people, they will also have enough consciousness to decide to dispense with us? That is one of the many horrors of technology that Kaczynsky warns against. (For details on why this may…


Jonathan Simon on election rigging; Gideon Polya on anti-racist Jews vs. Zionism; Jim Fetzer on internet censorship

Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio  First hour: Jonathan Simon of the Election Defense Alliance discusses his book Code Red: Computerized Elections and the War on American Democracy. I cannot recommend this book too highly; it makes a persuasive case that wholesale voting-machine rigging has massively distorted US politics and government since around 2002, when black-box voting machines owned by right-wing Republicans started “counting” the votes…and exit polls, which used to be extremely accurate, suddenly started under-predicting Republican “surprise victories.” Those on the brink of exposing this high-stakes fraud have a habit of dying suddenly. Karl Rove’s top…


Lauren Booth, Rabia speak out on spirituality, politics, and much more!

Listen HERE Islamophobes (a category which includes many self-styled apostles of “tolerance” and other liberal virtues) often take a condescending and insulting attitude toward Muslim women. They imagine that women who feel liberated by Islam  are too stupid or naive to realize their actual condition as “slaves of the patriarchy.” And yet three quarters of Western converts to Islam are women—for the most part highly educated independent spirits. Maybe we should stop projecting Orientalist fantasies on Muslim women and let them speak for themselves. First 35 minutes: Activist author-journalist Lauren Booth talks about battling misconceptions and misinformation since accepting Islam in…


Sean Gabb on censorship…and how to stop it

Listen HERE Sean Gabb is one of the UK’s leading libertarians. In his new article “State Censorship Corporate Censorship”  he argues that even though the UK and US protect “speech about alleged matters of public fact,” these protections are inadequate and eroding. Though no fan of Alex Jones, Sean Gabb says that “his being swept from large areas of the Internet is worrying.” Perhaps the biggest threat to free speech, Gabb suggests, is corporate censorship. And while some libertarians join the apologists for censorship who argue that private corporations such as YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, and Google have the right to…


Robert Singer and James Tracy discuss taboo topics

Listen live, 8 to 10 pm Eastern, Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Robert Singer, a researcher specializing in eschatology and false flags, argues that “mass casualty conspiracy incidents” stopped when Obama left office. Singer was hired as a private investigator by one of the San Bernardino shooting victim’s families—scroll down to read his conclusions, then compare them with those of my edited book ANOTHER French False Flag: Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino. And speaking of comparisons, you may wish to compare and contrast Robert Singer’s eschatological views with those of Shaykh Imran Hosein. Second hour: Tenured Communications professor…


Billy Ray Valentine interviews Kevin Barrett on 9/11, immigration, and more

Listen HERE NYC 9/11 truth activist Billy Ray Valentine hosts The Infinite Fringe radio show…and disagrees with some of his fellow Truth Frequency Radio hosts who have fallen into line behind Donald Trump. In this episode we discuss 9/11 and why Trump is unlikely to reopen the case; who really did 9/11 and why; the bizarre transformation of libertarians (whose philosophy opposes the existence of national borders) into “build the wall” Trump supporters; the pros and cons of immigration in the US and Europe; and more.


T. Mark Hightower and Ibrahim Soudy: Is religion the problem or the solution?

Broadcast live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio  First hour: Retired NASA engineer T. Mark Hightower—one of the contributors to RD Steele’s 9/11 Memos to Trump—returns to discuss his journey from Christian Zionist fundamentalism to Christian Universalism. Mark writes: “Here are four significant blog posts of mine on touching on religious and spiritual matters in reverse chronological order.“ 2nd hour: 9/11-truth-supporting Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer with a long list of qualifications and licenses, continues the conversation about religion and society. Ibrahim agrees with me (and others) that materialist secular humanism has become the…


Bollyn, Kollerstrom, Bennett, Olson, and Hightower on their 9/11 Memos to President Trump

Listen HERE Christopher Bollyn, Nick Kollerstrom, Scott Bennett, Joe Olson, and T. Mark Hightower join me to discuss their 9/11 Memos to President Trump. (Click on the name to read the memo.) As I write in a forthcoming American Free Press article: The presidential briefing on 9/11 was organized by Robert David Steele, a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer and founder of the Open Source Intelligence movement. Contributors include David Ray Griffin, widely considered the unofficial dean of 9/11 studies; Peter Dale Scott, the University of California-Berkeley professor emeritus who popularized the term deep state; Richard Gage AIA of Architects…


Robert David Steele, Tom Scott Gordon, and Sander Hicks on “9/11 memos to Trump”

Listen HERE First half hour: Robert David Steele just published “Memorandums for the President on 9/11“—a collection of succinct arguments from 27 9/11 experts urging the president to re-open 9/11 and fulfill his campaign promise: “Elect me and you’ll find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” In this interview, Steele—a former CIA Clandestine Services Officer who later founded the Open Source Intelligence movement—argues that Trump can, should, and quite possibly will “make America great again” by revealing the truth about the crime of the century. Steele has channels to Trump and argues that Trump very likely will…


Zaid Hamid: “9/11 truther Imran Khan wins in Pakistan”; Peter Koenig on “Trump the deglobalizer”

Listen HERE First half hour: Zaid Hamid of the Pakistani strategic think tank BrassTacks takes a guardedly optimistic view of the recent election of Imran Khan as Pakistan’s new President. Imran Khan is on board with the Veterans Today team, meaning he is aware that 9/11 launched a war on Islam for Israel—and that using false flag terror to turn Pakistan into a failed state (and then taking away its nuclear weapons) is a major objective of the neocon-Zionist team that staged the 9/11 coup d’état. But is Imran Khan sophisticated and experienced enough to wage an effective counter-neocon campaign? Or at…

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