Listen HERE First 25 minutes: Jason Unruhe of Maoist Rebel News and yours truly join Iranian broadcaster Press TV to discuss the rebellion in Baghdad’s Green Zone, where protestors angered by the US killing more than 30 members of Iraq’s armed forces are threatening to break into the American Embassy. Don’t miss the passionate 9/11 truth rant at the end of the segment (if you like that sort of thing). Note: Jason Unruhe agrees with Peter Myers that China is now an oppressive capitalist imperialist power, not a socialist country. Second half hour: Australian NWO researcher Peter Myers discusses the…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
2020s: “American Century” Finished, World Is Now Multipolar (with Prof. Anthony Hall)
Listen HERE In this, the second part of a special two-part interview with Globalization Studies Professor Anthony Hall, we focus on what may be the biggest topic of the 2020s: *The decline of US empire and emergence of a multipolar world; *specifically, the rise of Russia and China; *and the ongoing triumph of the Axis of Resistance in the Occupied Muslim East. For more information about the discussion, and tonight’s guest Tony Hall, check out Part 1 of this two-part interview.
FULL ARTICLEProf. Anthony Hall on the biggest stories of the decade: Part 1
Listen HERE In this first hour of a special two hour live interview, Globalization Studies professor AnthonyHall begins by describing his pivot from Native Studies to 9/11 and other controversial topics after the publication of EarthintoProperty in 2010. In the second half hour we discuss the degradation of the internet by social media and commercialization, and the rise of internet censorship and other forms of techo-tyranny—possibly the decade’s biggest story. Anthony Hall, Professor Emeritus of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, has had quite a decade! After discovering that his friend and colleague Splitting-the-Sky was right about 9/11 being…
FULL ARTICLECensored Presbyterian Minister and Radio Host John Shuck on Why He’s Leaving KBOO-Portland and His Church
Listen HERE Presbyterian minister John Shuck is leaving his KBOO-Portland radio show “Beloved Community” and his church position. Apparently neither the radio station nor the church can handle the truth about 9/11 and related topics. John recently wrote me: Dear Dr. Barrett, A number of changes have happened to me. I am no longer pastor at my church. I was judged too radical opposing wars and their lies and saying too many good things about Islam. Now I am done with KBOO too. Here is my last show that includes audio from you. I dedicated the show to you…
FULL ARTICLEE. Michael Jones on the War on Christmas
Listen HERE Time for some seasonal interfaith dialogue: E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars, discusses “the war on Christmas.” Some questions to ponder: Is Fox News right about the “war on Christmas”? Should we all endorse the Church of the Open Borders revision of the nativity, with José and Maria as undocumented immigrants pursued by Trump/Herod? Are Jewish-Americans traumatized by growing up thinking that Dr. Seuss’s archetypal Christmas villain, the Grinch, is Jewish? (Even though JewOrNotJew says he’s not.) Is it true that nearly 30% of respondents say Santa Claus should transition to female — or just become gender-neutral?…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson on Christian/Islamic Approaches to Theocracy
Listen HERE CUNY philosophy professor Peter Simpson returns to follow up on his November 29th interview “Why Theocracy Is Better than Secular Liberalism.” Tonight we continue that conversation, and compare Christian and Islamic approaches to theocracy. Contrary to popular stereotypes, theocracy is not religious tyranny. Instead, it is a system in which a spiritual authority exists alongside secular authority. Peter Simpson explains: “The important thing about theocracy…is that there has to be, and there is in these three great religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) a spiritual authority that has some real say and control over what goes on in society,…
FULL ARTICLEMichael Maloof (ex-Feith/Wurmsur/Wolfowitz/Cheney colleague) on what changed his views
Listen HERE Less than a month after 9/11, Pentagon official Michael Maloof was called to Douglas Feith’s office to work with David Wurmsur on the Counter Terrorism Evaluation Group project aligned with then-SecDef Paul Wolfowitz and VP Dick Cheney’s office: “Wurmser and Maloof’s ‘matrix’ leads them to conclude that Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and other groups with conflicting ideologies and objectives are allowing these differences to fall to the wayside as they discover their shared hatred of the US. The group’s research also leads them to believe that al-Qaeda has a presence in such places as Latin America. For weeks, the…
FULL ARTICLERon Unz: How the Truth Movement Can Win
Listen HERE Ron Unz, publisher of the Unz Review and author of the critically important American Pravda series of articles, has argued that the truth movement ought to recognize that its primary enemy is the mainstream media—and strategically work to discredit it by “swarming” its weakest links with alternative perspectives. Rather than limiting themselves to one or two issues—say, 9/11 and JFK— alternative analysts should attack the mainstream line on a wide variety of topics, especially those where the mainstream defenses are weakest. This will entail forging alliances between alternative thinkers whose goals and worldviews are very different from each other.…
FULL ARTICLEThaddeus Kozinski on “Modernity as Apocalypse”
Listen HERE Philosophy and humanities teacher Thaddeus Kozinski discusses his new book Modernity as Apocalypse: Sacred Nihilism and the Counterfeits of Logos. “With a questioning spirit not unlike that of Socrates, the ‘gadfly’ of Athens, Thaddeus Kozinski here examines modernity through a variety of lenses—historical, cultural, philosophical, theological, anthropological, psychological, political, pedagogical—casting light on the Logos that the sacred nihilism of liberalism has so obscured, and unmasking its myriad counterfeits.” After doing False Flag Weekly News with E. Michael Jones this morning, then interviewing Thaddeus Kozinski eight hours later, I’ve been privileged to talk to two of America’s most important Catholic…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh on “Corpses in Ocean”
Listen HERE I introduced Linh Dinh‘s ferocious, touching, painfully autobiographical essay “Corpses in Ocean” as follows: As my Vietnam veteran VT colleagues can attest, that atrociously bloody war seemed totally pointless at the time. (Almost as pointless as destroying the Middle East for Israel today.) But now, looking back with pride, we can reflect that had we not made such heroic efforts to save ‘Nam from the Godless commies, Linh Dinh would probably never have written in English. So, quoting Madeleine Albright, “we think the price was worth it.” In this interview Linh elaborates on “Corpses in Ocean”: “This last…