Listen HERE First 30 minutes: John Leonard, publisher of Progressive Press, recently published “Add Zinc: From Game-Changer to Game-Winner against Coronavirus.” John writes: “Scientific evidence indicates that Zinc is the active part of the treatment, but it needs hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to get inside cells to kill the virus. Dr. Anthony Cardillo prescribes HCQ+Zinc and says: ‘Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very, very ill and within 8 to 12 hours, they were basically symptom-free.’” My old friend Sean Hannity is pretty much the only MSM voice pushing HCQ. Is Hannity actually right about something?! Final 30 minutes: Mischa Popoff:…
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Philosopher David Skrbina on Coronavirus and Technology
Listen HERE Philosopher David Skrbina, author of The Metaphysics of Technology, joins us to ponder the corona-technology interface. Much of the world is looking for technological solutions to the coronavirus problem. But what if technology IS the problem? Even in the unlikely event that COVID-19 wasn’t made in a lab, its pandemic global transmission could only happen in an urban, densely-populated, hyper-connected hi-tech society. What’s more, the techno-solutions—building an Orwellian surveillance state where anyone who coughs gets tested and quarantined, injecting everyone with a possibly toxic vaccine, etc.—may do more harm than good, if human psycho-spiritual well-being is our highest…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Philosopher David Skrbina on Coronavirus and Technology; John Leonard and Mischa Popoff Offer Alternative Views on How to Stay Healthy
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio then archived HERE First hour: Philosopher David Skrbina, author of The Metaphysics of Technology, joins us to ponder the corona-technology interface. Much of the world is looking for technological solutions to the coronavirus problem. But what if technology IS the problem? Even in the unlikely event that COVID-19 wasn’t made in a lab, its pandemic global transmission could only happen in an urban, densely-populated, hyper-connected hi-tech society. What’s more, the techno-solutions—building an Orwellian surveillance state where anyone who coughs gets tested and quarantined, injecting everyone with a possibly toxic vaccine, etc.—may do more…
FULL ARTICLEPeter Simpson and Blake Archer Williams on Theocracy & Iran
Listen HERE Two of the world’s foremost proponents of and experts on theocracy come together for the first time! Blake Archer Williams grew up in the USA in a Christian Iranian immigrant family, studied Islamic history with Professor Hāmid Algar at the University of California at Berkeley, converted to Shia Islam, and later moved to Iran. He is the author and translator of over 50 books on Islam generally, and on Shi’a Islam in particular, including Credal Foundations of Waliyic Islam. Peter Simpson is the author of “Theocracy’s Challenge” and Political Illiberalism: A Defense of Freedom among other works. He is professor of philosophy…
FULL ARTICLELinh Dinh Reports from South Korea, Where They Beat Coronavirus Without a Lockdown
Listen HERE Linh Dinh, the great exiled Vietnamese-American writer and world traveler, has been publishing coronavirus reports from around the world, most recently “Coronavirus Missives from the USA, Brazil, Italy, Iran and Mexico.” In this interview Linh reports live from South Korea, where they beat the coronavirus without a lockdown. In this slightly weird interview, recorded on my live show, Linh couldn’t hear me due to a technical problem (it turned out his mic was interfering with his audio). So I carried on my side of the conversation by typing questions and responses to Linh on Skype chat, while speaking them…
FULL ARTICLEAnthrax Expert Barry Kissin: “Slow Down! COVID-19 May NOT Be a Bioweapon”
Listen HERE Barry Kissin is an attorney who lives near the Ft. Detrick biowar facility where the 2001 false flag anthrax was made. He is an expert on the anthrax aspect of the 9/11-anthrax false flag, and is knowledgable and deeply concerned about our desperate need to ban biological weapons while there is still time. But he is not convinced by Larry Romanoff’s arguments that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon. He isn’t even sure about Meryl Nass’s refutation of the “can’t be a bioweapon” propaganda push. What’s more, he argues that we shouldn’t be highlighting the “it looks like a…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Barry Kissin on Coronavirus & 2001 Anthrax Attacks; Linh Dinh on “Coronavirus Missives from 5 Countries”
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived HERE First hour: Barry Kissin is an attorney who lives near the Ft. Detrick biowar facility where the 2001 false flag anthrax was made. He is an expert on the anthrax aspect of the 9/11-anthrax false flag, and is knowledgable and deeply concerned about our desperate need to ban biological weapons while there is still time. But he is not convinced by Larry Romanoff’s arguments that COVID-19 is a US bioweapon. Second hour: Linh Dinh, the great exiled Vietnamese-American writer and world traveler, reports live from…where the heck is…
FULL ARTICLEBiowar Expert Dr. Meryl Nass: Lancet’s “COVID-19 Is NOT a Bioweapon” Is a Ludicrous Fraud
Listen HERE Dr. Meryl Nass is a world-class bioweapons expert. She recently published a must-read article: Why are some of the US’ top scientists making a specious argument about the natural origin of SARS-CoV-2? It seems that the usual-suspect Lancet authors who were trotted out to dismiss the “bioweapon conspiracy theory” are the same kind of so-called scientists as the NIST “experts” who assured us that WTC-7 miraculously disappeared at free-fall into its own footprint due to minor office fires. Q: Why are five dubious, germ-warfare-linked, cover-up specialist scientists telling us this could not possibly be a bioweapon, and yet obviously…
FULL ARTICLECoronavirus, Spirituality, & Politics: Shia/Sufi/Muslim Perspectives Pt. 1: Andrew Israel & Charles Upton
Listen HERE First half hour: Andrew Israel (Muhammad Al Mahdi) reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. As the Anglo-Zionist war on the “Shia crescent” (a.k.a. the Axis of Resistance) intensifies, even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, this might be a good time to check in with him… Next half hour: Charles Upton discusses his new article “A Sufi Response to the Coronavirus.” A poet, author, and activist who has published numerous books on Sufism, metaphysics, and other topics, he is currently a leading proponent of the Covenants Initiative.
FULL ARTICLELive Radio: Coronavirus, Spirituality, & Politics: Shia/Sufi/Muslim Perspectives
Broadcasts live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio First half hour: Andrew Israel (Muhammad Al Mahdi) reverted to Shia Islam from Judaism last Ramadan. As the Anglo-Zionist war on the “Shia crescent” (a.k.a. the Axis of Resistance) intensifies, even in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, this might be a good time to check in with him… Next half hour: Charles Upton discusses his new article “A Sufi Response to the Coronavirus.” A poet, author, and activist who has published numerous books on Sufism, metaphysics, and other topics, he is currently a leading proponent of the Covenants Initiative. Second hour:…