Listen HERE Author David Colton discusses The Case for Universal Health Care. If “progress”means making things better, one of the most obvious targets for improvement is the American health care system—which spends roughly twice as much per capita as its peers, and obtains worse outcomes. David Colton’s book is a terrific, fair-minded one-volume summary of this issue. (Disclaimer: I ran for Congress in 2008 on the Libertarian ticket on a pro-single-payer platform—earning the wrath of other Libertarians and gaining an opponent in the primary election.)
FULL ARTICLECategory: Radio Show
Anton Chaitkin on America’s Fight for Universal Progress
Listen HERE Anton Chaitkin discusses his new book Who We Are: America’s Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy. (Check out the book website Is the grand narrative of progress—a core element of the dominant secular humanist religion of the West—dead and buried, as Lyotard wrote in The Postmodern Condition? Not if Anton Chaitkin can help it! Who We Are offers a patriotic American, pro-nationalist version of the sacred narrative of material progress. Chaitkin, like others associated with the LaRouche movement, argues that nationalists (notably the American Founding Fathers) tend to be pro-industrial-progress, while imperialists (notably the City of London bankers and the British…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO: Authors for Universal Progress: Anton Chaitkin on America’s Fight for Universal Progress; David Colton on The Case for Universal Health Care
Listen live 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Anton Chaitkin discusses his new book Who We Are: America’s Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy. (Check out the book website Is the grand narrative of progress—a core element of the dominant secular humanist religion of the West—dead and buried, as Lyotard wrote in The Postmodern Condition? Not if Anton Chaitkin can help it! Who We Are offers a patriotic American, pro-nationalist version of the sacred narrative of material progress. Chaitkin, like others associated with the LaRouche movement, argues that nationalists (notably the American Founding…
FULL ARTICLEBarbara Honegger on Reopening 2001 Anthrax Case, Pentagon Plane Controversy, JFK-9/11
Listen HERE Journalist and activist Barbara Honegger returns to Truth Jihad Radio. She sent this list of topics: 1) The Lawyers’ Committee’s Oct. 15th filing with all 535 Members of Congress a Petition calling for a reopening of the Anthrax Attacks investigation. The date was intentionally chosen as it’s the anniversary of the date Daschle’s aide opened one of the two letters to Senators with highly weaponized (1 trillion spores per gram) anthrax. The documentation in the Petition effectively proves that Ivins, the ‘Lee Harvey Oswald’ patsy of the Anthrax attacks, not only did not do it but could not have…
FULL ARTICLEJonathan Revusky on COVID Skepticism, Radio Islam Interviews Kevin on Trump-n-Yahoo 911-2B
Listen HERE First 20 minutes: Radio Islam (South Africa) interviews Kevin on whether Trump will capitulate. (Note: This interview was recorded last week, before Israel assassinated Iran’s leading physicist, Professor Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.) Final 40 minutes: Jonathan Revusky is the author of the best red-pill article ever, “Battling the Matrix and Freeing Oneself from the Roger Rabbit Mental World,” as well as a masterpiece of a mission statement for “Faith, Reason, Fanaticism, and the Deeper Meaning of “The Donald.” So what’s Jon’s take on COVID? Part of the red-pilled community thinks it’s over-hyped if not a complete hoax. Another group thinks…
FULL ARTICLEIsrael Shamir on “Did Jews Fail to Deliver?” and “Charlie Hebdo Rides Again”
Listen HERE Russian-Israeli author and commentator Israel Shamir discusses his recent articles “Did Jews Fail to Deliver?” and “Charlie Hebdo Rides Again.” Watch the video version of this show HERE. Speaking of Charlie Hebdo riding again…you can read a sneak preview of my forthcoming article “Macron Escalates False Flag War on Islam” for the next (December) issue of Crescent International, reproduced HERE for my Patreon subscribers only.
FULL ARTICLEHarvey Wasserman on Election Fraud Claims and More
Listen HERE History professor and election integrity expert Harvey Wasserman (alongside Bob Fitrakis) helped expose the biggest well-documented presidential election theft-by-rigged-voting-machines ever: John Kerry’s unreported landslide 2004 victory over George W. Bush. So what does Harvey make of Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was rigged? In this interview Harvey Wasserman mentions the websites,, and He says Michael Moore-produced Planet of the Humans is wrong because “nobody advocates biomass any more” while solar and wind energy, and the battery technology they need, are (contrary to the film’s assertions) fully viable alternatives to fossil fuel and nuclear energy. Teaching American history since 1973,…
FULL ARTICLEAdam Green: New Evidence of Israeli Foreknowledge of 9/11 (Listen to the Confession!)
Listen HERE Adam Green of KnowMoreNews just had his YouTube channel taken down. Why? Maybe because he is asking why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” (During this broadcast, around the 10 minute mark, Adam plays a recording of Rabbi Avraham Benhaim discussing his eyewitness account of a top Israeli Hassidic rabbi’s apparent foreknowledge of the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers.) Adam Green notes…
FULL ARTICLELIVE RADIO! Adam Green on US Enslavement to Israel; Harvey Wasserman on Election Fraud Claims and More
Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at my Patreon page First hour: Adam Green of KnowMoreNews asks why the many well-documented reports of Zionist foreknowledge of 9/11 — including a just-discovered report about Israel’s top Hasidic rabbi saying “say goodbye to those (Twin Towers), you won’t be seeing them again” not long before the demolitions—are ignored or labeled “anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.” He notes that “Netanyahu takes orders from the Rebbe,” and that “Ariel Sharon says Rebbe gives government officials ‘military advice‘”…and wonders whether “Netanyahu is following ‘war by deception – zohar’ orders from the rebbe?“…and whether this…
FULL ARTICLELady Michele Renouf: I Risked 5 Years in Prison—and Won First-Ever Acquittal in German “WWII Heresy” Prosecution
Listen HERE On November 5th German prosecutors and a district court judge in Dresden suddenly ended their 32-month criminal case against Lady Michèle Renouf just days before the trial was to begin. Lady Renouf was charged with “incitement” under the §130 Volksverhetzung law, which has been used for the wholesale imprisonment of German dissidents, including scientists, authors and even the lawyers who defend them. What speech crime was she charged with? Expressing grief, sympathy, and repentance for the crimes her (British) government committed against German civilians during World War II, including the firebombing of Dresden. Lady Renouf’s impromptu remarks during the…