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Eric Walberg on Gender Madness; Eric Zuesse Nominates Gen. Douglas Macgregor for President

Listen HERE First half-hour: Eric Walberg discusses his latest book review “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl” and expresses his dismay with the media’s moronic anti-Russia propaganda. Second half-hour: Eric Zuesse nominates Douglas Macgregor! From Eric Zuesse: We need Douglas Macgregor for U.S. President. Here is why: Democrats, Republicans, and independents, all need this person in the U.S. White House. We are the American people; and he represents, more articulately than anybody else does, on the most urgent and important issue confronting the world, what all Americans — and all of the people in the world — need.…


NASA Whistleblower Richard Cook on “Zionist War on Russia”

Listen HERE Richard Cook, the NASA whistleblower who stopped the Challenger disaster coverup, discusses his latest article “Pro-Zionist U.S. Politicians Dead Set on War with Russia.” It begins: “World affairs are rapidly moving toward their culmination as the U.S.-instigated war between Russia and Ukraine threatens to escalate into a nuclear conflagration. The charge to world war is being led by U.S. Zionist politicians and bureaucrats, especially President Joe Biden and his chief implementer, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. As usual, the dirty work on the ground is being carried out by the ever-present CIA and its compliant military superstructure. By now the…


LIVE RADIO! NASA Whistleblower Richard Cook on “Zionist War on Russia”; Eric Walberg on Gender Madness; Eric Zuesse Nominates Gen. Douglas Macgregor for President

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Richard Cook, the NASA whistleblower who stopped the Challenger disaster coverup, discusses his latest article “Pro-Zionist U.S. Politicians Dead Set on War with Russia.” It begins: “World affairs are rapidly moving toward their culmination as the U.S.-instigated war between Russia and Ukraine threatens to escalate into a nuclear conflagration. The charge to world war is being led by U.S. Zionist politicians and bureaucrats, especially President Joe Biden and his chief implementer, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. As usual, the dirty work on the ground is being carried out…


Michael Brenner on Anti-Putin Frenzy

Listen HERE International Relations professor Michael Brenner discusses his new article “Why the Unhinged Russophobia and Anti-Putin Hysteria?”  It begins: “Among the many oddities of the Ukraine affairs, the most astonishing is the frenzy of hostile passion directed at Putin, Russia, and everything Russian. Nothing close to this has been seen since World War II when Hitler and the Nazis were Satan incarnate…The first thing to be said on this score is that the passion and drive have come from American elites. There has been no great wave of popular outrage, no mass demonstrations, no blood-curdling calls for revenge and…


Marilyn Singleton vs. American Oligarchy

Listen HERE Marilyn M. Singleton discusses her new article “Real Americans and the American Oligarchy.” In it she writes: “Federal and state governments have used Covid as a justification to cross the line from public safety measures into tyranny. Despite the decreasing Covid cases, the national Covid emergency declaration was extended beyond March 1, 2022. The national emergency designation gives the President more than 100 special powers that can bypass legal procedures ranging from banking to public health and anything else the government wants to control. “Despite a long tradition of differing opinions regarding medical disease processes and treatments, the…


LIVE RADIO! Marilyn Singleton vs. American Oligarchy; Michael Brenner on Anti-Putin Frenzy

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Marilyn M. Singleton discusses her new article “Real Americans and the American Oligarchy.” In it she writes: “Federal and state governments have used Covid as a justification to cross the line from public safety measures into tyranny. Despite the decreasing Covid cases, the national Covid emergency declaration was extended beyond March 1, 2022. The national emergency designation gives the President more than 100 special powers that can bypass legal procedures ranging from banking to public health and anything else the government wants to control. “Despite a long tradition…


Gordon Duff on What’s Really Going on in Ukraine

Listen HERE Gordon Duff of Veterans Today discussing the fake news story claiming Russia attacked a maternity hospital (it was staged with crisis actors, and we caught them red-handed!) He’ll also go over VT’s exclusive intel drop from Russia’s GRU explaining what they say is really going on, as well as the countless other MSM-suppressed Ukraine war stories VT has been churning out on an hourly basis.


Dmitry Orlov on “Ukraine: Everything You Know Is Wrong”; Nahed al-Huseini Agrees

Listen HERE First half hour: Dmitry Orlov weighs in on Ukraine. In today’s Orwellian America, “war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength”—or so the mainstream media tell us. But in reality, the truth is usually pretty much the opposite of whatever the MSM says. That seems to be the case with Ukraine, where the people we’re told are good guys are actually bloodthirsty zio-nazis, and the Russian cleanup (of US race-specific biological weapons, among other things) is more than justified, according to Truth Jihad Radio guest Dmitry Orlov. Dmitry Orlov was born in Leningrad, USSR, into an academic…


Prof. Gary Leupp on NATO Expansion; Dave Lindorff Says “No-Fly Zone” = Global Thermonuclear War

Listen HERE Tufts University history professor Gary Leupp discusses his prescient, updated article “Those Who Voted for the ‘Lesser Evil’ Voted for NATO Expansion.” (If global thermonuclear and biological war is the lesser evil, I’d hate to see the greater evil!) Then in the second half of the hour Gary’s fellow Counterpunch writer Dave Lindorff of ThisCantBeHappening discusses his latest articles” If the US or NATO Put Fighters in the Air Over Ukraine We’d Have World War” and “Germany Deserves a Big Share of the Blame for the Ukraine Disaster.”


LIVE RADIO: Gordon Duff on What’s Really Going on in Ukraine; Prof. Gary Leupp on NATO Expansion; Dave Lindorff Says “No-Fly Zone” = Global Thermonuclear War

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Gordon Duff of Veterans Today discussing the fake news story claiming Russia attacked a maternity hospital (it was staged with crisis actors, and we caught them red-handed!) He’ll also go over VT’s exclusive intel drop from Russia’s GRU explaining what they say is really going on, as well as the countless other MSM-suppressed Ukraine war stories VT has been churning out on an hourly basis. Second hour: Tufts University history professor Gary Leupp discusses his prescient, updated article “Those Who Voted for the ‘Lesser Evil’ Voted for NATO…

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