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Niall Bradley & Joe Quinn: Ottawa attack timing = false flag

Broadcast October 27th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Niall Bradley Joe Quinn My article Ottawa Attack: Another False Flag?  and Denis Rancourt’s report from Ottawa are getting a lot of reads at Veterans Today. But the first big piece on the apparent Ottawa false flag came from Niall Bradley: Ottawa under…


Live! Randy Short on Tehran conference & DHS interrogation; Four Arrows on anti-Indianism

Friday 10/24 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot. First hour: Dr. Randy Short is one of America’s most eloquent and outspoken activists. His DHS interrogation returning from the New Horizons Conference in Tehran was apparently longer and less friendly than mine. During this interview we’ll discuss: Is Ebola weaponized or even man-made? Are ISIS and Boko Haram created and funded by the CIA? Is America run by…


Cynthia McKinney on Ebola, false flags, and…another presidential bid?

Broadcast October 24th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Former six-term congresswoman and 2008 Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney is not your ordinary politician. Her uncompromising commitment to principled truth-seeking sets her apart from virtually all other federal office holders of my lifetime. In this interview we discuss the ebola scare;…


Criminology prof Jason Kissner: “The sky IS falling…slowly”

Broadcast October 22nd, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. Criminology professor Jason Kissner doesn’t think Ebola will ever kill as many people as the flu does. But he hastens to add that neocon/NWO conspiracies are very real, and the sky really IS falling. It’s just falling a lot more slowly than some…


Kevin steals Vinnie Eastwood’s stuff!

Broadcast October 20th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  NZ radio legend Vinnie Eastwood‘s unique blend of conspiracy and comedy is so cool I decided to steal some of it for my own show. Recorded a couple of days ago, this segment features very special guests me and Jim Fetzer discussing Israel…


Dr. John Morrow vs ISIS; Gordon Duff on Ebola operation

Friday 10/17 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot. Pope Francis receives Dr. Morrow’s book on Muslims’ obligation to protect Christians First hour: Dr. John Morrow, author of The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad with the Christians of the World, deplores the ISIS false flag operation against Islam; and Evelien Gilbert also joins us to discuss the NATO military exercise Southern Katipo that may have prepared a US-NATO…


Ajamu Baraka & Ibrahim Soudy on ISIS & 9/11 deceptions

Broadcast October 17th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows. First half-hour: Ajamu Baraka discusses the ISIS hoax as explained in his new article When Liberals Go to War: As ISIS Slaughters Kurds in Kobani, the U.S. Bombs Syrian Grain Silos. Ajamu Baraka has provided human rights trainings for grassroots activists across the country,…


Dave Lindorff on Ebola, Hong Kong unrest, & Boston false flag

Broadcast October 15th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  Dave Lindorff – one of the last real journalists in America – contrasts Cuban vs. American responses to Ebola, critiques knee-jerk leftist reactions to the Hong Kong protests, and explains what really happened at the Boston Marathon false flag bombing. (Hint: The Tsarnaevs…


Live show! Psy-ops whistleblower Scott Bennett, 9/11 museum leafleter Les Jamieson

Friday 10/10 – Listen live – 8 to 10 pm Eastern on Revolution Radio:  – click on the “Studio B” button. To be rebroadcast Sunday 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Eastern on  and then archived at the usual spot. Scott Bennett First hour: We live in an age of out-of-control psy-ops…and nobody understands that better than Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command) and global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, who is outraged that the CIA-linked Deep State is funding ISIS (“the best enemy money can buy“) and al-Qaeda. Scott was formerly…


Ian Henshall: Are “nonviolent conspiracy extremists” as bad as ISIS?

Broadcast October 13th, 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT) on, archived here. Note: subscribers can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of and go to the “Private Blog” to get early access to the shows.  UK Prime Minister David Cameron says “nonviolent extremists” – like 9/11 truthers – are as bad as ISIS. Ian Henshall, author of 9/11 Revealed: The New Evidence and 9/11 Revealed: The Unanswered Questions thinks those seemingly idiotic words were carefully crafted – and…

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