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ICC people should stay out of planes after Pompeo’s gangster style warning

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor interviewed by Press TV Mike Pompeo is warning that there will be consequences if the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates Israel. It sounds like a gangster style warning. Warning about ‘consequences’ actually is often code for ‘we will kill you and your family’ among organized crime figures, and the people in politics who are basically organized crime types. A famous example is when Dick Cheney threatened that there would be the “most extreme consequences for yourself, and the state of Minnesota” to Paul Wellstone.  He said if Paul Wellstone continued to pursue the path…


THE DEBATE: Germany Bans Hezbollah — Kevin Commits Civil Disobedience with Headband

In this edition of The Debate, Press TV interviews Kevin Barrett, editor at Veterans Today from Madison and Michael Lane, political analyst from Washington DC to look at whether Germany’s anti-Hezbollah decision was made as a result of US and Israeli pressure or it is to help US hegemonic plans for the region.


Epic Muslim struggle will continue until Palestine is liberated from Zionists

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, for Press TV As we approach Quds Day in 2020 which is the last Friday of Ramadan we are witnessing the Zionist genocidal occupiers going into a kind of an extreme frenzy, as they try to erase Palestine from the map. The Zionists are planning to annex part of occupied Palestine, meaning they’re going to claim that it is all part of so-called Israel. And this is, of course, a complete, extreme violation of all international law as well as the dozens if not hundreds of UN resolutions on the matter. So where will…


Trump presiding over low-grade simmering World War lll on behalf of neocons

US President Donald Trump is presiding over what amounts to a kind of low-grade simmering World War lll on several fronts, not just with Iran, but also with China on behalf of neoconservatives,  an American scholar has said. During a White House press briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic on April 20, 2020, Trump confessed to the stupidity of US policy in the Middle East. Referring to trillions of dollars spent on America’s never-ending wars, Trump asked, “How stupid have we been?” Yet two days later, he ordered the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats allegedly harassing US…


Did US torpedo the entire global economy to stop China’s rise?

Press TV By Kevin Barrett This is very interesting news that Israel is now saying that US intelligence warned them in November about a potentially catastrophic pandemic in Wuhan, China, and apparently other US allies were also warned in November. This confirms what ABC News reported earlier this week and, of course, the Trump administration denied it. You’re not supposed to believe anything until it’s been denied maybe twice or three times. So we’ll have to wait for a couple more denials before we can be sure that this is true. But assuming it is—and we’ve got these different sources…


What Noam Chomsky won’t tell you about COVID-19

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor, interviewed by Press TV Well, Noam Chomsky, at 91 years old is still doing his thing. He recently blasted Donald Trump and spoke out against the criminal sanctions against Iran. And that’s all to the good. Chomsky is a very interesting, well informed for the most part, and acerbic commentator, and I have to agree with much of what he said, including when he called Donald Trump a “sociopathic buffoon.” I think that’s quite accurate. He pointed out that the US response to the Coronavirus pandemic has been the worst in the world, which is probably…


Who’s behind COVID-19 pandemic: Are the chickens coming home to roost?

By Kevin Barrett for Press TV The question of whether the chickens are coming home to roost was famously posed by Malcolm X. And that was shortly after the JFK assassination. Malcolm X was suggesting that the same forces that the US had deployed to attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro, among others, may have bounced back in a case of blowback and killed President Kennedy. And of course, we know that there’s a certain amount of truth to that. Today we know that the same CIA assassination squads that were unsuccessfully attempting to kill Castro were in fact involved in…


US has to shut down biowarfare labs to save the world from pandemics

By Kevin Barrett, for Press TV The coronavirus is spreading here in the United States in an alarming fashion and the government is now moving into crisis mode. Nearly 15,000 people have been tested positive as of today, Friday, and it’s increasing exponentially. So the question becomes what went wrong? The US had plenty of warning on this. The Chinese figured out it was a problem back in January. And at that point, measures could have been taken that would have kept the problem very, very small. And that didn’t happen. I think we can look at this from a…


US biological warfare against China could lead to World War III

By Kevin Barrett A number of interesting developments here in the United States and in China suggest that there is something very strange going on regarding the coronavirus and the US government. We are now hearing from the Chinese government itself, as well as from Chinese social media, which is normally restricted, but in this case, it’s actually seems that people are being encouraged to post the same kinds of questions that we just heard from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang, who suggested that the United States military brought coronavirus to China. US military might have brought…

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