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Linh Dinh’s latest piece, fact-checked and corrected

A chakt fooker, I mean fact checker (thanks for correcting that!) recently interviewed me for what appears to be a forthcoming hit piece against Veterans Today. Melissa Goldin of NewsGuard asked me questions like: Is VT anti-Semitic? Is VT pro-Russian? Does VT vet its articles? Does it correct any misinformation they contain? And would I please supply an example of an article I had corrected? I decided that I’d better rush out and find some anti-Semitic pro-Russian articles to vet and correct. As if by magic, Linh Dinh’s new piece arrived in my inbox. After reading and fact-checking it, I…


Mathew Crawford: 200,000+ COVID Vaccine Deaths in US Alone?

Why Gordon Duff’s Claim That Nobody Has Died From a Covid Vaccine Is Wrong Mathew Crawford is a mathematician and statistician whose Rounding the Earth Substack is rapidly becoming a legend in its own time. In the first half hour of our conversation (transcribed below with links) he explains how hard data raises the strong possibility that the US has experienced more than 200,000 deaths from COVID vaccines (as opposed to the “zero vaccine deaths” asserted recently by Gordon Duff). The second half hour touches on history and geopolitics; psychopaths in general and the Western bankster elite in particular; and…


9/11: The Controlled Demolition of Trust in Authority

If you still believe corporate science and media about COVID or anything else, you are not paying attention By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Twenty years ago today, neoconservatives blew up the Twin Towers and blamed it on Muslims. Since that day we have witnessed an ongoing erosion of public trust in political, scientific and journalistic authority. Nobody quite knows what to believe any more. But we do know what not to believe: anything the mainstream media tells us. Some of my friends wonder whether anybody has really died of COVID. Why? Because the mainstream media keeps reporting huge numbers…


Yemen Smacks Saudi Aramco – New Age of Drone/Missile Resistance?

In the above video, “SPOTLIGHT interviews Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett author and Middle East expert out of Madison and Brecht Jonkers historian and journalist from Hasselt to look at retaliatory attacks by Yemeni army against Saudi Arabia’’s vital installations.” Below is an unusually good new piece on the Axis of Resistance drone & missile program. -KB How Iran’s Missile Strategy has Rewritten the Rules of Middle Eastern Wars Iran has built an extraordinary military alliance stretching from Lebanon to Gaza to Yemen that missile by missile has changed the rules of war in the Middle East By Arron Merat,…


“Death by a thousand cuts” for Iran—or Israel?

Israeli chief of the army staff, Aviv Kohavi has told reporters that the Israeli military is accelerating its operational plans against Iran. He says the recent military budget has earmarked funds to expand military capabilities against Iran. Israeli war minister Benny Gantz also echoed the same threat on Wednesday. He said Israel has the means to act and won’t hesitate to do so. Gantz did not rule out the possibility of taking military action in the future to thwart what he called a nuclear Iran. Who’s a threat to regional peace and security? Which country is really the nuclear outlaw?…


Ron Unz’s COVID-19 Bioweapon “Blowback” Theory Is Not Supported by the Best Logic and Evidence —Thomas Willcutts

Listen to Thomas Willcutts and Kevin Barrett debate this article live tonight on Revolution.Radio, 8 to 10 pm Eastern (Willcutts is the second hour guest). The best way to get at the truth (absent direct personal experience) is free and fearless debate. In this article, Part 1 of what will be a two-part series, attorney Thomas Willcutts argues that the global COVID-19 pandemic did not emerge as unintended blowback from a US neocon attack on China and Iran, as Run Unz has argued, but instead was the intended result of a larger plan by an international bankster elite. Part 2…


Now that we’ve lost Afghanistan, can we hang Dick Cheney?

Watch the bowdlerized YouTube version of FFWN above, or the full uncensored show HERE By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor It’s been almost 20 years since 9/11. Why is Dick Cheney still walking around free? America is falling apart and desperately needs to blame somebody for something. Vaxxers blame anti-vaxxers because COVID hasn’t disappeared as promised. Trumpsters blame Bideners for stealing the election. Trump-haters blame Trump for everything. I say let’s get it right and blame Cheney and the neocons for destroying America. 9/11 was the worst crime ever committed on American soil. It put the final nail in the…


Censored by Patreon, I’m Moving to Substack

Kevin on Substack Yesterday I received an email saying “Woohoo – you just got paid! $3,383.92 was just sent out to you from Patreon covering earnings up to July 6, 2021.” Woohoo indeed. When your boss fires you with “here’s the money we owe you, now get out of here” he doesn’t say “woohoo.” But Patreon is run by mindless robots, and they’re even more obnoxious than the lousiest boss. A dozen emails down, another Patreon bot wrote: “Hey there! We hope you’re having a good day. We’re writing to give you a heads up about a small change for some…


In Which We Blaspheme Against the Sacred Vax, the Holy WHO, and the Infallible Dr. Fauci

Above is the YouTube-safe, VT-safe False Flag Weekly News. Watch the full uncensored “blasphemous” version, complete with links to the stories, HERE. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Presbyterian minister John Shuck and I committed blasphemy in our introduction to this week’s False Flag Weekly News. If we had merely cursed God and His Prophets, spewed four-letter epithets for fornication and feces, urinated on sacred objects, and otherwise indulged in edgy Jewish comedy and avant-garde artistic expression, YouTube wouldn’t have cared. But we did something worse…vastly worse. We blasphemed against the sacred vax, the Holy WHO, and the infallible Dr.…


Random or Designed? COVID Origin and Evolution “Conspiracy Theories”

By Kevin Barrett Did COVID-19 jump from animals to humans due to random mutations? Or was a bat coronavirus deliberately tweaked to infect humans via gain-of-function research? The topic has been hotly debated since January 2020. But the debate was suppressed by the world’s most powerful institutions, including the medical and scientific establishments and the media, until May 2021, when suddenly it emerged as a legitimate topic of mainstream discourse. When one compares the human pathogen SARS-CoV-2 to its bat-infecting relatives, one notices features that at first glance seem engineered. The most obvious is the spike protein that functions as…

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