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LIVE RADIO! James Perloff on Ukraine “Wall of Propaganda”; Steve Kirsch on Why Vax Advocates Refuse to Debate

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Bestselling author and New World Order expert James Perloff dicusses his article “Ukraine: Behind the Wall of Propaganda.”  He sums it up: “So we are fighting for freedom and to ‘protect our national security’ when we invade and bomb countries thousands of miles and oceans away, yet Russia is ‘the bad guy’ when they intervene in a country on their border.” Second hour: Steve Kirsch is a self-described “retired high-tech serial entrepreneur” with engineering and computer science degrees from MIT. He is also a leading critic of the…


FFWN: Ukraine War Lies = Trillion$ for the Pentagon

Broadcasts live 11 to noon Eastern Saturdays — watch the full uncensored version above live or archived PSA 0) Fund FFWN not the Pentagon “There Will Be Profits” 1) Pentagon asks top 8 U.S. weapons makers to meet on Ukraine 2) American Generals and Military are directing the War in the Ukraine using Switchblade Drones  “There Will Be Consequences” 3) Russia warns of nuclear, hypersonic deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO 4) Brookings (Empire’s #1 think tank) threatens Mexico: “Cancel Russia or else!”  5) Marine Le Pen Vows to Pull France Out of NATO’s…


Zelensky and Hunter Biden Announce Donbass Wedding and Black Sea Honeymoon

Dissociated Press It what can only be hailed as a glorious political romance for the ages, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has announced his engagement to Hunter Biden, the American President’s glamorous ne’er-do-well son. The happy couple announced on Twittstagram that they will hold an elaborate traditional wedding in the bucolic Donbass region as soon as it is cleared of Russian troops, after which they will embark on a glamorous honeymoon on the shores of the Black Sea. The happy couple expects to snuggle up in a five-star hotel that will soon be built on the ruins of the Azov Steelworks…


Ex-CIA/State Dept./Special Forces Larry Johnson debunks “virulent” anti-Russia hysteria

Listen HERE Larry Johnson of The Son of the New American Revolution blog is a well-informed and eloquent critic of the official US government and media line on Ukraine. In this interview, Larry Johnson casts severe doubts on much of what we’re hearing from the media, including the claims that “Ukraine is winning”: “What you would expect to see if the Ukrainians functioned as an effective army: number one, in the east, they would have broken out. They would have actually launched a counterattack against the Russians and pushed the Russians back to the border. That hasn’t happened. In fact,…


Gideon Polya on Comparative Casualties; Henry Makow on “Russia vs. West = Men vs. Femmes”

Listen HERE Australian biochemist and avoidable mortality expert Gideon Polya, author of US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide, discussing “Epitaph For Madeleine Albright: Complicit In US Mass Murder Of Millions Of Non-European Children.” He notes that the West condemns the Russian war in Ukraine and bemoans the relatively small number of civilian casualties, “but only a tiny few humanitarians are also condemning Western hypocrisy in ignoring hundreds of millions of deaths from violence and imposed deprivation through US hegemony, subversion, sanctioning, robbing, bombing, invasion and devastation of non-European countries over the last 70 years. Black, brown and non-European lives matter.” Then…


Ellen Brown on the Coming Global Financial Revolution

Listen HERE Monetary analyst Ellen Brown discusses her new article “The Coming Global Financial Revolution: Russia Is Following the American Playbook.” She offers a succinct summary of the rise of the petrodollar, then argues that Russia is demolishing dollar hegemony with its petroruble. Unlike Michael Hudson, she does not view the coming demise of the petrodollar as global reserve currency as a disaster for the US economy.


LIVE RADIO! Ellen Brown on the Coming Global Financial Revolution; Gideon Polya on Comparative Casualties; Henry Makow on “Russia vs. West = Men vs. Femmes”

Listen live Fridays 8 to 10 Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at First hour: Monetary analyst Ellen Brown discusses her new article “The Coming Global Financial Revolution: Russia Is Following the American Playbook.” She offers a succinct summary of the rise of the petrodollar, then argues that Russia is demolishing dollar hegemony with its petroruble. Unlike Michael Hudson, she does not view the coming demise of the petrodollar as global reserve currency as a disaster for the US economy. Second hour begins with Australian biochemist and avoidable mortality expert Gideon Polya, author of US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide, discussing “Epitaph For…


FFWN: All you’ll know is lies, you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy (with E. Michael Jones)

PSA 1) Help FFWN avoid “owning nothing and being happy” False Flag History &  Context 2) 37th anniversary of Berlin disco false flag blamed on Libya  3) Pregnant actress (innocent, it turns out) blows whistle on maternity hospital false flag 4) US admits it’s using “bad intel” (lies) in “infowar on Russia” 4A) “The Russians” commit yet another “atrocity” (using a missile that only Ukraine has) Bucha False Flag 5) Bucha: U.S. Congress Reacts to Russia’s Alleged Ukraine Massacre 6) Russia says Bucha was a false flag “ordered” by US 7) Ukrainian Police Said…


The No-Show Physics & Civil Engineering Debate with RichardGage911 & _____

Why won’t any qualified experts defend the official story? I regularly host this annual debate, sponsored by the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness. Richard Gage, the guest debater this year, then provides a most persuasive presentation of the main points of the debate that would have to be satisfactorily addressed by a future opponent – if one were to be found. In the absence of an opponent this year, the debate was considered “Resolved: the Official Conspiracy Theory of 9/11 violates Newton’s Laws of Motion, especially the complete collapse of the 3 World Trade Center towers.” The debate occurs…


Matthew Ehret Says Putin Is NOT Klaus Schwab’s Puppet; John Titus on Petrodollar Precarity

Listen HERE The show begins with Matthew Ehret of CanadianPatriot contemplating the political demise of neoliberal Russians including Anatoly Chubais and whether or not Russia and China are in on the Great Reset. Halfway through the hour John Titus of the Solari Report joins to discuss ongoing financial warfare, including Russia’s recent decision to demand energy payments in rubles. John says “the pandemic narrative is nothing but a cover story to conceal from the public what in reality is the biggest asset transfer ever.” John Titus is a lawyer who makes videos and films about financial and monetary events that undercut…

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